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Topic: Shouldn´t the game warn you that you might need the map that came with SC2? (Read 4558 times)
The Orz are creepy
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
I played this game like two years ago so I´m not really sure about this.
First, is this map an official map that perhaps came with SC2 or just some fan made map?
I remember there was a hint (given by the VUX guy perhaps) for a item that mentioned a snake/serpent (or some other creature) and I recall I couldn´t find an answer for it so I googled the location of the item.
After I found this map the hints made more sense as the constellation looks sort of like the animal mentioned.
So, if this really is an official map (or if at least there was some sort of official map), shouldn´t UQM mention to the player that you can "better enjoy " the game if you have this map?
Well, if there wasn´t any official map ( and I was supposed to find the item without it anyways) then I guess my thread doesn´t make much sense.
Posts: 802

The spheres of influence, as known by Alliance, are also pretty much the only way to know where to repeat Umgah prank.
Posts: 802

You have to combine the two - the victims give reference, but you have to have the map to see which part of the sky the reference fit.
EDIT - I've checked the DIFF directory and indeed they give the coordinates set, so yes, no need for map for that.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2010, 03:29:11 am by Alvarin »
The Orz are creepy
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
For the sake of completeness I think UQM should mention (in the readme or the manual) that the original came with this map and that it might be useful for completing the quests. That way new players would be aware of this and google for the original SC2 map before playing.
Frungy champion
Posts: 96

from Sunstrike's image pack
Perhaps new versions of UQM might have the map file included?
Posts: 1044

The problem is, of course, that the map contains major spoilers for those who are averse to such things. With the exception of the accidentally omitted dialog from the 3D0 version, you don't technically NEED the map to play at all. The hints given in-game sufficient to solve every quest without ever needing to consult it (though some of the means of acquiring those hints may be a bit obscure; ZEX's beast stands out in particular).
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
That isn't spoilage, it's the information Zelnick actually had at the time corresponding to the beginning of the game. Not having it is inaccurate.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
Zelnick is assumed to have access to Star Control maps from the time when the Burton-Farnsworth expedition to Vela left Earth (in 2134); the Vela 2 colony has been isolated since then. The map supplied with SC2 says it's from 2133. The manual (at least for the PC version) has more spoilers.
Incidentally, the UQM project has a map generator that produces maps that look something like this.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 127
As I recall, the official map was included with the PC version of SC2 as a form of copyright protection. The game would ask you to name a star of a given colour at a given set of coordinates before launching, and you needed that map to look up which star it was asking for. The spheres of influence aren't a huge spoiler IMHO, being several years out of date as of the start of the game. Besides, knowing where the big bad Ur-Quan are, roughly, is a big help in not getting swamped by hyperspace encounters before you're ready to fight them.
Having said that, the 3do version wouldn't really need the copyright protection as a console game, so the map was probably included there as a courtesy more than anything else. The VUX hint about a serpent constellation can be solved if you look at the hyperspace map in game and seek out a constellation that looks snake-like. I mean, unless you really need someone else to connect the dots for you, it isn't that hard. =P
The missing dialogue is a bigger issue, but I think most people would go online before looking at a jpg map outside the game anyway, in this day and age, so no, I wouldn't say the map is needed to play UQM, even if it is your first time. Helpful, yes, needed, no.
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