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Topic: PNF News Flash: Resources Pages (Read 2459 times)
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
For those of you who don't follow the PNF.
Hello folks, Once again, it's time to add to our skeleton site. This time we have a slightly different set of pages for you. There's been some discussion in the community about the scarcity of art resources. I mean, there are a lot of clever programmers out there trying to do their own fan games and mods. But one of the largest challenges is to find some art, be it sprites or models to use in your game. So what we're making here is a set of resources for wannabe modders and cloners. We've swept the far reaches of the internet to come up with interesting stuff that might be of use to you. The Resource page consists of 2D and 3D resources. We've got sprites for those of you working to recreate a top-down melee. But we've also got 3D models of varying complexity for those of you who want that. The page itself is alive as well. Among others, the erstwhile Tsing has agreed to go through his archives and update/recreate a lot of the great stuff he currently displays on He's given us a Scout so far, but more is rolling of the production line as we speak. there are also a few modellers out there who have been interested, but much too busy to participate in this. When they find some time, we'll hopefully be able to include their stuff as well. But for now, enjoy the page!. As always, feedback, improvement suggestions and the likes are very welcome Lukipela
What's up doc?
Posts: 522

...for some reason my browser decided to open a rar file as text.
Anyway, it's nice to have such resources available.
Posts: 522

Yeah, it works now.
I guess Firefox is smarter than Safari in that particular aspect.
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