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Author Topic: A campaign for a new Star Control  (Read 9973 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: A campaign for a new Star Control
« Reply #30 on: December 15, 2009, 05:51:01 am »

I'm down with this plan, I'll certainly do what I can. Grin Grin, look for a post on PnF about this soon if somebody else *wink* *wink* doesn't beat me to it.

Right off the bat I notice, on the wiki , Stickers and UQM CD , stickers I can do, UQM cd? what would that entail? "producing" distribution type cd's to give out to people? im certainly up for doing that, might give me reason to buy a light-scribe burner, make nice fancy labes.
Zebranky food
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Re: A campaign for a new Star Control
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2009, 01:08:13 am »

(first post, long time lurker)

I think the way to ensure a successful SC3 would be to make SC2 popular in this generation.

How would you do that? Revamp the game to be in HD/Pseudo-3D, tidy it up, and release it on XBox Live, PSN, and Steam. Heck, release the original, non-HD on WiiWare (is it too big?)

I know there's some size limitations, but there's got to be a way to make this work. It seems like a relatively inexpensive endeavour compared to a AAA-game. Having been on both sides of the aisle (as an engineer and a startup founder), maybe it's the kind of thing you could do with 5 people, part-time.

Anyway, food for thought.

« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 01:10:47 am by LusciousPear » Logged
Zebranky food
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Re: A campaign for a new Star Control
« Reply #32 on: January 04, 2010, 03:33:01 pm »

As I see it, we should focus on showing Activision that they could make a profit on such a project. Testimonials about how much any of us liked the original Star Control II are all good and well, but it's not going to help much to convince someone who's job it is to decide which projects give the best chance of making a decent profit.
I think that we should show that:
  • there is a broad support for SC2/UQM
  • games which are similar (in some way) to SC2 are currently successful
  • the concepts behind SC2 appeal to gamers today
  • SC2 has influenced the creation of other successful games
  • SC has the potential to become a successful franchise
  • SC has something to offer to Activision which is missing in their current lineup of games
all of these points can be proved by showing the success of the game mount & blade as an example.

not only it is an indie game, (only recently being published by paradox) but also was developed with nil budget, and community support. last year, it swept numerous high reviews and awards online and in gaming magazines, and is selling like mad.

the current gaming industry is in a stale state. the only thing they are doing is rehashing old games and old formats so that they wont fail to make a profit. but people grew bored already, as shown by the success of Wii and its emphasis on fun and innovation, rather than tried and known concepts. mount and blade example only support this.

the moddability of the game further extends its lifetime. even if you dont produce anything as the IP owning company, someone produces a huge scale mod, which is almost like a new game, gives it out for free, and people who want to play it still come and buy your game, because it is a mod for the game in the end.

in short - such an innovative or semi-forgotten format (mega hybrid) game with infinite moddability would be an eternal cash cow for them.

they shouldnt approach the game with this mindset though - even these considerations are necessary in corporate world, having that mindset is detrimental.

basically if they screw up our new star control in any way whatsoever, they can be sure that we, 'the people' on the net will shove it up their butts. they should be customer oriented, or die.
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Re: A campaign for a new Star Control
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2010, 01:58:20 am »

UQM isn't really moddable, it's just a game for which the sourcecode has been released.
But I, kinda, liked the mount & blade game. Aldthough I have to say that 5 hours into the game I'd seen enough of Generic Character X offering me Generic Quest Y in Generic City Z.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 02:00:52 am by Angelfish » Logged
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