Topic: SC BEL: Mission 2 (Read 75287 times)
Posts: 802

Sonny, barely alive, reaches and activates the medkit. Feeling somewhat better she sidesteps east and fires slayer at the remaining ensign.
Posts: 802

I'd suggest Waja to run and whack the marine and Koose to approach and double stun ZEK
Posts: 1044

If I activate the left side console now, will that work when the Admiral activates his, or do we both need to perform the action on the same turn?
Posts: 568

E E N N N and whack the marine that's to my north.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
Humans are tough creatures. smack them down and they get back up. Smack them harder, and they just bounce back even harder. that's especially true for human Marines, the finest fighting force the Earthlings can muster. sure, they're not Shofixti close combat killing machines. Sure, they aren't M:bot long range murderers. But they'll hang in there, fighting until every breath of life has escaped. Something that is worryingly close to happening to Sonny right now.
As she stumbles forward she deploys her Medikit, healing chemicals streaming out into her veins. there's hardly time for more than that, but it'll have to do. Before the used kit even hits the floor, she's got her Slayer up and repays the favour. The plasma charge hits the ensign smack between the eyes, melting it's skull and sending it to meet whatever makers the VUX might have.
Koosaloo is having fun. powers enhancing the frail body, it moves with speed. Before ZEK has time to even utter a quick pun, the Power Baton scores two hits, electric discharge frying his nerves and sending him into convulsions. As he collapses on the ground, Koosaloo smiles. This combat stuff can be quite gratifying!
Eager and willing, Wajangtoey joins the fight. Unfortunately, he only manages to scratch his enemy. There might be hell to pay.

Sonny kills Ensign, scores XP. Koosaloo scores 1 hit, ZEK fails both his parries and thus loses 1 XP. Baton causes a stun hit as well, so ZEK now has only 1 XP next turn. Then he is hit again for another HP, bringing him down to 2 HP. amazingly enough, that hits scores a stun two. The subcommander is down! All enemies lose one AP for the next turn. The Spathi will still appear though. Wajangtoey scores one bullseye, bringing his enemy down to 2 HP. That guy sure is taking his sweet time dying. Draxas, want to move in some fashion?
« Last Edit: June 20, 2010, 07:04:55 pm by Lukipela »
What's up doc?
Posts: 802

@ luki - if the ensign is dead, there is wrong graphics to it.
Posts: 1044

Great question. I'll move W N in preparation, and activate if the Admiral is ready. Maybe we can shut those reinforcements out (but I doubt it).
Posts: 802

I wonder if these reinforcements will be willing to surrender peacefully, once realize they're last live hierarchy on board, thus outnumbered and outgunned, plus without the ability to fly the vessel...
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
The metal machine glides forward and gently comes to a rest in front of the control panel. Seeing his chance, the Admiral rushes towards his panel as well.
"Hurry you mechanic contraption! this is our chance!"
Bolts of electricity arc out of the Chenjesu, impacting the control panel in several different spots. Simultaneously, the lights on the panel in front of the metal warrior begin to flicker. At first our heroes assume that this is some kind of feedback effect from what the Admiral is doing. But then levers begin moving and buttons begin sinking as of their own accord. It seems clear that the machine mind is now in charge of this panel.
Together they work the panels as if playing a pair of pianos. Electric arcs and invisible force work together in harmony, dancing ever further into the ships databanks. Commands are turned in this waltz, firewalls overheated by the intensity of their siren song Somewhere far inside the ship, relays burp and twitch as new commands begin their path towards the central node. The ship was never meant to fight off an internal threat of this magnitude. Two beings different in matter but alike in mind work together as one to bring the systems to their knee-equivalent. The other party members understand very little of what is going on, but they can't help but sense that the two are in unity, almost as if they were one. What a being that would be, crystal and machine united!
As the ship surrenders, the blast doors seal shut. All over the ship, the atmosphere begins to vent. Enemies barely woken from their bed by the alarm now find themselves facing an even more dangerous enemy, the cold hard vacuum of space. It is a deadlier foe than the Alliance could ever hope to be, even given their track record on this mission. The screams quickly die away as the air is sucked from all spaces. Soon, the ship is silent.
The final Marine left standing stares at them with hatred. It knows that the battle is lost. The enemy is victorious and a vile human stands in the command centre. It is over. A single tear forms in its eye as it looks over at subcommander ZEK, with longing. Perhaps it dreams of how this could have been different. Then, with a swift motion, it turns the Autolaser on itself. A murderous barrage later a still sizzling corpse falls dead to the floor. The battle is over.
As the last enemy dies, Sonny collapses on the floor. She has been beaten, she has been shot. She has been brought back from the brink of death repeatedly to fight another day. But now her body can take no more. It has given all it has to give. Her friends gather round to help her into a comfortable lying position and apply more healing substances as the Admiral glides forward to the centre console. Lightning arcs out again, but this time in an almost subdued manner. The ship no longer resists its new overlords. Slowly it disengages from the fuelling station, setting course for an Alliance rendezvous point.
It may not look like much, this interceptor. But inside it it carries something of vital essence to the Alliance. It caries hope. A leader has been restored to his people, and a dangerous enemy has been captured. Much can be learned from the subcommander about VUX tactics, perhaps even enough to trun the tables on the so far undefeated Admiral ZEX.
The mission is a success. This time, the commander of Corridor 9 will have no cause to grieve.
What's up doc?