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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #510 on: June 04, 2010, 02:36:16 pm »

I'll be out of town from now to sunday evening, so I won't be posting Arilou's moves until then.

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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #511 on: June 04, 2010, 04:43:43 pm »

OOC - About same here. I will be absent totally from sunday to wednsday.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #512 on: June 04, 2010, 06:07:56 pm »

OOC - I'll prolly be here from time to time but be too drunk to post Wink.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #513 on: June 04, 2010, 06:56:36 pm »

Okay guys, weekend break then.. Tomorrow I'll be gone all day anyhow and I need to write out the big reveal properly. So we open the doors on Sunday evening. I'll switch out Sonny and Wajangtoey position wise, and transfer the book. There are enough Power batons that everyone can have one.

Is there anything else you want to do before proceeding? If I don't see any posts here, I'll move onwards on Sunday evening.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #514 on: June 06, 2010, 07:06:41 pm »

As Koosaloo is once more given the book Wajangtoey pushes past Sonny, determined to make a glorious rush towards the enemies as soon as the doors open. As they glide aside, even the eager Shofixti feels a bit worried.

The bridge is filled with VUX. Ensigns and Marines crowd it, moving back and forth between large control stations that detail the progress of the refuelling. It seems it will soon be complete, but isn't yet. If you can take the ship quickly, you may be able to sail this baby home without the Hierarchy ever knowing!

An Ensign glances your way and slams a button as his eyes widen. Sirens begin blaring, red lights start flashing and far off you can hear the sound of heavy boots heading in your direction. Oh well, it was probably never going to be that easy.

"Hurry!", the Admiral chimes in, "We need to get to those control stations! We need to shut down the alerts and lock down the bridge before we get overrun!".

SubCommander ZEK swishes around in a flamboyant fashion and laughs in a hearty manner.

"Welcome Admiral! I know the brig is quite dreary, but I am honestly shocked that you found it tedious enough to arrange for a private excursions such as this! Where are your manners I wonder? Still, once you've been escorted back I'll ensure you have some reading material for the rest of your journey!"

The troops around the admiral look at him with adoring eyes and then turn towards you, their muscles taut and their faces grim. They seem much more... determined than the VUX you've faced so far. This is going to be a tough battle.



Okay, so now we're into the last part of this all out battle and you guys are going to need to be coordinated and sharp to win. There are a few special rules and issues to keep in mind. Let's start with the good ones, shall we!

Travelling Circus

You've managed to gain access to the bridge before the ship was fuelled and thus have a good chance of getting away before other hierarchy troops arrive. Everyone gets 10 XP. that means everyone bar Sonny gets a further level boost and thus has full health and gets to pick an upgrade.

Control stations

The Control stations are vital to ship functionality. Because of this, neither the enemy or you will risk destroying them in battle. You can consider them walls when it comes to ranged weapons, except for grenades as psychic powers.

Now the bad news.

Bridge under attack

The bridge alert has been sounded and everyone on board is heading there. As long as you don't manage to lock down the doors, every third turn 1-3  Spathi troopers will spawn from the northern door. Every fifth turn 1-2 Ilwrath Warriors will spawn at the south door. Every ninth turn 2-4 Ensigns will spawn at a randomly selected door. This will continue until lockdown.


Once you've managed to place the Admiral at one control panel and the M:bot at another (the two lower panels are okay) so that they both have 1 AP to spare you can initiate lockdown. This will lock the bridge doors down and vent atmosphere from the ship, ensuring that you have no more enemies rushing to take back the bridge.

Admiral ZEK

This is a charismatic fellow whose troops will die for him. Anyone within a 5*5 square centered on this fine fellow gains 1 attack dice regardless of weapon used. There's a flip side to this. If ZEK is killed, morale will plummet and all enemy troops will lose all AP during the two next turns. If ZEK is merely rendered unconscious they will lose 1 AP for the two next turns. ZEK can be rendered unconscious by receiving two stunning blows in the same round. Once down, he will not get back up during this battle.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #515 on: June 06, 2010, 11:34:23 pm »

Arilou picks general upgrade.


Can we see the floor grid here too, please?

Use of the remaining AP decided tuesday night (I have to travel again because of work, and will be without internet access from monday morning to tuesday night).

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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #516 on: June 07, 2010, 12:53:41 pm »

I would like a defensive upgrade Smiley

OOC: Great dialogue on ZEK, spot on for a VUX Cheesy. My move will follow later Tongue
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #517 on: June 07, 2010, 04:16:17 pm »


Can we see the floor grid here too, please?

Use of the remaining AP decided tuesday night (I have to travel again because of work, and will be without internet access from monday morning to tuesday night).

I'll work on the grid for tuesday and Alvarin won't be back before Thrusday so I'm guessing not much will happen before then anyhow.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #518 on: June 07, 2010, 05:37:01 pm »

I'll take another offensive upgrade.

I'll try to get the lay of the map before things start moving again. Maybe someday I'll get my PC back in action. Sad
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #519 on: June 07, 2010, 05:39:19 pm »

I'll take another offensive upgrade.

I'll try to get the lay of the map before things start moving again. Maybe someday I'll get my PC back in action. Sad

How about I post it on the SCDB? Can you access the SCDB? We have the ability to host our own images there.

What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #520 on: June 07, 2010, 05:56:39 pm »

That would be perfect. It's only a problem with imagedump sites being blocked at work, so that should eliminate the issue entirely.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #521 on: June 07, 2010, 06:02:15 pm »

That would be perfect. It's only a problem with imagedump sites being blocked at work, so that should eliminate the issue entirely.


What's up doc?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #522 on: June 07, 2010, 06:08:27 pm »

Draxas, does this picture work for you?
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #523 on: June 07, 2010, 07:12:37 pm »

No it doesn't. Luki's link is working, though, so no worries.
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Re: SC BEL: Mission 2
« Reply #524 on: June 08, 2010, 08:06:11 pm »

As our heroes steel themselves for battle, they realize that the battle so far has given them valuable skills that they are now fully able to draw upon. Kosaloo feels stronger, his weak legs having developed from all the running around. Wajangtoey realizes that slashing your enemies is not everything, sometimes it helps to not get hit as well. And the metal menace. Well, it coldly calculates that to be able to cause further mayhem may be of use and a system that has been under development now comes online. It is time to reap the fruits of labour, and kill some VUX!


OOC: Okay, so the Arilou picks a general upgrade and gains +1 MOV. Wajangtoey hits the defensive side and now knows how to dodge. Draxas gains a tracking module!

Draxas, the map is the same but you have full health and adjusted XP.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 08:09:39 pm by Lukipela » Logged

What's up doc?
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