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Author Topic: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.  (Read 13380 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #30 on: November 18, 2009, 08:23:07 pm »

Sure, for my first post here, I'd like to order up a little abuse and take up the mantle of zaniness by claiming that the Thraddash Torch is by far the best return on investment of the bunch.  Often overlooked, but it's fun to play, fast, maneuverable, and its "flamescreen" attack serves as both an excellent offensive and defensive it recharges pretty quickly.  Typically one of my personal best options against the Ur-Quan ships, too.

Have at me!  Fresh meat...
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 08:26:22 pm by oddSTAR » Logged
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #31 on: November 18, 2009, 08:31:28 pm »

I quite like the Pkunk. Sure, it recharges slowly and deliberately, and it has a bad range, but it's pretty much the fastest ship available, and it has a chance of resurrecting. That's not to say it's good against anything (pitting it against Syreen would be better for the Syreen, I expect), but it's pretty good against a lot of things.

Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #32 on: November 19, 2009, 03:16:53 am »

Sure, for my first post here, I'd like to order up a little abuse and take up the mantle of zaniness by claiming that the Thraddash Torch is by far the best return on investment of the bunch.  Often overlooked, but it's fun to play, fast, maneuverable, and its "flamescreen" attack serves as both an excellent offensive and defensive it recharges pretty quickly.  Typically one of my personal best options against the Ur-Quan ships, too.

Have at me!  Fresh meat...

That's funny, I don't see any mention of the Mark VI Blaster in this post. It seems you know that the Torch is game-breakingly powerful, but you don't know why. Despite its status as a banned ship, #uqm-arena regulars sometimes let players such as yourself use Thraddash because it's clear you're not a threat in the first place. Let me clue you in...

The general idea of the Thraddash Torch is fun. The way it was implemented is not. The Torch's afterburner gives the ship the highest sustainable speed of anything in the game and its primary weapon outranges more than half of the game's entire line-up. Yes, you heard right, that stupid plinker gun is key to the Torch's abusiveness. A determined pilot can abuse these advantages to slowly pick apart a wide variety of different enemies, starting from the little Shofixti and going all the way up to Ur-Quan and Chmmr with only a few exceptions in between. Fights involving the Torch are infamously long, boring and frustrating. Thraddash is easily the worst designed ship in Star Control 2 and you are a bad person for liking it.

I quite like the Pkunk. Sure, it recharges slowly and deliberately, and it has a bad range, but it's pretty much the fastest ship available, and it has a chance of resurrecting. That's not to say it's good against anything (pitting it against Syreen would be better for the Syreen, I expect), but it's pretty good against a lot of things.

A no-respawn Pkunk Fury is godawful. You have a 50% chance of not respawning at all. Even when you get lucky you won't get any mileage out of the Fury unless you're pro with flanking ships. Conversely, even if you are pro with flanking ships there's that 50% chance of getting a dud.  Why anyone would ever rely on Pkunk in competitive play is beyond me, but it happens a lot.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2009, 03:22:59 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2009, 03:21:24 am »

you are a bad person for liking it.
Well, thanks... I'll just go cry in the corner now, okay?
Zebranky food
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2009, 02:21:26 pm »

That's funny, I don't see any mention of the Mark VI Blaster in this post. It seems you know that the Torch is game-breakingly powerful, but you don't know why.

That's because my aim sucks and I therefore tend to use weapons that either home in or just plaster the entire field with death.  Fortunately, I'm a better pilot than gunner usually...but you're probably right that I'm not much of a threat, either.  Thanks for the education...  Tongue

Thraddash is easily the worst designed ship in Star Control 2 and you are a bad person for liking it.

Thanks for that!  I laughed before I cried, though...  Wink
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2009, 03:18:53 pm »

just because a ship is badly designed or imbalanced doesn't mean it sucks.

Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2009, 06:52:30 pm »

just because a ship is badly designed or imbalanced doesn't mean it sucks.

And Star Control 3 isn't a bad game. </godwin's law>
Frungy champion
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2009, 07:40:23 pm »

just because a ship is badly designed or imbalanced doesn't mean it sucks.

And Star Control 3 isn't a bad game. </godwin's law>

Well, it isn't a "bad" "game". It's a horrible abomination that should never, ever, be mentioned again.

Sig fixed at Shivers request.
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2009, 07:43:15 pm »

just because a ship is badly designed or imbalanced doesn't mean it sucks.

And Star Control 3 isn't a bad game. </godwin's law>

That is such a cheap reply Wink. You were supposed to tell us why the ship sucks, not how it was designed. Smiley
And I agree with you. Many ships aren't designed for supermelee, they are plot-devices so you can solve the game (see: Chmmr)

Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #39 on: November 20, 2009, 03:40:31 am »

And Star Control 3 isn't a bad game. </godwin's law>

Well, it isn't a "bad" "game". It's a horrible abomination that should never, ever, be mentioned again.

My favorite ship is the Ploxis Plunderer. I like it because it looks like a mouse and makes squeaky mouse sounds.
*Many bubbles*
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #40 on: November 20, 2009, 04:16:27 am »

My favorite ship from SC3 is the flagship when I use a memory editor to lock the battery at full charge. Then I just hold down the button for the point-defense and away I go!
Zebranky food
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #41 on: December 10, 2009, 05:04:05 pm »

Character wise- the Yehat Terminator is my favorite but for this particular bait, ill go with the Transformer.  it is adaptable to different strategies, has homing long range weapons that are difficult to avoid for long periods, giving the ship a certain inevitability against many others.  The ship has a decent crew size so it can actually take a few hits from the heavy main guns of the big ships, but it has the speed and acceleration of the smaller ships.   Seems pretty cost effective.

Now as for SC3 i loved that game.  Sure its just a shadow compared to SC2 but ive enjoyed it everytime ive played it thru.  it compounded on and added to the universe  and ambience of SC that i like so much, and for me at least, it did not diminish its predecessor with its flaws, but enriched the experience for me with its new faces, the puppetry live video the new puzzles and adventures, and yes i even liked the colony building.  Who doesnt love those cute little XCHAGGERZ!!!

So in theory, who wins in  a fight of Thraddash vs. Doog ?  or does the battle never end?

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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #42 on: December 10, 2009, 05:53:35 pm »

Doogs win. Their crew replenishment is faster than Thraddash rate of fire, and the Torch isn't healing and can get hit once in a while.

Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #43 on: December 10, 2009, 07:08:53 pm »

Isn't this thread over with? I guess not.

Character wise- the Yehat Terminator is my favorite but for this particular bait, ill go with the Transformer.  it is adaptable to different strategies, has homing long range weapons that are difficult to avoid for long periods, giving the ship a certain inevitability against many others.  The ship has a decent crew size so it can actually take a few hits from the heavy main guns of the big ships, but it has the speed and acceleration of the smaller ships.   Seems pretty cost effective.

"Adaptable to different strategies" is incorrect. There's one very boring play style that works well and several other approaches one can take which sound exciting but tend to fail miserably. What works is maintaining maximum range and spamming missiles. The Mmrnmhrm's laser form is kind of bad, really. It doesn't cover very much area, using it drains the ship's battery almost instantly and you can't line it up very well because the X-Wing-Form Thing has a turn delay of 2. Jousting with the laser against slower targets sounds awesome but rarely pays off. The laser form is bad enough that the flanking ships it's designed to stop frequently come out on top fighting against it. Missile spam on the other hand is amazing, and you should do it as often as humanly possible.

Now as for SC3 i loved that game.  Sure its just a shadow compared to SC2 but ive enjoyed it everytime ive played it thru.  it compounded on and added to the universe  and ambience of SC that i like so much, and for me at least, it did not diminish its predecessor with its flaws, but enriched the experience for me with its new faces, the puppetry live video the new puzzles and adventures, and yes i even liked the colony building.  Who doesnt love those cute little XCHAGGERZ!!!

You know, that's nice. Good for you, man.
Zebranky food
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Re: You post the ship, I'll tell you why it sucks.
« Reply #44 on: May 30, 2010, 04:47:46 pm »

Is this topique still active?
It's strange that noone has mentioned the Androsyn Guardian so far. Which is clearly the best vessel above all!

Let's see the plus side:
- a main weapon which has practically an unlimited range
- if used correctly, you can force out your enemy from the Gravity Whip or you can stop him/her standing still.
- you can even defend yourself with the bubbles (effective against many ships which has only a short range weaponary, eg. Fury, Skiff, etc.)
- (if someone is stupid enough for doing that ^_^) you can surprise your enemy with a load of bubble if he/she tries to flank you
- in the Blazer form you can outrun everyone (excluding the Fury, the Probe and the Mauler - but you can defeat them in another way)
- you can elude everything in Blazer form
- you can flank many ships in Blazer form as well
- many vessels can be destroyed if you hit it in the Blazer form "once" on a right place (eg. Avatar, Eluder, etc.)
- no definite counter exists against it (even the Marauder can be defeated - tried many times in PVP! The Terminator can give it hard time but that's for 23 pts and that ship has more counters)
- in short: long range attack + fast + manouvreable + quick destruction (Blazer) ... all for 15 pts.

The minus side:
- takes some practice to fly it well, including ramming the enemy and not to get destroyed
- if your Blazer form expires you're vulnerable for a short while, no energy to attack and no speed. (But please, who ends up the journey of the Blazer in point blank range or right in front of the enemy?)
- and yeah, it could have 42 crew, 42 energy which loads in 1 sec, and fast as a pkunk and for, say, 7 pts. Yeah, sure.

Androsynth Rulez. That's it. It should have a value of 23. I think.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 04:49:50 pm by Aneninen » Logged
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