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Topic: UrQuan Masters for XBOX (Read 12669 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Its quite neat really.
You set it up with Avalaunch ( which I wrote with some friends ) and this will come up when you boot :

When you select Games, you'll get this :

In order to put in new games, there's two ways - either FTP (since we put in a ftp server), or use a system we made called boostmode. Boostmode is from 5 to 1000 times faster, but it only sends xbox iso's over the network using Qwix (pc program), so in this case it'd be a good idea to use qwix to send it over, since it's a whole lot of files, and ftp hates masses of files.
If you'd like to see more bout avalaunch, click
There's other dashboards as well, most of them works in similar ways, but it seems that we're the ones that figures out how things works 
Zebranky food

Posts: 7

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
the thing is - Microsoft has outlawed the xbe's, so hosting something that popular would be a problem. This is how you get it, step by step :
1. go to irc, Efnet server
2. join #xbins
3. /msg xbins !list ( or whatever the login message says )
4. use the login you get to the xbins server and get /xbox/apps/dashboard/avalaunch
There's one catch to it all - you need to have a modified xbox. It won't run on an unmodified xbox as it'd piss off microsoft a ton And you don't want that.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1

I'm searching for this for my xbox as well. I need the file uqm-0.4.0-3domovies.uqm. Do I need this file to play the game or can I use a different one? Does anyone know where to find this file? I have all the rest.
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