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Topic: Problem loading a saved game (Read 1600 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
Hi, I don't know if this is an actual problem or a bug rather than a "unique feature" in the game, but when I try to load my saved game, the game starts me from the edge of our solar system where the game first begins. My ship has a different name (the standard name, I suppose) and none of the stuff I've collected except all the minerals. When I go to a planet and try to load my game there, the ship and the captain's name changes to the ones I gave them (Captain Supreme! in his mighty ship, the glorious Asskicker) but none of the other stuff changes, I'm still at the very beginning of the game.
I hadn't played that far when I saved (just before having been obliterated in my first space battle against the spider guy), is it only possible to do a "proper" save later in the game or something and I'm just being stupid, or is there something actually wrong? I had to install-uninstall-reinstall the game a billion times before I got it working (the installer for the 0.6.2 version kept crashing and I somehow managed to finally get 0.6.1 working), maybe that's the cause of the problem? Hope you can help, I really like this game and I'd like to get it working properly. Thanks in advance.
Also, there was no radioactive stuff on Mercury in the beginning, I had to go to Ganymede to get some. What's up with that?
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
0.6.2 was released very rapidly after 0.6.1 for the simple reason that 0.6.1 corrupts save games! You should really install version 0.6.2.
What's going wrong with the 0.6.2 install and at which point in the installation process?
Note that you can simply install 0.6.2 over 0.6.1 without downloading the content again; only the executable has changed.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
The 0.6.2 installer kept crashing while trying to download the music files. I installed 0.6.2 over 0.6.1 without the music and now it seems to work. Thanks a bunch!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
If the installer crashes while trying to install the music, I find the rest of the game is probably fine. The music it's getting (or not) is the precursor remixes, I think?
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