Re: Mael-Num???? « Reply #15 on: February 05, 2003, 02:09:29 pm »
This ties into the Whole Orz-Arilou discussion. What the Orz says isn't always that clear, especially since we have no idea of how it views *time*. It might actually see all the time in the place it is, although it inhabits only a bit. Or the Taalo could have fled to another dimension. For al lwe know *pretty space* might even be heaven
Re: Mael-Num???? « Reply #17 on: February 06, 2003, 02:42:19 am »
Is that the 3DO performance or the original PC?
"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid? Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
I read the same chat, and the official award for "longest time period between telling of joke and understanding of joke" officially goes to me.
In the chat, they claim that the goal of the original Star Control was to make "an Archon-like game in space" Thus, the name STARCON. Blizzard did the exact same thing years later; WarCraft in space = StarCraft.
The part that really makes me feel stupid is that I even described the game to people (back in the day) as "an Archon-like strategy game set in space," and STILL didn't get the joke. Sigh.
Re: Mael-Num???? « Reply #21 on: February 07, 2003, 07:48:14 pm »
Yes, but are they alive in our time, or in theirs? *Time* is so *tricky* for you *campers*...
From all indications, while the Orz only speak in the present tense, their concept of time is the same as ours--they do say "and after this..." when speaking of events.
Also, certain Orz quotes explicity say that the Taalo *slid* to run away from the Dnyarri. By this, it was always certain that the Taalo attempted to flee, but it was unclear whether they succeeded (and the *time tricks* thing added to the debate). Since TFB has stated the Taalo live, and imply that some role was planned for them in the sequel, there is not doubt that the Taalo are presnently alive in every sense of the word (though they may have changed drastically over time).
Re: Mael-Num???? « Reply #22 on: February 12, 2003, 03:35:40 am »
I try to ignore the Clairconctlar-Taalo reference in SC3... To me, it was a cheap and stupid way to link the Sentient Milieu into the game some way... I thought the Clairconctlar race was also unoriginal since it stole ideas from the Taalo and then gave no real reasons why they were so similar to the anicent Milieu members... I try to forget about such a stupid and misplaced reference.
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