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Topic: side characters for Groombridge Log, all aboard! (Read 2274 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
*note* I also posted this at the PNF forum.
There are around 2000 highly skilled and motivated members aboard the starbase. In addition there are 50 original crew members of the Vindicator and 18 in the first Cruiser.
Some names are given here and there - such as the Liebermann triplets, newly-promoted junior scientist Hawkins, Dr. Chu, Bukowski, etc...
So here is the thing: All those people exist in the Star Control universe. For the comic I have planned a few of the main characters, but the more there are well-planned side characters, the better.
I want the SC community to be a part of that planning process. Or to be exact, I want you all to come up with as much detail for as much people in the universe as you want (terrible sentence). It doesn't mean that I include every character in the story. It means that I have a databank of the characters whenever I need detailed information. Also, it would be just interesting to find out what kind of people there are.
It doesn't have to be someone who is mentioned in SC2, you can make everything up. The only rule I am giving is that everyone on board the starbase must be at least 30 years old, because the newest *batch* of *workers* arrived 8 years ago. Surely the "highly skilled and motivated professionals" would be at least 20 years old when selected to work at the starbase. It is possible that they have *multiplied* in the starbase. Then the oldest a child could be would be around 7 years old.
I'd like to have all ideas as replies in this thread. All ideas would be open for discussion.
Here is an example of what I am hoping for:
name: *given names* *last name* (mentioned in-game when...) (or not mentioned in-game) age, gender (if not obvious from name), nationality, history, characteristics, likes, dislikes, etc etc - basically anything and everything
Also, if you didn't understand what I want and why, I'll try to explain it better.
I don't think putting "all aboard" in your thread title increases activity. I'll chip in because I hate seeing threads drop off page 1 with zero responses.
Name: Polly Ester Gender: Female Age: 34 Nationality: Canadian Allergies: Cotton, Wool, Silk, Denim, Leather, Nylon, Rayon, Latex, Many varieties of fur and feather Current Occupation: Life Support Systems Technician (does that sound semi-plausible?) Future Occupation: Reassigned to studying alien lifeforms due to her background in xenobiology
Name: Silas Adalbern (generated from this page) Gender: Male Age: 25 Nationality: American Occupation: Your call Dislikes: Trains Note: Silas spends most of his recreation credits on model trains, which he promptly breaks. That is to say, every few days he'll stop by the star base's fabricator, purchase one, take it back to his quarters and then smash it to bits with a sledgehammer.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
The more information you can give on your character, the more useful it will be. A "background story" would be best.
Posts: 802

Stanislav Dorofei (random name , great site , Shiver !) . Age 35 , Eastern European male .
From the childhood Stan was very capable with all sorts of gadgetry and could achieve high position in technical world , if it was not for his laziness . In school he never studied much , passed all his exams at 70% , just by taking the logical answers and what came instinctively . Of course , this was not quite enough for his higher studies and the engineering degree he's got was not more than just a certificate . If not for several lucky occasions by people knowing his technical talent , he would find himself on the streets as soon as his parents had enough of his way of life ... But lucky he was and an opportunity presented itself - on one of the Starbase recruitments he got squeezed in because one of main candidates got into mountaineering accidents in a short period before departure . Dorofei grabbed this opportunity and end up on the starbase . At his new position - electrical maintenance crew - he got promoted quickly to team leader , because his superiors found rather quickly he is much better with coming up with his own solution , than with trying to put to use something from a procedure books . Over the years the superiors appreciation and the underling praises got Stan's laziness to give way , as motivation set in making quite an efficient work unit . At his free time , if he gets any , Stanislav enjoys reading old science fiction books , making parallels with reality and mocking inconcistencies , making models described and following culinary recipes wherever he encounters any , to the dislikes of his working crew , who has to try it afterwards . The main problem of this otherwise brilliant tech is schedules - he just can't perform under timeline restrictions , however loose they might be , the fact has cost him promotion numerous times , till everyone involved realized he is in his right spot , and to move him elsewhere would be a mistake . On a social side , Stanislav Dorofei is moderately sociable outside work environment , preferring small friendly gatherings over big parties .
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Very good, Alvarin, this is exactly what I was hoping for. I encourage everyone to put their creative minds into work and not feel ashamed of anything.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
How about putting in a reference to Space Quest? 
Name: Roger Wilco Sex: Male Age: 31 (?) Nationality: US Occupation: Janitor Note: "Ssshh! I'm hiding from the boss."
Or a reference to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Arthur Dent anyone)? That would be cool
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Sure, small random references are fun.
Posts: 802

I think I have already posted somewhere that Wilco is an Androsynth ... :p
Posts: 522

...what's this about? :/
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