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Author Topic: Star Control 3 remake...  (Read 7855 times)
Zebranky food
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Star Control 3 remake...
« on: September 29, 2009, 07:35:22 pm »

Hey guys,

     just a thought...I am wanting to do an RPG Maker XP game of Star Control 3 (not the crappy bit released years ago, but a take off from the end of Star Control 2 using the same history and storyline of 2 to continue the story). I was wanting to get a feel to see what, if any, interest there would be in such a game. I am currently making 3D models of all the ships to use; I can position them and render each shot out in whatever pose I need for sprites. I can also use them to animate for battles and all.
     Anyway, here's the website so you can check into it:
     I'd love any and all feedback, this will be a LOT of work and I want to make sure it will be worth it... Grin
Frungy champion
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2009, 07:42:01 pm »

Well it's not really a Star Control 3 remake then.
And, whether it will be worth it.... Be wary, if you do it right, you will be hailed as a god, but if you err in your game, you will earn the hatred of all SC fans...

Just kidding Cheesy
Well, it's hard to give you feedback since there's nothing done yet.

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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2009, 08:25:11 pm »

Well it's not really a Star Control 3 remake then.

Don't call it Star Control 3 either. Not to say that a fan project with lofty goals can't turn out well, but that title belongs to Toys For Bob even if they themselves won't get to use it.
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2009, 09:27:43 pm »

Be wary, if you do it right, you will be hailed as a god, but if you err in your game, you will earn the hatred of all SC fans...

yeah I know what happenes to fanmade games that blow it. Pretty gruesome, axually...

Don't call it Star Control 3 either. Not to say that a fan project with lofty goals can't turn out well, but that title belongs to Toys For Bob even if they themselves won't get to use it.

I wasn't actually going to use the name "Star Control 3", I just wanted people to understand that I wanted to replace the gawd-awful SC3 that was unfortunately published out of TFB's hands. They massacred the Star Control universe, and I wanted to right a few wrongs Wink

So, time will tell, I guess. Either I die a nasty prolonged forum death, or I kicka$$ and die a legend lol
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2009, 07:05:13 pm »

Well, it's hard to give you feedback since there's nothing done yet.

true, if I was asking for feedback on content. I was asking more for feedback on the idea itself, sorry  Wink
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2011, 02:29:26 am »

If you have made any progress on this game I am very interested!!!!  let me know!  Send me an email to
Death 999
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2011, 03:08:58 am »

Well, this never went anywhere, but there's Project 6014. Look around for it!
Admiral Zeratul
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2011, 12:40:19 am »

It's somewhat sad, but we still have the HD Mod and Project6014 to look forward to.

Priority override. New behavior dictated. Must break post into component ideas.
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #8 on: July 31, 2011, 02:50:15 pm »

Although Project 6014 is a really nice idea and fairly well done also, I really want to be able to play SC3 in Windows 7 without it giving me a blue screen.  I did not get very far in SC3 and each time I try it I get even less far because it crashes before I have a chance to save.
Death 999
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #9 on: July 31, 2011, 06:02:21 pm »

You really aren't missing much. The brokenness extends beyond crashing on XP to the event system, the ship design, down to their sense of the setting.
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Re: Star Control 3 remake...
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2011, 02:30:16 pm »

Although Project 6014 is a really nice idea and fairly well done also, I really want to be able to play SC3 in Windows 7 without it giving me a blue screen.  I did not get very far in SC3 and each time I try it I get even less far because it crashes before I have a chance to save.

I assume you've got something like DOSbox already.  I'd start with making sure you have the most recent version of that program you can find.  Then run it in administrator mode.

If updating that program to the most recent version you can find doesn't help, then you can at least rest assured that you aren't missing much.  They gimped a number of features from SC2 and came up with BS technobabble to excuse their being too lazy to recreate the setting properly ("Bubble Warp?"), and figured the fans would be satisfied with a few references to intel players already knew from SC2 and a lot of established gags being repeated.

The new races they created actually weren't that bad, and they at least made an effort (paltry, perhaps, but still) to make them match the mood and feel of the existing ones.  Unfortunately the over-arching plot line was kind of dull and there weren't too many side-quests or sub-plots to keep players occupied while they waited to for the end to come.

The lack of micro-management on your ships is what I missed the most.  Beyond being able to customize my flagship, there was something magical about needing to fill the gas tank every so often that really let me feel I was in control of this vehicle and its fate.
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