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Author Topic: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009  (Read 3645 times)
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Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« on: August 29, 2009, 06:47:11 pm »

I'll be the one organizing this one it seems.


Saturday, September 5th, 2009


Here is how I found the various local times in case anyone's wondering.

    *  5 AM Sydney
    *  7 AM Auckland
    * 12 PM Los Angeles
    *  1 PM Denver
    *  2 PM Chicago
    *  3 PM New York
    *  8 PM London
    *  9 PM Paris
    *  10 PM Helsinki


#UQM-Arena on irc:// If you don't know how any of this stuff works, this thing that Gekko wrote may be of use to you.

[Tournament Rules]

1) The tournament will be played using Shiver's balance mod. Find out how to install it from here.
2) There is a maximum fleet size of 200 points for all players.
3) Do not use more than one of any ship type.
4) The "stalemate breaker" rule is in effect. There has been confusion regarding this numerous times, so here is the rule in its verbose entirety:


Rule: In the spirit of competition, both players should employ whatever tactics they consider most effective. This may result in a stalemate at some point. If so, the faster of the two ships becomes a designated attacker. The attacker does not necessarily have to make a bee-line directly for the defender, but they are required to take the initiative.

Explanation: Stalemates are bound to happen. We found this rule to be a relatively painless solution. The decision to use speed as a stalemate-breaker did not significantly reduce the effectiveness of Star Control's fastest ships. As it turned out, the most mobile combatants were best suited to withstand such a penalty.

[Tournament Structure]

Players will be paired against each other at random. The tournament will consist of three rounds using Swiss tournament rules, meaning that you will play against other defeated players if you lose a match. There will be an additional final round between undefeated contestants if a clear winner has not emerged.

If the player turn-out is low, everyone will play against everyone else once.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2009, 07:10:51 pm by Gekko » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2009, 12:45:15 am »

There's a reason I stopped trying to make these, you know. I'll be around to play in any case.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2009, 08:39:14 pm »

I'll probably be there.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2009, 06:16:49 am »

Not that I could have made it anyway, but you did have to make absolutely certain by putting it right when I'm picking up a relative from the airport, didn't you?
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2009, 03:42:28 pm »

I'm at a friend's that day but I'd totally be able to make it like half an hour later. Probably.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2009, 06:32:35 pm »

I really wish you would just post the time in GMT or UTC. It would be much easier.

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2009, 07:14:11 pm »

Seems I'll make it after all Grin
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2009, 08:36:31 pm »

Writing this here in case someone checks this thread in time.

Tournament begins in 30-50 minutes. If you are here reading the thread and not on the channel, shame on you. Join already!

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2009, 11:20:26 pm »

It seems I missed it. We were out shopping for school supplies and just got back 15 minutes ago. I wonder if the tournament is still going...

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2009, 11:54:06 pm »

... and it's done. 1 win, 3 losses... I'll leave the details to Gekko or whoever posts the scores Smiley

btw. my fleet was:
Chenjesu, Utwig, Orz, Ur-Quan, Vux, Druuge, Thraddash, Mmrnmhrm, Chmmr, Shofixti
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:07:32 am by SuddenDeath » Logged
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2009, 12:02:14 am »

The turn out was 5 players. We had a small, nice round robin that lasted roughly 3 hours. In the end Gekko won, even though my last game vs Shiver could as well be a draw. It was bullshit lucking.

Gekko: 4/0

- Wins SquisherX by 110
- Wins SuddenDeath by 92
- Wins SirDayBat by 52
- Wins Shiver by 34

Shiver: 3/1

- Wins SquisherX
- Wins SuddenDeath by 62
- Wins SirDayBat by 46
- Loses to Gekko by 34

SirDayBat: 2/2

- Wins SquisherX by 42
- Loses to Gekko by 52
- Wins SuddenDeath by 16
- Loses to Shiver by 46

SuddenDeath: 1/3

- Wins SquisherX by 90
- Loses to Gekko by 92
- Loses to Shiver by 62
- Loses to SirDayBat by 16

SquisherX: 0/4

- Loses to Gekko by 110
- Loses to SuddenDeath by 90
- Loses to Shiver
- Loses to SirDayBat by 42
« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:24:42 am by Gekko » Logged

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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2009, 04:35:52 am »

Fun times. Squisher must have been very rusty if he lost to Sir Day Bat and Sudden Death by that much. I've still got some tweaks to make on the mod apparently. That new Umgah was a nasty surprise!

I told Gekko I'd be willing to run #uqm-arena meet-up events. These will be a lot like tournaments except more laid back. Real tournaments are not viable anymore these days. More open-ended melee events might be. My goal is to accommodate the players with the following issues: Early arrival, late arrival, unwillingness to play against expert players, an interest in playing but limited free time, insistence upon using Thraddash in vanilla UQM, distaste for standard tournament rules, distaste for unusual game variants, refusal to try melee mods. The kind of problems that plague most of the tournaments. I think they can be worked around. Hosting a meet-up is better than letting Gekko steal my tournament format when I refuse to run one myself and then having to support his tournament anyway. Want more details? You'll see in a week or so.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2009, 01:23:15 am »

What fleets did you all bring?

While driving to the airport, knowing that this was going on, I thought about special tourneys...

Like, a tournament in which the two fleets are fixed - let's say, as an example, old hierarchy and old alliance - a match is two rounds, one each way, with the overall winner based on points.

There'd be no need to make the fixed fleets fairly balanced to each other at all. You could have a fleet with every slot a marauder vs the old alliance, and the tournament would still be fair.
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Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2009, 01:29:42 am »

There are a lot of expert programmers in this scene, but why hasn't anyone created some kind of ingame lobby system that matches up players for quick battles? Smiley

Re: Balance Mod Tournament for September 2009
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2009, 03:08:51 am »

Quote from: Death999
What fleets did you all bring?

All I remember is Gekko's Umgah killing things I hadn't bothered to test it against and later being savagely violated by a string of bad spawn locations. 200 point fleets lead to nice big games with lots of ship variety, but the fleets themselves are indistinct; that many points gives players enough room to cover all their bases. I didn't save my fleet so don't remember its composition exactly.

What I do remember is lots and lots of Ur-Quan. I had one. Most or all of the other players did too. It was always powerful. I need to uptweak Chenjesu so it does its job better.

Quote from: Angelfish
There are a lot of expert programmers in this scene, but why hasn't anyone created some kind of ingame lobby system that matches up players for quick battles? Smiley

Don't let the balance mod confuse you. I can't program my way out of a virtual paper bag. I only know the ship code because I banged my head against it for days and asked real programmers a lot of questions.

Novus has supposedly done some work on an in-game lobby. No idea if that's going anywhere.

Quote from: Death 999
Like, a tournament in which the two fleets are fixed - let's say, as an example, old hierarchy and old alliance - a match is two rounds, one each way, with the overall winner based on points.

There'd be no need to make the fixed fleets fairly balanced to each other at all. You could have a fleet with every slot a marauder vs the old alliance, and the tournament would still be fair.

Those are good ideas. I have a few untested tournament ideas myself, the zaniest being a Secret Mission tournament where every player is given goals such as "load a Syreen Penetrator up to 42 to crew in one of your games" and "select your ships randomly and still win a game". That would be fun. If the community weren't dead, I would try it.
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