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Topic: Uncyclopedia SC2 page (Read 5342 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
Uncyclopedia rocks, I had such a good laugh with the MoO2 article, being a megafan for that game and all 
This one is also ok, tnx for the reminder.
That seemed alright to me. I've never seen this site before. It definitely beats Enyclopedia Dramatica in terms of funny, but that really isn't saying anything at all.
Thraddash: These tusked, ostreparous mammals live in the Draconis cluster. Their civilization, wiped out many times as stated in the game, did not, however, stumble accidentally into the afterburner. Instead, the afterburner was the natural progression of technologies from barbecue grill to flame thrower to rocket pack to flame-throwing-rocket-pack-barbecue-grill to afterburner. Their gun is known as the "plinker". Ohh, we're definitely adopting this nickname for the Mark VI Blaster in #uqm-arena starting right now.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2009, 04:10:48 am by Shiver »
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