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Author Topic: voice file  (Read 1601 times)
Zebranky food
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voice file
« on: August 28, 2009, 08:56:44 pm »

I just recently found this game again after all these years.  Amazing!

I just cant get the voice file to work.  I stuck it in the  "Ur-Quan\content\packages" folder, but it doesn't work and i see no option to activate it in any way in the setup.  any ideas?

I also found and dloaded the lance vader utwig w effects, but it unzipped into its own set of folders and i dont know how to get that to work either.

It would also be cool if mouse would work with the game as well.
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Re: voice file
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2009, 10:07:59 pm »

I'm assuming this is the normal v0.6.2 release on Windows you're talking about.

I just cant get the voice file to work.  I stuck it in the  "Ur-Quan\content\packages" folder, but it doesn't work and i see no option to activate it in any way in the setup.  any ideas?
Did you unzip it? Don't do that. Just stick the ZIP file in there with the main content package.

Have you checked that speech has non-zero volume (Setup/Sound Options)?

If neither of these helps, please post the contents of the stderr.txt file in your UQM directory after talking to someone in the main game (e.g. the starbase commander).

I also found and dloaded the lance vader utwig w effects, but it unzipped into its own set of folders and i dont know how to get that to work either.
See instructions on using add-on packages.

It would also be cool if mouse would work with the game as well.
This has been discussed before and an enhancement request made. Nothing much seems to have happened since then, though. Was there something wrong with Nic's patch or did nobody in a position to merge it care?

RTFM = Read the fine manual.
RTTFAQ = Read the Ur-Quan Masters Technical FAQ.
Zebranky food
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Re: voice file
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2009, 11:02:12 pm »

didnt unzip it. its still a .uqm file

i turned speech up to 50%.


The Ur-Quan Masters v0.6.2 (compiled Jan 15 2007 13:56:34)
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY;
for details see the included 'COPYING' file.

Netplay protocol version 0.3. Requiring remote UQM version 0.5.4.
Initializing base SDL functionality.
Using SDL version 1.2.12 (compiled with 1.2.Cool
Using config dir 'C:/Documents and Settings/pentrekin/Application Data/uqm/'
Using 'C:/DOS/Ur-Quan/content' as base content dir.
Error: Zip file corrupt; could not find 'end-of-central-directory record'.
Warning: Could not mount 'uqm-0.6.0-voice.uqm': Input/output error.
1 available addon pack.
    1. remix
Saved games are kept in C:/Documents and Settings/pentrekin/Application Data/uqm/save/.
Initializing SDL with OpenGL support.
SDL driver used: windib
SDL initialized.
Initializing Screen.
Set the resolution to: 800x600x32 (surface reports 800x600x32)
OpenGL renderer: GeForce 8600 GTS/PCI/SSE2 version: 2.1.1
Screen scalers are using SSE/MMX-Ext/MMX code
0 joysticks were found.
Initializing OpenAL.
OpenAL initialized.
    version:         vendor:      %s

Initializing sound decoders.
Sound decoders initialized.
   'starcon.lst' -- 12414 bytes
   'lbm/scclrtab.ct' -- 104466 bytes
We've loaded the Kernel
VideoDecoder_Load: Unknown file type
   'lbm/title.ani' -- 20 bytes
   'arilou.lst' -- 315 bytes
   'arilou/ariicons.ani' -- 50 bytes
   'arilou/aritext.txt' -- 407 bytes
   'arilou/arilou.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'arilou/arimicon.ani' -- 46 bytes
   'chmmr.lst' -- 389 bytes
   'chmmr/chmicons.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'chmmr/chmtext.txt' -- 353 bytes
   'chmmr/chmmr.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'chmmr/chmmicon.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'human.lst' -- 304 bytes
   'human/humicons.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'human/humtext.txt' -- 331 bytes
   'human/human.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'human/hummicon.ani' -- 47 bytes
   'orz.lst' -- 349 bytes
   'orz/orzicons.ani' -- 50 bytes
   'orz/orztext.txt' -- 389 bytes
   'orz/orz.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'orz/orzmicon.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'pkunk.lst' -- 304 bytes
   'pkunk/pkuicons.ani' -- 50 bytes
   'pkunk/pkutext.txt' -- 329 bytes
   'pkunk/pkunk.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'pkunk/pkumicon.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'shofixti.lst' -- 569 bytes
   'shofixti/shoicons.ani' -- 50 bytes
   'shofixti/shotext.txt' -- 395 bytes
   'shofixti/shofixti.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'shofixti/shomicon.ani' -- 46 bytes
   'spathi.lst' -- 415 bytes
   'spathi/spaicons.ani' -- 49 bytes
   'spathi/spatext.txt' -- 382 bytes
   'spathi/spathi.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'spathi/spamicon.ani' -- 48 bytes
   'supox.lst' -- 304 bytes
   'supox/supicons.ani' -- 49 bytes
   'supox/suptext.txt' -- 321 bytes
   'supox/supox.cod' -- 1 bytes
   'supox/supmicon.ani' -- 47 bytes
   'thradd.lst' -- 409 bytes

Thread 'game clock' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'quasispace portal manager' blocking on semaphore 'Clock'
   'lbm/hyper.mod' -- 69396 bytes
Requested track 'lbm/hyper.ogg' not found.
_GetMusicData(): loading lbm/hyper.mod
Thread 'game clock' blocking on semaphore 'Clock'
    decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 17
InitGalaxy(): transition_width = 4096, transition_height = 3840
   'lbm/ambanim.ani' -- 2379 bytes
   'lbm/hyperpal.ct' -- 786 bytes
   'lbm/hyperstr.ani' -- 835 bytes
   'lbm/arispace.ct' -- 786 bytes
   'lbm/arispace.ani' -- 151 bytes
   'sis.lst' -- 311 bytes
   'sis_ship/sis.cod' -- 1 bytes
Trying to get undefined resource 00000000
Trying to get undefined resource 00000000
Trying to get undefined resource 00000000
   'sis_ship/sishyper.ani' -- 880 bytes
Thread 'quasispace portal manager' awakens, released from semaphore 'Clock'
Thread 'game clock' awakens, released from semaphore 'Clock'
Thread 'quasispace portal manager' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on semaphore 'Clock'
Thread 'game clock' awakens, released from semaphore 'Clock'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
   'lbm/starbase.mod' -- 55024 bytes
Requested track 'lbm/starbase.ogg' not found.
_GetMusicData(): loading lbm/starbase.mod
Thread 'game clock' blocking on semaphore 'Clock'
    decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 17
   'lbm/starbase.ani' -- 972 bytes
Thread 'rotate starbase' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
   'comm/comandr.lst' -- 248 bytes
   'lbm/player.fon' -- 1 bytes
   'comm/comandr/comandr.ani' -- 2827 bytes
   'comm/comandr/comandr.fon' -- 1 bytes
   'comm/comandr/comandr.ct' -- 3108 bytes
   'comm/comandr/comandr.mod' -- 67076 bytes
Requested track 'comm/comandr/comandr.ogg' not found.
_GetMusicData(): loading comm/comandr/comandr.mod
    decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 17
Warning: Can't open 'comm/starbas/starbas.ogg'
   'comm/starbas/starbas.txt' -- 61502 bytes
Found timestamp file: comm/starbas/starbas.ts
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb010.ogg
SpliceTrack(): no voice ogg available so setting speech volume to zero
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb010.ogg, source 6
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb039.ogg
Thread 'ambient animations' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb039.ogg, source 6
SpliceTrack(): loading comm/starbas/starb018.ogg
StreamDecoderTaskFunc(): finished playing comm/starbas/starb018.ogg, source 6
   'lbm/starbase.mod' -- 55024 bytes
Requested track 'lbm/starbase.ogg' not found.
_GetMusicData(): loading lbm/starbase.mod
    decoder: MikMod, rate 44100 format 17
   'lbm/starbase.ani' -- 972 bytes
Thread 'rotate starbase' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'game clock' awakens, released from semaphore 'Clock'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'Unknown (probably renderer)' blocking on 'DCQ'
Thread 'game clock' blocking on semaphore 'Clock'
'starcon2.00' is 1422 bytes long
Thread 'Starcon2Main' blocking on mutex 'Graphics'
Thread 'game clock' awakens, released from semaphore 'Clock'
Warning: Can't open 'lbm/mainmenu.ogg'
   'lbm/newgame.ani' -- 177 bytes
Zebranky food
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Gender: Male
Posts: 3

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Re: voice file
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 11:03:13 pm »

i posted the beginning and the end of that file. hope thats enough.  it was aparently too big to load it all
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Posts: 1938

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Re: voice file
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2009, 09:40:07 am »

Error: Zip file corrupt; could not find 'end-of-central-directory record'.
Warning: Could not mount 'uqm-0.6.0-voice.uqm': Input/output error.
Looks like your voice data file is corrupt; the download was probably interrupted. Try downloading it again and reinstalling; if the old and new file sizes don't match, we've probably found the problem.

RTFM = Read the fine manual.
RTTFAQ = Read the Ur-Quan Masters Technical FAQ.
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