Topic: SC BEL: Mission 2 (Read 75235 times)
Posts: 1044

Can anyone tell me if I'm lined up for a shot? I think so, but am still flying blind without a map.
...This is getting rediculously inconvenient. I need to get my PC hooked back up.
Posts: 802

You are aligned for shot at southern VUX marine, through Sonny, who is two squares ahead.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Koosaloo is confused. Strange feelings are racing through its mind, feelings it has henceforth had no experience of. There is rage and hatred in there, a web of darkness upon his mind. Koosaloo focuses, and lets the mind compress into a waveform. As it folds, it generates the energy required for a psychic slap, the mind itself reverberating back and forth, gaining the necessary momentum.
And yet, the darkness seems to grow ever stronger, seeping in through the cracks of Koosaloos mind. As the waveform is released, a pulse of psychic energy is sent forward, travelling towards the enemy without being quite a part of this world. As it impacts, the Marine crumples and falls to the ground. But there is something wrong with the way the warrior falls. At the edge of hearing a laugh rings out, dry as parchment and filled with a dreadful glee. The body crumples to the floor, but it does not move in the right way.
And then the darkness falls upon Koosaloo. Hatred seeps in, seizing Koosaloos mind and filling it with cruel thoughts and vicious images of mayhem and devastation. Consumed by a rage that sets the Arilou's very essence alight, Koosaloo turns towards the fellow warriors present and prepares to strike them down for having the temerity to be alive. Eyes gleaming balefully, Koosaloo focuses on the hated ratman, and prepares to lash out at his accursed form.
But something holds the Arilou back. It would be so easy to let go, to give in to the anger that burns so brightly. But there is a warm, soft feeling emanating from Koosaloos pocket. A confusing warmth in the icy cold hatred that envelops the Arilou's essence. Slowly, a hand moves towards the pocket and withdraws the book found earlier. It is still tattered and worn. But to Koosaloos eyes it gleams with a soft golden light of love. Unconditional love. This book was loved. And that remains.
And just like that the hatred fades. The dark emotions withdraw, leaving Koosaloo empty and tired. The power of love has protected it from something horrendous. As a talisman, it has ensured that the Arilou did not fall under the snare of whatever dark force attempted to wrest control from it.
There is something wrong here. Those Marines are not what they appear to be. But try as Koosaloo may, it cannot quite grasp what they are.

Okay, you still have one AP left Zieman, if you want to use it. The rest of you, consider your possible actions. Also this was map number 50 and I forgot to add Ziemans XP, it goes in on the next update.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2010, 08:08:56 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
Posts: 1044

Fire once at the marine to start, and again if it's still not dead.
What turn are we up to?
Posts: 568

Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Do robots dream of android sheep? That's a question many of the different alliance races have pondered long before they met each other. Is a program constructed to think and act really intelligent? Does it have a soul, or only subroutines? Some say that that which is created can only fake sentience, but never achieve it. Others claim that once a construct becomes advanced enough, it is indistinguishable from something that evolved naturally. After all, are not all of us simply machines made of flesh?
In the here and now, such philosophical musings matter little. As the metal menace fires twice and wipes out the final Marine, something happens. Perhaps the soul within that metal shell is corrupted, touched by some unfathomable evil. Or perhaps it is simply a mechanical action, subroutines being subverted by a malicious invader. The end result is the same. The friendly being who only reluctantly went to war is no longer in control. In it's stead stands something out of a science fiction nightmare. A killer robot.
Death comes for us all. but it is especially cruel when it takes the shape of a friend. Beyond the entranced weapon of mass destruction the bodies of the ensigns lie, obscured in death by some strange black vapour.

Okay, turns out the M:bot wasn't immune. And since he isn't carrying a talisman, he moves to the enemy turn, during which he will be under a murderous rage and attack the closest unit during the next turn. After that he reverts to normal, but with two HP less. So you guys get to move, then the M:bot chases you. Good luck. It's turn 23 now, once Draxas is done being a killer we'll have the next combat turn start on 24.
Also holy hell that last update was badly written, I mixed it's and he's like it's nobodys business going to rewrite that right now.
What's up doc?
Posts: 802

Kosaloo, are you allright? I think you really need to step away westward, as I don't want to hirt our mechanical friend and even less so to be hirt by him. I'll use my last sticky grenade, hopefully till Drmnmraxas will be able to release himself, the posession will wear off... In addition, I want to torch that black smoke, I don't like the looks of it, so while Spook moves off (hopefully) I'll fire another plasma charge towards the smoke, then step north. If and when Arilou moves, I'll throw the sticky grenade north to the M-bot. I think I'll use the grenade regardless, we'll just will have to release the spook from the goo...
Later, when we're done with current situation, I want to go back to the brig and replace my slayer with the unused one.
Posts: 1044

I am unhappy. I'll do my best to hope the GM doesn't use me to kill you guys, though if the sticky grenade plan doesn't work, your best bet is to get as close as you can since I can't use my best weapon.
I want to know who's responsible for this. I don't like this effect.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Hatred is an ugly feeling. As it recedes, Sonny is relieved. The pangs of anger and fury inside subside and she once again finds herself with a clear head. A clear head and a plan of action. Before her metal friend can act, she lobs a slime grenade his way as she raises her Slayer and fires at the black smoke. The grenade detonates right over her metal ally, encasing him in a thick layer of slime. Koosaloo is close enough to get caught in the splatter, but that's a small sacrifice. The Arilou doesn't look like it's about to start killing people anyway.
The plasma passes harmlessly through the smoke embedding itself in the wall behind it. But perhaps the energy transfer is large enough. Or perhaps the smoke was going to dissipate anyway, one last memory of the evil that was present. Now that it is gone, it is as if a veil has been removed. There are no marines lying on the floor. There never were. Two small Ilwrath males lie squashed on the floor, their spider bodies motionless. They are pitch black, and even in death they look wrong.
But if the Warriors were never there, how could they have fired upon them? Belatedly, Sonny realises that the pain from her latest wound is gone. Looking down, she realises that it was never there. It was all in her mind. In all their minds. Things such as these have not been encountered by the Alliance before. Clearly they are some sort of special Ilwrath troops, able to blend in and use their deaths to their advantage. Sonny shudders, her mind still feels unclean tainted somehow. She fears no enemy, but she dearly hopes she will not encounter creatures such as these again.

Well played by Alvarin there! Draxas is stuck until he becomes normal, so you guys can start discussing what to do next instead. Also Zieman, pick an upgrade!
What's up doc?
Posts: 802

@Luki - Arilou shouldn't be stuck - he did move west and should be out of range. In addition, Shofixti's location should have revealed some of the territory. If it is our "free movement time" I want to take a look at the Ilwrath corpses.