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Topic: Toys for Bob RSS (Read 3595 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 358

Star Control Lives!
 I created something that takes the news content from the TFB news site and converts it to RSS. It saves time navigating to the site and will update immediately as news is added.
Everything seems to be working fine and I hope that it helps spread TFB news around faster for everyone using RSS readers. I'd love to find out what everyone thinks of it and especially if it is compatible.
If anyone has any ideas or feedback, I'd love to hear it.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2009, 03:33:31 pm by Anthony »
Posts: 568

This would be a good idea if the TFB site was actually updated more than once twice a year. Unfortunately, it is not.. so that RSS-scraper is not very useful . Funny how they mention a star control sequel there so often, but they never actually make one. Perhaps we'll discover the secret to the purple melnorme bridge, or the ingame cloaking device, before an SC sequel is made .
This would be a good idea if the TFB site was actually updated more than once twice a year. Unfortunately, it is not.. so that RSS-scraper is not very useful  . Agreeing with this.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
RSS is more useful for infrequently updating sites, so that you can just stop checking...
RSS is more useful for infrequently updating sites, so that you can just stop checking...
It's more useful if you want to be on the ground floor of every announcement. Most of us will hear about things a week late at worst without checking the TFB site at all.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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It's funny how committed this community is to Star Control. I mean, the game is nearly 20 years old, TFB keeps talking about making a sequel without it happening, and yet this community is still active. Kind of like when I play against Shiver and am too stubborn to just accept defeat, even though my chances of winning are close to nonexistent.
As disappointing as it might be, I don't think there will ever be a "real" sequel to Star Control II. It's just been too long, and most of the fan community is gone anyways. It just wouldn't be a wise business decision to create a sequel.
Forum Admin
Posts: 2847
As disappointing as it might be, I don't think there will ever be a "real" sequel to Star Control II. It's just been too long, and most of the fan community is gone anyways. It just wouldn't be a wise business decision to create a sequel. By that reasoning, no new franchise would ever be created. The fact is that many people, even those not involved in the "fan community" still fondly remember SC2. If a new SC were announced, there would still be a large buzz. That's one step ahead of any new franchise. Of course the game should be playable all by itself, and calling it Star Control 3 (or Star Control 4) would be a bad idea, but a "Star Control Tales — The Return of the Precursors" or whatever could still be a sequel storywise, while being commercially viable.
As long as Paul and Fred still want to create a new Star Control (which they do), and are in good health, we shouldn't count out a sequel.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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Are you sure they all haven't forgotten entirely about Star Control or abandoned it? The fact is, unless the game we're talking about is a well-known classic game (which it's not), there is almost no chance of success for a sequel, because people will pass it off as a terrible game because they've never heard of the game before it. On the other hand, if people see a commercial for an entirely new game they've never heard of before, and it looks good, they will become interested in it. I was interested in the commercial for The Conduit, even though it didn't sound like any game I'd played before, but I might have been less interested if it was called The Conduit 2.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I was talking about SC fans, not TFB... What I was saying is I don't think Activision would think it wise to allow TFB to create a sequel to Star Control II, in favor of fresh new games with modern gameplay.
Zebranky food

Posts: 30
If TFB's like "SC series sucked ass and we don't want to make a sequel." then you can say that there's no chance for a sequel, but they still seem pretty interested in it so there is still a probable chance of a sequel coming out (providing that enough people sign the petition.)
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