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Topic: A campaign for a new Star Control (Read 9959 times)
Mass effect is a lot of what a star control sequel should be. Its story is even better, Now that's just ridiculous. Do you really have to play the contrarian all the time?
Zebranky food

Posts: 9
Well, I think it's worth bringing some attention to how many other games from the early 90's have been ported to so many different platforms...not many, I think. That's not a small effort and the fact that so many people would put so much work into it speaks volumes about the popularity of this title.
In additional, creating an entire (and largely consistent) mythology for a game is not a small undertaking, and few have been so well done as the Star Control universe. What that means in terms of development is that a lot of the groundwork is already there for a successful franchise. I think we all agree from the game that there are some clear directions that a sequel could and should take to continue the story (e.g. Orz origins, ominous Melnorme and Arilou plans, Rainbow Worlds and fate of the Precursors, etc), which makes it much simpler than coming up with something from scratch and saves lots of time and money up front. TFB certainly knows the story and had these things in mind when they presented it, so surely they could jump right into the coding and development pretty quickly if offered the chance.
As much as we are abused by sequels that should never have been done in various media, how often do you have a dedicated and sizeable audience begging for one for 15 years???
On a slightly different note, I wonder if there's any angle to be leveraged with Activision by including some fan-generated content to reduce project cost? I don't really know what I'm talking about here from a business POV, but there sure has been a lot of quality content created by fans so far in terms of music and graphics and such which would be awesome to have incorporated somehow. I seem to think contests like that are a great way of publicizing a product, too. Has that been done in any kind of major release of a game and do you think it might result in any additional attention to the project? I realize that may be a non-starter according to traditional business models, but I thought I'd throw it out there...we're brainstorming, right?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 253

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
A VC download of SC2 couldn't happen, they don't do 3DO and it doesn't have enough good games for them ever to bother. For awhile I hoped the Genesis version of SC1 would make it to the virtual console and that would spark some interest in Star Control, but it seems the copyright to that is a big tangled mess.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
It could carry more weight in fact, judging from Eth's comments on the release on the SCDB the process of making it work is a little more complicated than simply browsing the store and going "Eh, that looks fun" (DAMN YOU PROTOTHEA). The fact that people are fiddling with their Wiis in a number of silly ways, buying SD cards and readers for their PC, THEN downloading the specially-made Wii port onto the card and THEN plugging it into their console, undeterred by such things as terms of service, instead of just downloading the nearest available equivalent from the normal store, should speak volumes. Just because something's illegal, doesn't mean the motivations behind it shouldn't be examined.
Posts: 1044

On the flip side of that coin, it also illustrates that SC fans are prone to using their equipment in ways that are not strictly legal. That's not the best impression to give the corporate overlords when you think about it; it's just a quick hop, skip, and jump in logic to determine that SC fans would be keen on pirating their software, too.
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