Topic: The Coming of Age (Read 9453 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

"The ability to construct these things is beyond your kind and you know them only from the really old and frayed memories. This is a treasure beyond comprehension and something the tribe will want to know about immediately."
Can we get more information? What is it? What does it do?
Posts: 1044

I'm guessing we have no idea what it does.
We must stay outside the village for 3 days before returning, that is our task and the only way we will be accepted as an adult, despite this amazing discovery. Thus, onward we go!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

Ah,ok..... Thanks for "clearing" that up. 
#2 it is.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Honor dictates that I try to complete the mission. If it hadn't been for that, I'd SO be going home. This is big.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
You continue northwards over the ocean. Soon, the whirlpool and stone chest are far behind you. It feels as if you are all alone in a very big world, a wasteland of water. As night falls, you begin to wonder if you’ve made the right choice. What can you possibly find out here in the middle of the ocean? And with a shudder, you also begin to worry about what can possibly find you out here. The ocean is said to be home to sea monsters, vile things that prey on travelers. You’ve always thought of those as nursery stories, but out here in the dark they begin to sound very real.
Amidst your worries, you suddenly spot something on the horizon. At first, you think it is your worst fears realized. A monster from the abyss that is looking for you with burning eyes. But after watching it in petrified terror for a while, you realize that it is a vessel of some sort. A large and looming vessel with lit lanterns, soundlessly gliding through the night. This is probably the dread ship that the Syreen were talking about. Or at least you hope so. If there is an even larger and more ominous ship out here, you’d prefer not to run into it.
You carefully bring your boat closer to the large vessel. The darkness is no longer frightening, but suddenly your ally. Hidden by it you can approach without being noticed by whatever is on board. As you reach the vessel, you realize that its hull is studded with spiky protrusions. They are sharp but thick, probably a way to discourage others from drawing near. However, to you they are very useful. You can easily tie your boat to one of them, and then scale the others until you reach the deck up high. You quietly peer over the side to survey the situation.
The deck is mostly empty. A few green-skinned creatures are slumped against the main mast, clearly asleep. Your memories tentatively identify them as VUX, but in the dark you can’t be sure. Not that it matters, since your memories don’t serve up any other useful information on the creatures. There is a vague recommendation to avoid their touch as it slows you down and makes you clumsy, but it doesn’t seem to regard direct contact as dangerous.
From your hiding position you can spot two ways off the deck. There is a stairway leading down into the bowels of the ship, and a large ornate door at the very end of the deck. From your vague memories of large vessels, the prisoners are probably kept downstairs, and the large door might lead to the Captains quarters.
1. Let’s go pay the Captain a visit! 2. We’re tasked with freeing the Syreen, let us do so.
What's up doc?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
We've been given a job to do, let's do it with a minimum of fuss. Number 2.
Posts: 802

Posts: 1044

Knocking on the captain's door is hardly stealthy nor smart. Let's head below.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
2. We’re tasked with freeing the Syreen, let us do so.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Get this job done and get out of here. I have a... thingy burning a hole in my pocket that I want to bring back.
Posts: 3620

The Ancient One
The Syreen tasked you with finding her friend, and that friend is probably somewhere below deck. You quietly move across the deck, trying not to wake the sleeping VUX. There’s not much risk of that though, they appear to be fast asleep. The deck is hard and cold, wood covered with some strange coating. You wonder where they’ve found all the wood required to build such a huge vessel. You’d probably have to cut down half of the forests on the Island to just build something of this size. And the material that it has been coated with is strange too. The wood beneath looks pristine, as if it had never touched salt water or been worn by feet. This whole place is a mystery to you. Somewhere in the back of your head you wonder if you shouldn’t just get out now and tell the Elders about this place.
But you have a mission to fulfil and to back out now would be a coward’s way out. Instead, you carefully sneak down the stairway into the depths of the vessel. Inside, it is much lighter and you can hear sounds from all around. The vessel is criss-crossed by different corridors and doors, and you can sense movement all around you. You move slowly and carefully, ducking in behind doorways, chests and barrels as soon as you hear something close by. A few times you spot VUX in the distance, but you manage to go unnoticed.
After exploring for a while, you come across a large cell. There is only a single Syreen in it, but it is large enough to easily hold fifty or so. A VUX stands guard by the cell, key-ring jingling in his belt. This must be the one you’ve come to save. Now all that remains is to figure out how. The guard seems alert so you won’t be able to surprise him. You can probably take him in a fight, but that would cause a lot of noise. You briefly consider just turning back, but you’ve come too far for that. One way or another, you need to act.
1. Lets use the charm, it may be useful! 2. Brute force is the way to go here; we’ll knock him out good. 3. Let’s wait and see if he falls asleep. Then we can deal with him quietly.
What's up doc?