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Topic: [SOLVED!] Mac OSX planet color problem after build (Read 1950 times)
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Posts: 116
Hi y'all!
After a several hours' battle involving installing, re-installing and re-re-installing Xcode I finally got the UQM source to build on MAC OSX for the first time!
Everything seems to work except... All the planets appear as cyan when inside a solar system. They are cyan colored at every zoom level, but otherwise have their original properties (all the other graphics are OK when for example orbiting, the planets contain the minerals and other stuff they should have exactly as in the original game...)
I've completed the missions in the Sol system and poked a bit at other solar systems and there seem to be no other anomalities in the compiled product.
I've tried with and without OpenGL and also with and without the graphics/sound optimizations, always with the same results.
Have you encountered the same thing? Wonder what would help!
Running and built on: MAC OSX 10.6.1 sdl 1.2.14 sdl graphics 1.2.8 (and libogg 1.1.4 with libvorbis 1.2.3)
« Last Edit: October 22, 2009, 10:41:51 am by superbutcherx »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 116
Hey, thanks a bunch for the swift answer!
It just might be the same thing as the other guy encountered: botched up SDL_image...
Since it was the first additional library I installed I might've messed up the process somehow, being an absolute beginner and all, OR the 1.2.8 version dislikes UQM.
Well, have to try re-installing the thing after work!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 116
Solved! Thanks to Cupcakus's invaluable help at
The 1.2.8 SDL_image caused the planet color problem.
Long story short, I had to remove image_IO.c from the SDL_image source files and explicitly make the SDL_image use IMG_png.c for png handling.
In order to make this possible one needs to add libpng and zlib source files among SDL_image sources and compile them all into a single package. The easiest way to do this on Mac OSX is to use the xcode package of SDL_image and drop all the needed files there. Also, it was necessary to add a call to INIT_PNG() function into the beginning of load_PNG() function in IMG_png.c. Also, I had to remove some limiting #ifdefs from IMG_png.c.
(What? Is someone still reading this geeky mumbo-jumbo...)
Hope this will help someone else battling with boring monochrome planets too!
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