Topic: Newer UQM version (Read 35310 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 29

30-Jul-2003 build out.
Grab it at:
As always, please include the CVS timestamp when reporting bugs.
By the way, I realize it's been a long time, but sourceforge's anonymous CVS hasn't been my/our friend lately (in other words, doing CVS checkouts was mostly pointless).
I feel that this is a quite recent build of the CVS tree, so enjoy.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2003, 04:00:01 pm by Striker »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 234

Well, so much for needing CVS access. Thanks Striker!
EDIT: Hm...this build isn't working from my standpoint. Apparently uqm needs a zlib-1.dll to execute, but only provides zlib.dll. I've googled around for errors regarding zlib-1.dll, and as I understand it making a copy of zlib.dll named zlib-1.dll works for some programs usng it. However when I do this for uqm I get an error message...
After a great deal of testing and renaming I got things working. First remove keys.cfg from wherever it is. If you have libpng1.dll you need a copy of it named as zlib-1.dll in the uqm install dir. This should allow you to run uqm.exe, and thus generate a new keys.cfg. However I found that this file is in unix text format, and though this probably is still configurable I converted it into a more organized document. For your amusement, I present the unedited document:
# Default UQM input configuration file.
# Keyboard control definitions follow this point. Most keys can be # described in a straightforward manner; consult the name table in # src/sc2code/libs/input/sdl/keynames.c for the names of unusual keys. # Most keys can be named by just the symbol they produce.
# Menu controls. Both sets of arrow keys, basically. Paging controls # moving quickly through the file lists in Super Melee. Zooming # controls zoom controls in the starmap. "Cancel" is also used to get # you into menu mode to begin with. There is a "Menu-Special" command # currently unused by the game. It seems to have been originally used # to call up details on starships in the Super Melee selection screen.
# Arrow key controls... Menu-Up: key Up Menu-Down: key Down Menu-Right: key Right Menu-Left: key Left Menu-Page-Up: key PageUp Menu-Page-Down: key PageDown Menu-Zoom-In: key PageUp Menu-Zoom-Out: key PageDown Menu-Select: key Return Menu-Cancel: key Space Menu-Delete: key Delete
# ... and the number pad. Note that zoom controls on the starmap are # different from the paging controls in Super Melee. Menu-Up: key Keypad-8 Menu-Down: key Keypad-2 Menu-Left: key Keypad-4 Menu-Right: key Keypad-6 Menu-Page-Up: key Keypad-9 Menu-Page-Down: key Keypad-3 Menu-Zoom-In: key Keypad-+ Menu-Zoom-Out: key Keypad-- Menu-Select: key Keypad-Enter Menu-Cancel: key Keypad-0 Menu-Delete: key Keypad-.
# Player 1's flight controls. This is the bottom player in Super # Melee and the player in the full game. Again, the player has the # option of using either the number pad or the arrow keys.
Player-1-Thrust: key Return Player-1-Thrust: key Up Player-1-Left: key Left Player-1-Right: key Right Player-1-Weapon: key RightShift Player-1-Special: key RightControl Player-1-Escape: key Escape
Player-1-Thrust: key Keypad-Enter Player-1-Thrust: key Keypad-8 Player-1-Left: key Keypad-4 Player-1-Right: key Keypad-6
# Lander controls. These map mostly to Player 1's controls.
Lander-Thrust: key Return Lander-Thrust: key Up Lander-Left: key Left Lander-Right: key Right
Lander-Thrust: key Keypad-Enter Lander-Thrust: key Keypad-8 Lander-Left: key Keypad-4 Lander-Right: key Keypad-6
Lander-Weapon: key RightShift Lander-Escape: key Escape
# Player 2's flight controls. We add the key 'd' to let him # move down in the super-melee ship selection. Player-2-Thrust: key e Player-2-Left: key s Player-2-Right: key f Player-2-Down: key d Player-2-Weapon: key q Player-2-Special: key a
# System utility keys. Pause: key F1 Exit: key F10 Abort: key F12
# This is a sample joystick configuration. This is intended to work # primarily under WinXP with a USB analag/digital gamepad. The # digital aspect of the gamepad happens to present itself to the # system as a POV hat. This configuration allows either the digital # or analog stick to be used simultaneously.
# joystick 0 threshold 10000 # How far to move before it counts; 0-30000 # Menu-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative # Player-1-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative # Lander-Left: joystick 0 axis 0 negative # Menu-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive # Player-1-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive # Lander-Right: joystick 0 axis 0 positive # Menu-Up: joystick 0 axis 1 negative # Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative # Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 axis 1 negative # Menu-Down: joystick 0 axis 1 positive # Menu-Cancel: joystick 0 button 0 # Player-1-Special: joystick 0 button 0 # Menu-Select: joystick 0 button 1 # Player-1-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1 # Lander-Weapon: joystick 0 button 1 # Menu-Page-Up: joystick 0 button 4 # Menu-Page-Down: joystick 0 button 5 # Menu-Zoom-In: joystick 0 button 6 # Player-1-Escape: joystick 0 button 6 # Lander-Escape: joystick 0 button 6 # Menu-Zoom-Out: joystick 0 button 7
# And now the POV hat controls. # Menu-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left # Player-1-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left # Lander-Left: joystick 0 hat 0 left # Menu-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right # Player-1-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right # Lander-Right: joystick 0 hat 0 right # Menu-Up: joystick 0 hat 0 up # Player-1-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up # Lander-Thrust: joystick 0 hat 0 up # Menu-Down: joystick 0 hat 0 down
I would post up a link to this, but since my webserver is down and my only webspace is on geocities I see no point in hitting my bandwitdh cap after a few minutes 
Using these changes, the current unofficial build should be playable (at least enough to configure and run). I have no idea of any other bugs but I figured this was important enough to post up here.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2003, 06:35:27 am by sageallen »
Posts: 817
;Dmany thanks to you Striker! and for anyone else whos been waiting for an update...HOT DAMN!! YAHOO! YIPPEE! BOUNCE!, BOUNCE!, HAPPY,HAPPY,JOY,JOY! 
ok im done making a fool of myself... ~DEFIANT
« Last Edit: July 31, 2003, 06:11:06 am by DEFIANT »
Frungy champion
Posts: 96

I had same DLL probelm.
But the I started upgarde again, and selected to reintall all DLLs option and it worked fine.
P.S. Of course I needed to delete keys.cfg too.
Zebranky food

Posts: 14

I love *fluffy* *campers*!
Okay, I tried something else.
I replaced the content of keys.cfg and starcon.key with some that was posted up above this post.
Not the game crashes while loading the key configs.
And about the installer again, so I need to check the boxes for voice, content, and sound? I get errors when it tries to download them, and I hope I don't need them because the voices data took long enough on 56K.
Zebranky food

Posts: 14

I love *fluffy* *campers*!
Well, it looks like I got it working. 
Just checked everything except the content, voice, and sound files. SWEET!
Look for another dumb question in its very own thread soon!
Frungy champion
Posts: 55

I installed the exe and updated libraries over 0.2 content/voice/music and am getting the same problem as GoNzOTW. I have zlib-1.dll and have tried deleting keys.cfg which didn't work and updating starcon.key from the CVS which caused it to crash on startup.
Any ideas?
Zebranky food

Posts: 14

I love *fluffy* *campers*!
Earlier in this thread, somebody posted the content of their keys file. Copy and paste that into yours, that's what fixed mine (once I got the install right).
Posts: 817
after installing the lastes build, the only error im getting is:
fatel error: couldn't mount content dir, no such file or directory
any ideas about this one? i did not recieve any .dll errors like the ones posted. it just crashes in that dos window.
running: windows 98 se celeron 600mhz voodoo 5 pci ess allegro sound
hope some one can figure this out ~DEFIANT
Posts: 817
Striker- can i go from version .1 to your lastest build, without upgrading to the offical .2 version. im having problems running your latest build, it keeps crashing, and from what i can see in the dos window, it says: "fatel error: couldn't mount content dir, no such file or directory."
then it crashes. the content directory is still there. your last build worked flawlessly. also to anyone that knows whats up with downloading with the version .2 installer? i cant make a connection because i get timed out. please, any help would be greatly apppreciated. ~DEFIANT
« Last Edit: August 05, 2003, 10:24:47 am by DEFIANT »
where I can download a version that could read from zip-files?