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Topic: It's Christmas time... (Art links) (Read 9744 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306
Arioch, I summon thee...
The link is broken. Other than that the art is simply awesome. I love zarlas drawing style so much - simple and adorable^^
Posts: 802

I have a complaint about that last card - ZEX has his head tilted down, when upon VUX encounters in space they state explicitly that they do not share this range of motion!
J/K , the cards are great! So far my favored is the one with the Yehat.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

"On the third day of Christmas... "
Does this mean we are going to get at least 12 of these fantastic works of art? Merry Christmas indeed!
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
"On the third day of Christmas... " Does this mean we are going to get at least 12 of these fantastic works of art?  Merry Christmas indeed! Hmm.. I'm not sure if I've misunderstood you or not, but Isuppose it's a bit silly to assume that all UQMF:ers know how the SCDB works. So here's a quick walkthrough of the relevant parts. is the address for PNF. The front page displays the five most recent news posts. Currently, four of those are Christmas cards. All you need to do is to scroll downwards to read the older ones. In the first Christmas card post, I've mentioned that we are indeed posting one card a day right up until Christmas Eve. Four have been posted, so there are eight to go.
When there are more than five Christmas cards posted, i.e the day after tomorrow, you will only be seeing the five most recent. If you want to see the other news posts and comments, you need to go to News and Updates, our News board. This functions just like the UQMF, so the topics are indexed by most recent post rather than in what order they were posted. Note that you need to be a SCDB member to comment.
If you don't care about my witty writing and just want to appreciate Zarla's art, then you can also go directly to our Christmas card gallery. It gets updated when I make a newspost and contains all cards posted so far.
No matter what way you view the Christmas cards, I'd ask that you take a minute out of your schedule to thank Zarla for bringing us some holiday cheer.
What's up doc?
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