After talking with the guy on the spacestation I'm being atacked by the spider creature (The first battle in the game) I choose my preferred ship and then start the battle. But the weapon keys doesn't respond! I can only fire the thrusters and move the ship around only avoiding getting shot. Not being able to fire back.
I've also tried configuring the keys in the edit controls option, but that doesn't seem to work either. I start the fight with some new keys for fireing the weapons but nothing happens....
The other controls seems to work fine, navigation, menus etc.
What ship are you fighting with? The flagship? Does it actually have a weapon? Note that the point-defense system is just that, for defense. It only shoots some sort of laser at close-by objects. Do you have an ion-bolt gun?
This is also the first report about UQM on Windows 7, so you're in virgin territory.
“When Juffo-Wup is complete when at last there is no Void, no Non when the Creators return then we can finally rest.”
The Ilwrath fight occurs before the chance to discard the ion bolt . If he can outrun the Avenger he is probably flying the Cruiser (or something else , if he met Fwiffo already , which I doubght) So most likely it's the point defence without target , but the primary should have worked ...
What ship are you fighting with? The flagship? Does it actually have a weapon? Note that the point-defense system is just that, for defense. It only shoots some sort of laser at close-by objects. Do you have an ion-bolt gun?
This is also the first report about UQM on Windows 7, so you're in virgin territory.
Since this is the first battle, the Flagship has no point defense yet, but it definitely has an ion-bolt gun.