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Author Topic: SC BEL: Mission 2  (Read 75254 times)
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The Ancient One

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SC BEL: Mission 2
« on: February 07, 2010, 08:18:25 pm »

Mission 2 – Boarding Party

As your shuttle is dropped off in space by a Cruiser, your nervous team prepares itself and you recall the mission briefing back on Corridor 9, Alpha Saurus outpost..

“The Alliance has suffered a major setback. During recent battles in the Vela region, Hierarchy forces led by the VUX managed to surround and almost annihilate one of our fleet groups. In the process, a Hierarchy boarding party managed to capture one of our foremost Admirals, Kzzakk  Pzkrakz . While we eventually managed to push back the attack, the Admiral is now a prisoner of war. And the Hierarchy does not treat their prisoners well.

There is some good news though. Under normal circumstances, the Admiral would already have been interrogated by the Ur-Quan. But recent events in Ilwrath space have caused a major split in Ilwrath society, essentially plunging them into a low level civil war. While the Hierarchy force as a whole remain almost as strong as ever, most Dreadnoughts have been sent towards the Tauri system to return the Ilwrath to the fold. We do not believe that it will take them long to restore order, but for the time being there are very few Dreadnoughts present close to the Indi system. This means that the Admiral will have to be brought to the Ur-Quan.

At great cost, our intelligence sources have managed to find information on the route the admiral will take. He is being transported on a VUX ship heading towards Androsynth space. During this transfer, we have one shot at boarding the vessel and freeing the Admiral. We cannot attack the ship directly, for fear of risking the Admirals life. Therefore, we will have to attempt to board and surprise them.

This is a high priority mission, but time is of the essence. The Saurus outpost is the only one close enough to launch a boarding party, and our supplies are limited. You will be outfitted with what we have on base and immediately and sent on your way. You have all proved yourself in battle, but this is going to be tough. According to our reports, the ship carries far more than its normal crew complement. The hierarchy is aware of their vulnerability, but they want the Admiral to reach their masters as soon as possible. There is a Mmrnhrm on your team, both for the added firepower and his ability to interface with electronic systems. Take utmost care and do not allow him to die. We have far too few Mmrnhrm as it is and without him you may well become stuck somewhere on the way.

You will be launched on a camouflaged shuttle and enter through a limpet chamber. Once in, locate the Admiral as quickly as possible and bring him back to the shuttle. Ensure that no one has time to set off any alarms, or escape will become impossible.”

You don’t have to wait long. Soon after the Cruiser has retreated, the VUX ship comes gliding through space. Without information about their refueling stations, you’d never be able to approach the ship without being noticed. But now, as the VUX ships docks and refuels, you manage to slip by their guard and attach yourselves to a limpet port. It’s time to go to war… again.


Special rules:

Travelling circus

The VUX ship has stopped to refuel. If you manage to complete your mission within 30 turns, you will have freed the prisoner and escaped before the ship continues on it's journey. This will make it much easier to retrieve you and net you 10 XP each. If you manage to complete the mission within 40 turns, the ship will have left the refuelling station and be in Hyperspace. Completion of the mission will still be successful but you will be harder to locate for Alliance forces. Everyone gains 5 XP. Rescue after this will net no extra XP, but if the mission is not completed within a hundred turns, you will already be so deep into Hierarchy space that escape is no longer possible.

Red Alert

VUX ships are slow and prone to boarding. As a result the have alarm systems on board. If an enemy manages to activate one, the alarm will sound. If this happens before you have reached the captive Chenjesu, he will be under significantly heavier guard, and aquiet escape will be impossible. In this case you must kill every one on board before escaping, to ensure no survivors open fire on your escaping vessel.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 08:34:24 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2010, 08:25:32 pm »

This post will hold your character info and inventory, once  you've all decided on everything

Arilou Spook Koosaloo

XP 30/40
HP 4/4

Weapon: Rockhurler
Melee: [Power Baton, 2 strikes
Defense: 2 parries

This is a mean lean green fighting machine, the likes of which have rarely been seen. Very keen to damage the enemies spleen.

Psychic Radar
Psychic blast
Psychic slap
Psychic flash
Fleet Feet
Kinetic Punch

Weapon jinx


Smoke Grenade
Pretty bauble
Spare clip
Colourful metal rocks
VUX Book
Holographic Grenade *2
Defense Laser(4/5), 2 strikes

Human Trooper Sonny

XP 38/42
HP 6/6

Weapon: Slayer(2/5)
Melee: Bonecrusher
Defence: 2 parries

This warrior gives no quarter and expects none either. She is a dangerous, but ultimately expendable, grunt. Just one more person giving their life for the freedom of humanity!

Special abilities: Fall Back


Shotgun (8/8 shells)
Smoke Grenade
Spike Grenade
Shotgun Shell * 6
VUX technical specs
Combat Knife
Slime grenade

Mmrnhrm Guardian Drmnmraxas

XP 25/28
HP 8/8

Weapon: Minirocket Tube,  4/8 shots
Melee: Small Laser
Defense 2 parries

Beep? Boop? Cha-clink-cha-cha-beep-boop! Brzkzrt-da-dink-boing!

Special abilities:  Minirocket Tube


Repair Kit
Shell Synthezier
Defense Laser(5/5)
VUX tools
Holographic Grenade

Shofixti Grunt Wajangtoey

XP 17/28
HP 6/7

Weapon: Autolaser 7/8 (3 strikes)
Melee: Paws of Fury (4 strikes)
Defense: 3 parries

For honour and glory! And the chance to kill some dishonourable fiends!

Special abilities: Battlecry


Smoke Grenade
Flash Grenade
Spike Grenade
Pistol Clip
Defense Laser(4/5)
Baton * 2
Slime grenade
Worn VUX picture
Handgun (2 strikes)
[Power Baton
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 07:06:38 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2010, 09:21:17 pm »

If you could smell the air, you are sure it would reek. Behind your breathing masks, you study the small space you are now in. Behind you, your vessel has attached itself to a limpet port like a remora, a small fish hiding in the shadow of a bigger one. In front of you, there is but a single door. From the ducts up above, you can hear muffled sounds. The floor is sticky beneath you, presumably some leftover limpet residue.

Turn 1

I can guess what you ant to do, but who will do it?

What's up doc?
Zebranky food
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2010, 10:43:58 pm »

ok, I'm a bit fuzzy on some of the specifics of the new combat/non-combat rules, so please correct me if I'm misinterpreting...

I'm thinking since I'm the least combat capable I should go ahead and get the door open leaving everyone else more available to attack whatever may be on the other side. If I understand correctly, if there's an enemy on the other side, my moves will be retroactively counted against me, so having moved 2 spaces and opened the door, I would be out of AP, is this correct?
This is currently not a requested move, just discussion of possible tactics, and clarifying rules
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2010, 06:33:32 am »

That would have been the case under the old rules. But the new rules states that we don't use AP until we go into a combat situation It won't cost you any MOV to organize yourselves any which way you want before opening the door. The person opening the door will lose one AP if there is combat on the other side, but nothing to movement as you were out of combat before that.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2010, 08:54:09 pm »

C'mon fellows. You'll need to discuss and then act.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #6 on: February 10, 2010, 10:00:39 pm »

I'll be there, right behind you when you open the door. I'll move 2 steps to the east after the door.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #7 on: February 10, 2010, 10:16:23 pm »

I'll be there, right behind you when you open the door. I'll move 2 steps to the east after the door.

Once someone opens the door, you'll get to see what is outside before you make your movement/action choices. you just need to group yourselves so that you can easily move into the room with a minimum of AP consumed.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 10:31:45 pm »

I'll be there, right behind you when you open the door. I'll move 2 steps to the east after the door.

Once someone opens the door, you'll get to see what is outside before you make your movement/action choices. you just need to group yourselves so that you can easily move into the room with a minimum of AP consumed.

Very well then, I'll wait until the door has been opened Wink. Until that time, I'll stay right where I am now.
Zebranky food
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 11:49:17 pm »

Alright then...  since we're in tight quarters anyways I'll go ahead and open the door since anyone who wants to can do the whole spending an AP to move somewhere in the 5 square range...
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 11:55:20 pm »

Alright then...  since we're in tight quarters anyways I'll go ahead and open the door since anyone who wants to can do the whole spending an AP to move somewhere in the 5 square range...

Right behind you...
*Smell* controller
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #11 on: February 11, 2010, 07:10:50 pm »

Sonny stands guard.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2010, 01:17:46 am »

I'll stand behind whoever opens the door and point my big, threatening gun in the direction of whatever pops up.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #13 on: February 12, 2010, 05:08:15 am »

I'll stand behind whoever opens the door and point my big, threatening gun in the direction of whatever pops up.

Don't stand on my square Wink
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #14 on: February 12, 2010, 06:27:01 am »

Hmm... I'm hanging out there because I can snipe the most dangerous target before the inevitable scuffle. Since you've got a short-range weapon, maybe off to the side? Or I could back up one square, but that will really limit my field of view.
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