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Topic: Easy way to start? (Read 3452 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Sorry, I'm new to this game, and I've heard from a lot of people that this game is really fun, has a good story/quests etc, except I find the beginning so far to be tedious and off-putting... I've drained basically every resource I can reach, and am about to quit because I seem to be making no progress and am about to no longer be able to afford fuel to fly to new systems I really want to see the content and story of this game from all the recommendations i've heard about it, but the resource-gathering has just been annoying.
Am I doing something drastically wrong in the start? Or is there a way to just get free RUs like editing a file or something? Like I said, I really want to play this game, but so far its just been kinda aggrivating.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
What are you spending your RU on? Mainly fuel?
Take note of how much fuel you're spending to send your lander to the surface. It often won't be worth it to go, as you'd have to cut your whole journey short and waste more fuel getting home again. A longer trip will thus be more profitable than several short ones.
Or is your main expense replacing your cruisers after encountering probes? In that case, try two things: 1) go faster. You can outrun anything, even probes. 2) try a different ship...
If you have met some avian friends, they can give you some ships. These aren't very strong in the hands of a beginner, but they can be disassembled for quite a lot of RU.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Well I explored every close galaxy, because I don't know which ones are the best to visit, i figured nearest is as good as any, lost a lot of money replacing landers which I understand is my fault, but I really don't feel like restarting and wasting my progress/time invested so far... Also a fair amount went into parts for the ship like thrusters/turning jets.
I feel like a game shouldn't penalize you for not having extensive knowledge of the game mechanics and specific galaxies before you started =/ or at least if it does have a +money cheat hidden to help you make up for it.
I guess i'll try starting over and being a lot more conscious of what minerals i pick up and trying to minimize costs...
Posts: 701

Well I explored every close galaxy, because I don't know which ones are the best to visit, i figured nearest is as good as any, lost a lot of money replacing landers which I understand is my fault, but I really don't feel like restarting and wasting my progress/time invested so far... Also a fair amount went into parts for the ship like thrusters/turning jets.
I feel like a game shouldn't penalize you for not having extensive knowledge of the game mechanics and specific galaxies before you started =/ or at least if it does have a +money cheat hidden to help you make up for it.
I guess i'll try starting over and being a lot more conscious of what minerals i pick up and trying to minimize costs...
No question that this can be a tedious game, especially if you get stuck into just harvesting resources. And yes you do get punished for not knowing the mechanics - that's what the manual's for I guess. I thoroughly recommending downloading it and reading it. It provides some neat background which gets you excited about the SC universe. You can get it here:
Starting again might be a good idea and bear in mind everything Death999 said. Again: 1) Don't send landers to planets that are too hostile (like that are too hot, have dangerous lifeforms, tectonics or weather. You can see a planets vitals when you click "scan". Before you hit "despatch", make sure that tectonics are below 5, weather is below 3, temperature is below 300 deg, and if you spot big nasty fast aliens, get hell out. A bit later in the game you get to purchase improvements to your landers that help you manage these dangers. 2) Don't rely on Earthling cruisers to destroy the red probes. Others ships you can acquire will do a better job 3) Some minerals aren't really worth picking up as the total cost of extracting them is more than what you get for them. You can leave cyan and red minerals alone - and probably grey too. 4) Pick your plaents/stars. At some point of your early dialogue with Commanders Hayes, he provides a clue as to what colour planets are the best value. Keep an eye out for this when you restart. While you're at it use your first meeting with him to ask for tips/clues. You get to ask about aliance and heirarchy races, as well as unknown races. He will give you leads on where to go.
If you can do these 4 things, you'll have more resource to quest . And when you quest, you occasionally come across motherlodes of precious minerals. Win/Win!
One more really good thing to do, download the starmap. I recommend the original (others have spoilers): **but i cant find the link!!** (help someone?)
Or this good reproduction:
*Smell* controller
Posts: 271

Word of advice, don't use this method unless you're absolutely stuck, because the game will become pretty easy. Keep plugging away in the nearby star systems, or maybe try this when you play the game a second time.
"Easy Money"
1.) On PNF, there is a list of the most mineral-rich star systems near Sol. Head for these places immediately, and you'll only need to harvest minerals a couple of times. I'll explain why in a later spoiler. The system I use to easily beat the game is to start mining at Alpha Centauri and Alpha Ptolmae until you get enough RUs for full thrusters and fuel. Then mine Delta Tauri and return back to base to harvest the remainder. Then and follow the next step.
2.) Later in the game, you might find rainbow worlds, which can easily be found on PNF. Use the rainbow world locations to trade with other races. In particular, you can trade for fuel, which you can sell back for RUs. Overall, with the two locations above and after finding data on all of the rainbow worlds, you should have enough money to get you by for the rest of the game. There is an easy way to get to the rainbow world locations once you have a ceratin device, but that's all I'll tell you.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2009, 05:41:39 pm by SweetSassyMolassy »
I am not always understand about what you speak, unfortunately.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
By the way, these aren't galaxies. They're star systems. It's like confusing an individual with the population of the Earth.
Posts: 580

Don't gather minerals to beef up your ship. Instead, gather minerals to pay the fuel price for quest expeditions. First, go do some quest, resolve that, then on your way back (!), mine the stars to be able to pay the fuel costs on your next expedition.
Also, like someone else said, hotter, larger stars contain more valuable minerals. There's a gas giant close to Sol that's got a few very dangerous, but really nice planets.
Furthermore, you can save money by getting rid of the totally useless Ion Cannon that's on the flagship, and I think you could also get rid of the Crew compartiments, making the flagship the single most badass singleship in the universe!
Posts: 802

At one point at time I have run "slave ship" - My ship was nothing but empty crew pods and one fuel slot . My escort was one spathi and the rest - syreens , 8 crew each . . I would then go to Mycon space , fill up , head back to the base and sell them for cash . I haven't though of making the crew cost go up with Druuge trades back then though , could have got MORE MONEY . Oh , and Zeep - if you're in hyperspace , the battles do drain your fuel .
Posts: 802

That is strange . I have had multiple occasions travelling in UQ space when I was ganged and after a while I'd loose my whole fuel supply ... Might be because my autopilot was on ?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
Were you using the escape? Cause that DOES use fuel.
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