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Topic: Global Warming Denialist (Read 31131 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

I think you might have a little too much time on your hands.. And to be honest, it seemed like there might be drugs involved? Your two arguments that you used over and over in the video didn't even make sense to me. Is the video a mockery? (mockumentary) or are you trying to fool others into thinking you are a denialist? I'm guessing the former, but it seems more of a back-fire making you the mockery in that instance.
Posts: 568

Do you have a spare computer/laptop somewhere? Put this video on it while recording, Place the computer/laptop in the direction of the camera. I hope that enables you to actually look into the camera, your eyes are all over the place! .
Secondly, there is a very easy experiment that you can do at home to simulate the effect of global warming on the oceans. Just take a bottle of cola or any carbonated drink that you want. Pour it in a pan, and start heating it. Notice the bubbles rising up from the cola? It's up to you to explain what is it that happens. After you've done that, compare the results to the graphs of CO2 levels that Al Gore has been showing in 'an inconvenient truth'. Do you also get the feeling that we have a 'chicken or the egg' story going on here? 
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
See, that's called a 'positive feedback loop'. In this case, that's really bad
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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I'm all for making fun of people, global warming pro folks and anti-GW people included. It might help to read up a bit on the subject in order to poke better fun at them. Frankly, people who claim to believe completely in either side give me the chills (pardon the pun).
One thing that keeps confusing the issue (sorry, I'm going a wee bit off-topic here) is that the global warming question is actually made up of two parts. 1. Is the planet getting warmer? 2. Are humans the cause of the planet getting warmer?
The thing that scares me is the people who do not believe the planet is getting warmer AND use that to justify trashing the environment. Personally, I'm not convinced the planet is warming, but I would encourage anyone to lower their environmental foot print just the same.
As for whether we'll see the truth in 10 years, maybe, but chances are we'll have forgotten most of this. Does anyone here remember the Global Cooling panic of the 1970s? Anyone? Also, for people interested in the debate, I'd recommend watching both An Inconvenient Truth and The Great Global Warming Swindle. There's a bit of food for thought in both videos.
I think you're misinformed. Both of those videos are not very good. Instead, I would suggest a video called How It All Ends on YouTube, which also has an expansion pack (starting with How It All Ends: Index) with a lot of information.
The global cooling thing is one thing many denialists use. The truth is, the scientist that initially made this observation soon said he was wrong, but the media kept acting like it was still true.
The truth is, there really isn't a debate. Big oil companies like Exxon are just making small finds (that are usually incorrect) seem bigger by promoting them. And several denialists are falling into the death trap.
Posts: 568

For me, it's the other way around. I do believe that the earth is warming up, but that the influence that we have on this is so minimal that our efforts will hardly have an effect. This is because the world's population is not willing to take the harsh measures that are neccesary for us to reduce our carbon footprint. It's not just the inefficient cars we drive, the polluting power plants that we have or the massive deforesting that's going on. The main problem is that when you get children those children will drive cars that will pollute the atmosphere with CO2, those children will build houses that use wood in it causing massive deforestation and those children will use electrical equipment that uses power generated by polluting power plants.
So, if you really want to reduce your carbon footprint, make sure your heritage dies with you. Don't have any children. Also, when someone in your family is terminally ill don't treat him/her so he/she lives for another 20 years and continues to contribute to humanity's carbon footprint for another 20 years.
Concluding, there is only one way to thorougly reduce the carbon footprint of humankind, and that's to reduce the population to the levels of before global warming started.
The general consensus is that following the second world war we started to pollute our atmosphere greatly, so let's take 1950 as the target. In 1950, the world's population was 2,519 million people. Right now, it's 6,707 million people. So if we somehow get rid of 4,188 million people we should be fine for the foreseeable future. That's about 3 out of 5 people that are currently living, need to somehow die and not reproduce.
But, well, as I said, people aren't prepared to make such sacrifices, so I guess we're stuck with global warming as it is.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 432
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For me, it's the other way around. I do believe that the earth is warming up, but that the influence that we have on this is so minimal that our efforts will hardly have an effect. This is because the world's population is not willing to take the harsh measures that are neccesary for us to reduce our carbon footprint. It's not just the inefficient cars we drive, the polluting power plants that we have or the massive deforesting that's going on. The main problem is that when you get children those children will drive cars that will pollute the atmosphere with CO2, those children will build houses that use wood in it causing massive deforestation and those children will use electrical equipment that uses power generated by polluting power plants.
So, if you really want to reduce your carbon footprint, make sure your heritage dies with you. Don't have any children. Also, when someone in your family is terminally ill don't treat him/her so he/she lives for another 20 years and continues to contribute to humanity's carbon footprint for another 20 years.
Concluding, there is only one way to thorougly reduce the carbon footprint of humankind, and that's to reduce the population to the levels of before global warming started.
The general consensus is that following the second world war we started to pollute our atmosphere greatly, so let's take 1950 as the target. In 1950, the world's population was 2,519 million people. Right now, it's 6,707 million people. So if we somehow get rid of 4,188 million people we should be fine for the foreseeable future. That's about 3 out of 5 people that are currently living, need to somehow die and not reproduce.
But, well, as I said, people aren't prepared to make such sacrifices, so I guess we're stuck with global warming as it is.
What we need is different forms of energy, and for that to happen we need denialists to stop trying to prevent that from happening.
I have disabled ratings and comments for the video. I'm going to make another video, this time using a more direct approach than before.
Posts: 568

You're giving denialists too much credit, they don't have such power. Besides that, no new form of energy can consume CO2 in such a way that a tree can .
Posts: 568

You're giving denialists too much credit, they don't have such power. Besides that, no new form of energy can consume CO2 in such a way that a tree can  . The idea isn't to consume CO2, it's to stop releasing CO2. That's impossible! It needs to be combined with replanting forests etc.. AND a lot of people need to die, because when the population doubles their CO2 footprint will never be halved. Let me restate that. We need to stop burning fossil fuels. Unfortunately, using grown biofuels instead of fossil fuels will warm up the earth for centuries to come, so I think you need to restate it again. Right now, there is no way to diminish the carbon footprint except going back to horse and carriage for transport, or having strict birth control rules (ie. 1 child per family)
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