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Topic: iPhone port almost complete, some Q's maybe someone can help with... (Read 10128 times)
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

Paul has an I-Phone (I use a Blackberry). He would love to see something when it's available ( or
Dogar and Kazon are watching!
Zebranky food

Posts: 12
Some answers to the questions...
The first released version won't include networked play... but I do plan to include that in a future version if this release is successful enough to warrant it. The iPhone networking features are more than robust enough to port that part of the game over.
The probe wasn't spawning because of a silly mistake on my part. When I first grabbed the source and tried to compile it all for the iPhone, a lot of stuff wasn't compiling correctly. I decided to just comment out the bits that weren't working at first to see if I could get the screen to come up at all. Once I had worked out all the problems there were a couple of areas I forgot to comment back in. One was an init function for the probe, and the other was the music for the intro. When I found these and re-enabled them the game started working correctly.
The game is just about complete now, tons of optimizations in the SDL and Audio layers had to be done. The framerate on a 3G is still not ideal, 3GS works fine. Both are certainly playable. There are two control schemes in place that are configured using the in-game menu. Both use three buttons, labeled A,B,and C on the right side of the screen. Directional control is either simulated buttons (think d-pad), or a simulated analog controller (Think joystick). The analog controller works by detecting where you first touch, and then the movement vector is determined by how far you slide your finger from the center. This has proven to be better (for me at least) for the melee fights, as the buttons just weren't fast enough and I was getting owned.
I also added an autosave feature which will save your game automatically if the device exits the game for whatever reason. Typically this is because of a phone call. Autosaves always store in slot 0, and you cannot save over them.
Most of the other menu settings have been disabled, as keys are not configurable, and the graphics options can't change as they have been greatly optimized for the device as-is.
There are a couple of issues I still have to look in to. You can't start a battle in Super-Melee for some reason... none of the buttons work when you select Battle, and if you attemt to change the pilot or ships name the controls don't work right, things go a little nuts and you end up with a ship named "RRRRRRRZG". Nothing too tragic.
The web site for the port is almost ready, I'll post an announcement here when it's all set.
Zebranky food

Posts: 5

Patron of the Nerdly Arts
Cupcakus -- hope everything is going well and that you're close to submitting this one. I'd love to be able to play UQM/SC2 on the go with a touchscreen.
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
Any good news there? its been over two years i've found this site which i suppose has something to do with this project
Posts: 1044

Dark Quadrant is actually something else entirely. The main dev for that project posts stuff at the SCDB every so often, so you can find out more here and in various other topics in the forum's "mods and fan projects" section.
Zebranky food

Posts: 27
Any news on an iOS release??
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
Note that the last time we heard anything from the developer of this project was over a year before that article you linked was posted. Even if it would have been a concern to him, it hadn't happened at the time he was discussing the idea in this thread. Plus, I suspect the biggest reason Apple pulled the particular GPL program that article is discussing was probably because the author sent them a C&D, so they, y'know, C'd & D'd. I don't personally have any GPL apps lying around to submit just to see if Apple would ban them up front, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they're only too happy to distribute new GPL stuff as long as no one complains about it.
This iPhone port has been dead for a long, long time - speaking as one who has scoured the web looking for a working copy of the program, mind you. There's nothing left here but shattered hopes and broken dreams. =(
« Last Edit: July 13, 2012, 04:43:39 am by Steve-O »
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
Frotz is still in the app store, and it's GPL.
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