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Topic: Strange discoveries in space (Read 15172 times)
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Posts: 150

The SC3 team turned out a game that was not so good. It didn't measure up to the standard set by SC2, and it had a few severe playability issues. But that having been said, it was clear the guys did their homework. They had been ordered by Accolade to answer all of the mysterious questions that SC2 posed, so that Accolade wouldn't have to pay Paul and Fred any more money. Within that constraint, they did a remarkable job of answering all those questions--I think all of their answers are, if not necessarily the answers I would have given, valid and interesting answers.
SC3 was a game that couldn't have been good if it wasn't done by Fred and Paul. But that aside, it was better than people seem to think.
Zebranky food

Posts: 28

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm trying to play it, but am very frustrated by the interface, especially the starmap. Try as I might, I can't find any way to find a star by name other than moving the cursor from one little dot to the next. By god that's annoying. I've yet to see a 3D starmap done well. 2D ones work wonderfully (SC2, I-War 2 for example). However, I'm very Starcon starved, so I'll keep at it until I finish the damn thing
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

I can't remember quite how it works, but up on the top right there's a filter button. It allows you to switch between viewing the stars by name or by another filter--i.e. what colonies are there, what ships are there, how much fuel is available, etc. If you click the button once it will switch back and forth. Also, there should be a blank black line below it--once you're viewing the systems by name, this line will allow you to type the first few letters of the star you're looking for, and it will take away the names of all the stars except ones that begin with the letters you typed.
Hope that helps.
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Actually, i thought the SC3-3d Starmap was done quite well with the filters. Although i always stopped the rotation as the very first thing when i lookad first at the map. Using the rotation scroller, i've always set it to the first position and thus got used to the map.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I had these problems too, until mz second try. In that try i planted at least one new colony in every starsystem, most of them only to synthesize fuel. Therefor i had fuel in nearly every corner of space.
I always got frustrated with how all my colonies abandonded me at one stage or another.. Half the quans, the Spathi, the VUX, the MYCON, all disappeared, and the rest always just became horribly ineffective like the Pkunk.. but it's a good idea, if I ever play the game again, I'll try that.. Doesn't it take a lot of time to get enough population to do this though?
And I agree, a 3d spacemap is much more realistic, at least in truespace, but it's not very user friendly. I wonder how a 3d-map of Hyperspace would look? Or better yet, a roating green Quasispacemap!. that'd really make for trouble judging distances...
What's up doc?
Posts: 1117

*Hurghi*! Krulle is *spitting* again!
Quasispace Portals were mere Wormholes, sometimes just towards other dimensions. It seemed to me like another Quasispace, or more precise, like a bunch of other dimensions. (QSF, QSM, QS...)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
I just thought of a way to have hyperspace and Quasispace in a 3-dimensional map, well, Hyperspace anyway. It wouldn't look very much like the Starcon3 map, and I suppose it'd actually be 2-dimensional in a sense, but bear with me...
say we have a very large sphere, with planets dotted all over it. You can travel from star to star, but basically you'd be travelling on the inside surface of this spehere (not through it!) so going from one half of it to the other would take positively ages.
Now inside this TruespaceSphere there would be a smaller sphere, The HyperspaceSphere. It'd be quite a bit further inside, making it much smaller, and it'd be connected to the larger Sphere by holes leading from the stars into Hyperspace. So basically, when you enter Hyperspace you just climb one of these holes and end up in Hyperspace, on the inside of that Sphere. the only place you can fall back out to truespace would as usual be either these holes, or by meeting another ship (your combined mass creates a hole which you fall through...)
And inside this Sphere is the last? spehre, the Quasispace Sphere. This sphere is again a lot smaller, but it's also a bit crunched up, it's not a perfect sphere like the others. You could call it folded. That's why the exits are so close to eachother, and yet lead to places very fair away from eachother. Likewise, at the place where Qspace is most folded, it's become weakened, and every now and then it breaks open for a while, creating the natural portal(s)
On an off note, maybe Orz *below* is outside our TruespaceSphere and thus even larger?
What's up doc?
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
The problem with the image above is that if you fold the inner quasispace sphere then it puts things further apart than they would otherwise be - a sphere is a minimal surface, to wit...
Anyway, according to this, you would have to cover 2/pi of the distance you'd have to go anyway to cross the sphere - and to go a short distance, you'd probably end up going much further using hyperspace. Maybe radial travel is faster???
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