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Topic: Net Melee Tournament for May 2010 + Meet-Up (Read 5265 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
Bumping this thread. Remember to arrive on Saturday! It's spring/autumn, so make sure that DST doesn't mess the schedule for you if that affects somehow. I never quite understood how it works outside Finland and in relation to UTC.
Captain Mazda
I probably won't be around until 1pm EST tomorrow, is that too late?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 199

Arena regular
Alright. This was one heck of a mess, and it can be summarized with the following picture:

In all seriousness I don't have a clue on who won. Probably Shiver. Might as well be Tiberian or me.
How we ended up to this mess? Well let me tell you.
Round 2 had begun a few minutes ago. I was playing my game against Sideways, but it turned out that Shiver and myc0n were both unable to host a game. I finished my game, marked the score and went to help them. Tiberian had also finished his game against mrcharmin. After some thinking we decided that both of them should play against Tiberian, who was the only player with 2 points at that time. A good plan, I thought. Alas, Tiberian was unable to host a game. We then decided to have a replacement match for Shiver and myc0n, but they should be "one-way -matches", meaning that only Shiver and myc0n could get scores. If their replacement opponent got a score from that match, they would then have played all their 3 games already - and this would have messed up the third round.
So we threw the players with the most score against these two players: Sideways played with Shiver, I played with myc0n. In the end I won my game, so that caused myc0n to get a 0 for his round 2 game (I naturally remained at my 1 point). Against all odds Sideways defeated Shiver. This caused Shiver to also have 0 for his round 2.
Managing to get the channel so confused that even the Melnorme would be amazed I started the third round based on the points: Tiberian had two, me, Shiver and myc0n had 1. Sideways and mrcharmin had 0. This meant that Sideways and mrcharmin were playing against each other and one of the 1 point players would have to play with Tiberian. A dice decided this player to be Shiver.
Eventually, at around 19:30 my time (tournament began on time at 14:00) we finally had the results from all games.
Tiberian: 2 Shiver: 2 Gekko: 2 Sideways: 1 Myc0n: 1 mrcharmin: 0
Now how do we rate this score? We could use the old good "points left" -method where we summarize the total amount of points left in our fleet after victories, and then remove the amount of points with what we lost to other players. This gave me the following scores:
Tiberian: 54 Gekko: 49 Shiver: 43
Sideways: 19 myc0n: -6
Using this system we could say that Tiberian won, but let's look at the games played:
Tiberian won Sideways Tiberian won myc0n Tiberian lost to Shiver
Shiver won Gekko Shiver won Tiberian Shiver lost to Sideways
Gekko won Sideways Gekko won myc0n Gekko lost to Shiver
From this information we can figure out the following:
Shiver has defeated both of the other 2 point players. However, he lost to an 1 point player. Tiberian has the most score, but he was playing against two medium tier players - just like Gekko.
Using this reasoning, I declare the final ratings:
1. Shiver 2. Tiberian 3. Gekko 4. Sideways 5. myc0n 6. mrcharmin
And so ends the May net melee tournament. Thank you for all participants and special honors for Sideways for defeating a top tier player.
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