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Topic: Missing Orz remix (Read 4509 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 1
I've installed UQM on both Windows and Linux, and both times it seems all the remixed music is playing except for the Orz theme ("Squeezing the Juice" by Precursors). The only reason I know of the Orz remix is because a friend sent it to me once, which is what inspired me to try the game. Imagine my disappointment when the music doesn't play in the actual game when speaking with the Orz. I couldn't find the music looking around through the remix packages. Does anyone else hear the Precursors remix when speaking with the Orz instead of the still-amusing Orz theme music with the Scooby-like "Huh?" sound constantly going in the background?
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
There is no remix pack containing the Orz music yet, which is why UQM doesn't play it. It would be very nice if the Precursors would get around to finishing remix pack 4. Would it be possible to release remix pack 4 with all the remixes so far not yet in a pack and save the remaining ones for pack 5?
Posts: 1044

Remaining ONE, as far as comm screens go. Only the Syreen remix remains unreleased.
Aren't the individual songs for "future pack 4" available in OGG form on their website? It's been a long time since I checked, so I don't remember.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
As far as I can tell, only MP3s are available for remixes that haven't been released in a remix pack yet. Either way, the lack of a proper package and easy installation is more of a problem (and would be easier to fix, too).
What's annoying is that Mark Vera did a Syreen remix in 2004, which disappeared after some unnecessarily harsh criticism over at OverClocked Remix. What's really annoying is that they more or less rejected it for being too faithful to the original; I don't think the UQM community would mind. I'd love to hear it, no matter what the OCRemix crew think.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
I have a strong dislike for OverClocked Remix. I did a faithful remix of the Supercars music with a way more realistic sound, and it got rejected because it was too close to the original. I don't give a damn about a music community that expects me to add something new to music people just want to listen to updated versions of (though there's a place for new stuff too, just look at the UQM remixes).
The sad thing about Mark Vera's Syreen remix is that everyone else in the remix team loved it, but he wanted to redo it (and never did).
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
I have a strong dislike for OverClocked Remix. I did a faithful remix of the Supercars music with a way more realistic sound, and it got rejected because it was too close to the original. I don't give a damn about a music community that expects me to add something new to music people just want to listen to updated versions of (though there's a place for new stuff too, just look at the UQM remixes).
I find the Remix64/RKO/AmigaRemix community much friendlier; at least they published your Super Cars II remix (that was what you were referring to, right?). Yeah, they are more my style. I got two remixes published there that OCRemix wouldn't touch, and both have been relatively highly rated (hey, some people even voted for one of them as remix of the year or something. I don't recall the specifics).
The sad thing about Mark Vera's Syreen remix is that everyone else in the remix team loved it, but he wanted to redo it (and never did).
Well, if you haven't managed to convince him to release it in 5 years, I doubt you can. Besides, I don't like the idea of pressuring him until he gives in. Still, it's been quite a while... I agree. What the remix team needs these days is leadership. That was originally Riku's job, but he slowly withdrew from the whole thing as his remixes got finished. I think that's where the process started to collapse for us. I never felt comfortable trying to take up the reins after him. Also, I'm a damned perfectionist too (VOiD and I discarded 3 separate attempts at the Kzer-Za remix before we got to the released one).
Frungy champion
Posts: 96

from Sunstrike's image pack
The Kzer-Za music was great... just one small thing irked me slightly - the vocals didn't sit quite right for me.
Posts: 802

The "Now and Forever" was my ringtone for a while, but changed due to it being quite low, which is bad for ringtone. I enjoy most of the remixes, but as stand-alone musical pieces. They just don't fit ingame for me... Except the ones kept really close to original (as Culture19)
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