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Author Topic: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC series  (Read 7363 times)
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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2003, 02:55:31 am »

True, although the last one wasn't very good... All this wait for that? Come on!

I dunno if insane is the word I'd use. They just don't seem  to have any sense of dientity, so I suppose it deosn't really matter if they die or not. Their emories will live on.... I just find it amazing that they manage to do anything at all...

Also, I was wondering about the ZFP. Nowadays they seem to float around on some sort of platforms, sure. But how the hell did they move before that? They look very stationary to me... Again, lots of good answers to this, but it made me wonder the first time....

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2003, 04:02:39 am »

The Pik looks like some sort of overgrown parasitic tapeworm. I'm sure he'd manage. The Fot probably has a ton of little feets underneath him in the manner of a pillbug. I worry for the Zoq, though. She seems plant-like, as I've said. Maybe assisted movement was one of the benefits the Zoq got out of the alliance with the Fot and Pik, in return for blasting unsuspecting Zebrankys with spores.

.....I suspect the Zebrankys were all peace loving intellectuals, and the Zoq-Fot-Pik just rewrote history to justify their reasons for genociding the Zebranky!

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2003, 03:12:46 am »

Or maybe.... they ate them!! They hunted the poor things to extinction! Oh dear oh dear oh dear...

Here's another spur of the moment inconsistency: Howe about thta Melnorme Funrom on the moonbase? The melnorme tell you

"Though we Melnorme have just recently arrived in this region of space we have long desired to make contact with your species
and look forward to an extended profitable relationship."

So how did the Spathi get that Funrom? Ok, partially it depends o nthe Melnorme definition of recently, but how'd they pay for it? i can't imagine Spathi trying to catch anything, and there's no rainbow worlds in their sphere (I think, besides, the Melnorme know of none of the rainbow worlds in this quadrant). and the Ilwrath are more likely to maim smething living than eat it...

What's up doc?

Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #18 on: April 12, 2003, 06:47:43 am »

So how did the Spathi get that Funrom? Ok, partially it depends o nthe Melnorme definition of recently, but how'd they pay for it? i can't imagine Spathi trying to catch anything, and there's no rainbow worlds in their sphere (I think, besides, the Melnorme know of none of the rainbow worlds in this quadrant). and the Ilwrath are more likely to maim smething living than eat it...

The deal the Melnorme worked out with Zelnick is a unique one. They knew his mission would make him do an awful lot of exploration and the landers on the precursor vessel would be perfect for capturing rare lifeforms. The other races in the area (or at least the ones the Melnorme talked to) must have provided entirely different things for whatever commodities they desired. Like with the Slyandro allowing the Melnorme to study in exchange for the 241-A probe.

And personally, I didn't like any of Jean M. Auel's books except for 'Cave Bear. The sequels all turned into romance novels.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 06:50:25 am by Shiver » Logged
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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #19 on: April 12, 2003, 08:07:48 am »

I imagine that the FunRom probably didn't cost TOO much. After all, it probably fits under the 'useless and trivial information available at a substantial discount' category.

"Please share your mineral wealth with us, as allies."
As you wish. Our waste recycling unit is at your disposal.
There you will find quantities of methane, sulfurous gas, and some interesting organic compounds.
Feel free, take all you want.

I imagine they recovered Spathi DNA from the Spathi poop. I doubt it was worth very much, but then, I imagine neither was Winky's Happy Night.

"What do you guys do for fun out here in deep space?"
We used to be bored, but then we bought this cool entertainment product.
It simulated a grand adventure through a thousand parsecs of hostile space
where we met interesting aliens, uncovered the secrets of a long-lost superior race
and eventually, to save our worlds from destruction, we had to face the dread..
never mind, I can tell you aren't really interested.

What I can't figure out is how they managed to amass enough credits for that game. It can't possibly have been cheap. It sounds rather fun though!

"Spathi Control: Battles of the Black Spathi Squadron" ?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2003, 08:09:51 am by Kohr-Ah_Primat » Logged

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2003, 02:28:27 am »

My theory is that the Fots were the ones who defeated the Zebranky.  I think, deep down, the Fots are trained killers with hidden giant teeth that could easily kill any Zoq or Pik.  I bet their whol civilization is about appeasing the Fots who could easily use their Zebranky-chompers to gain control at any time....  dun dun dun.

Oh, and that game those Spathi talk about playing in deep space?  It sounds really lame.  They must be pleased easily, because that seems like a pretty mundane way to entertain onesself...

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #21 on: April 14, 2003, 04:38:28 am »

I have to say the name of the Ilwrath ship.  Avenger?  Come on, shouldn't it be something like "Torturer" or "Armageddon"?
They're an admittedly evil race of religious zealots, who worship pain, torture, and... well... evil.  Avenger sounds like it should've been used as a new design from one of the old league races.

Just like in our world, the name given by the builders (original race) is rarely the one used for a plane / submarine (or spaceship). Best example would be all the "additional" names (like NATO-code names) for all the Russian developments.
As for the "real" Zebranky's fate - we will probably never find out. But why would the ZFP call for help describing the event of planetary bombardment by the Kohr-Ah with "worse than Zebranky" if the Zebranky were tasty food or what not?

My biggest "doesn't fit" is the screen malfunction when talking to the Syreen commander Talana - next time, bring some extra light bulbs or night vision goggles  Grin

"Oh, Captain! What's this?"
"That's only my flashlight!"
"And this?"
"Uh, well - another flashlight?"
« Last Edit: April 14, 2003, 04:41:32 am by German_Nightmare » Logged

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #22 on: April 14, 2003, 08:33:55 pm »

For heavens sake GM, you are a Sci-Fi erotica writer, aren't you ?  Grin

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2003, 09:05:02 pm »

fate - we will probably never find out. But why would the ZFP call for help describing the event of planetary bombardment by the Kohr-Ah with "worse than Zebranky" if the Zebranky were tasty food or what not?

Maybe the Zebranky gave them REALLY nasty digestive problems?

Or maybe they figure saying that is the best way to get you to come running.

...part of me WANTED to believe the Dnyarri's speech about 'being whomped on the head and suddenly seeing the world as a wonderful and pretty place'. It really did.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2003, 09:05:21 pm by Kohr-Ah_Primat » Logged

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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2003, 09:23:28 pm »

Why, the Lady Marauder, death borne on a thousand solar winds, severer of hope and deliverer of Fiery, inevitable, and eternal death -- a softie! Who would have guessed?
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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2003, 11:55:40 pm »

For heavens sake GM, you are a Sci-Fi erotica writer, aren't you ?  Grin

Mmh - when it comes to Syreens, my mind just goes wandering off...

Greetings from the German Nightmare - Up the Irons!
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Re: biggest "doesn't fit" items from SC
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2003, 02:02:19 am »

Why, the Lady Marauder, death borne on a thousand solar winds, severer of hope and deliverer of Fiery, inevitable, and eternal death -- a softie! Who would have guessed?
Wink had best not tell anyone!!
*waves tentacle threateningly*

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