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Author Topic: The Taalo Project  (Read 24825 times)

Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #90 on: August 22, 2007, 11:46:09 pm »

Interesting. So, disagreeing with what you have to say when you distort what I am trying to say is "flaming"...

If so, I guess I'm flaming, and I have absolutely no problem with it.

Hey asshole, Elvish Pillager has been on these forums for months modding the game and helping out the core team here and there. You, on the other hand, are some loudmouth that's been here for like a day and now you're telling everyone else what to do and insulting regulars that have--unlike yourself--contributed something of value. If you don't like someone else's optional content project, then go away. Don't fucking buy it, don't fucking drink it, don't fucking troll their topic.
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #91 on: August 23, 2007, 12:19:28 am »

No, no, dear. You are flaming by insulting others needlessly when they haven't done the same to you. Examples:

"But I would just like to say that, in all honesty, the concept sounds incredibly silly."

So? Even if it is, why did you feel the need to announce your opinion when they're already well on their way with this project? Just to get a rise out of them? Did you really think that they'd just give up after saying that you think the idea is silly? "Incredibly silly" is still an insult, by the way.

What was your purpose in posting, if not to start an argument?

Given that you're new here, you're really shooting yourself in the foot and not giving off a good first impression.

"Absolute ridiculousness. You are a complete moron if you intend to flame somebody just because of an honest concern and unbiased opinion."

Given that you just barged in here to call their work "silly", I don't think he's particularly moronic for taking offense.

Your first post sounded nothing like concern to me. It sounded more like an elaborate, watered down way of saying "Give it up, you're not talented enough to do a project like this." Claiming to have an "unbiased opinion" is just laughable as well.

"And just because you're a fan of Japanese RPG's."

What does that have to do with anything? How do you know this? What do you mean by that, anyway? Are Japanese RPGs stereotypically known for making enemies sound female? I've never noticed such a thing.

"Had you done any basic study as to the validity of the word "IF", say, in elementary school, you would realise that it signifies a condition."

Here, you outright insult someone. Thanks for implying that EP never learned from elementary school if he takes something you say the wrong way, which he hasn't. You even said that you implied that Davey was stupid yourself in the previous sentence!

You've trapped Davey, basically. He did say that he wanted to flame you, so you are saying that he's a moron for doing so. I can't see why he'd really deserve to be labeled so when you, some newbie, came in here and called his efforts "silly" and told him that he should "[keep] the work to the professionals"

"If you hated proper articulation, why didn't you instead spend your internet time on 4chan, for instance, rather than decide to pin the blame on me and demand the moderators remove any sign of dissidence? "

Wow. This reeks of "Go to some other lowly and unintelligent place, plebian." Nobody likes to be talked down to.

If you don't care for what they're doing, why don't you do what a lot of other people on the forum are doing and ignore this thread? Why did you have to proclaim your personal distaste for their project?

It's not that you have an opinion, it's that you announce it in a rude, unnecessary way.
Davey Yungblud
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #92 on: August 23, 2007, 04:54:26 am »

Look, RedDaVinci, I really hate it when people bicker like this. If you're not going to contribute to my project in any reasonable way, just leave it alone. Don't get me wrong, I'll accept criticism. And even if it seems like all I'm doing is saying "Yeah, that's nice, now let's stick with my idea," I really do listen and consider every opinion that comes through here. I've even compromised and have decided to release these each individually so that users can personalize their game experience, choose which voices to change and which one to leave alone, instead of in large packs like I had intended.

Regarding my statement in which I said that the project will be done when it is done,  this does not necessarily mean that it will take the entire school year. I'm simply giving myself a realistic deadline for the type of project I am running. You see, if I was the only one working on the project, then I could be finished with it in a minimum of 54 days, and that's including sleep and school and such. However, I am not the only person working on this project, and so I must coordinate my own work along with the schedules of the other people who are working on this project. I still have 5 or 6 auditions which have yet to be heard, and the requests for the sample scripts were roughly a month ago (I apologize if this timeframe is incorrect, it was just an approximation after all). I have no idea where most of the people who are involved with the project even live, so they may have a completely different day/night cycle than I do here in Central Texas. All of this equates to what should only take two months stretching to at least eight (And who knows, it may take even longer than that; There's no rush. It's not like we're being paid, and it's not vital to releasing UQM v0.7.0  Tongue). The Precursors still haven't released the fourth remix pack, do you think that their project is any less valid than my own? Just a thought.

And if you didn't see my last post, the Ur-Quan Kzer-Za voice has been released as soon as Valaggar packages it so it will be usable in-game.

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #93 on: August 23, 2007, 09:43:39 am »

I look forward to hearing the new Kzer-Za voice. It's nice to see fan projects like these actually produce something. Just out of interest, how far along are you with the Kohr-Ah voice? Though I personally don't think a female voice will be fitting, I'm quite curious to hear the end result.

Keep up the good work!

What's up doc?
Resh Aleph
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2007, 04:33:48 pm »

I for one love the Kzer-Za voice (and music), so I'd be really impressed if you managed to top that. Tongue

By the way: I'm sure this has been discussed before, but if it's just the Talking Pet talking, shouldn't the voice be similar to the neo-Dnyarri's (for both Ur-Quan subspecies)?

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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #95 on: August 23, 2007, 05:15:21 pm »

The Talking Pet is just doing the translation. Having the Ur-Quan speak in a Dnyarri voice makes no more sense than having all races speak in a robotic tone (the voice of the translation computer). The translation computer computes a voice for the Ur-Quan, not for the Dnyarri, as the message originates with the former.

I for one love the Kzer-Za voice (and music), so I'd be really impressed if you managed to top that. Tongue
Unfortunately, he hasn't. He's made it in a different manner. I vastly prefer the original over Davey's variant, as I'm sure you will, too... but there are some people who don't like the original Kzer-Za voice.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 05:16:56 pm by Valaggar the Wackrazy One » Logged
Davey Yungblud
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #96 on: August 23, 2007, 05:42:27 pm »

Well, since the voice actress I had in mind hasn't been able to come and record anything, nothing yet, thought I will begin recording the male variant soon, with myself as the male Kohr-Ah. Since I'm releasing both of them, I'm hoping most people who even bother to download any of these will at least try both voices. Like I said before, this isn't really intended to replace the voices entirely, much like how the music can either be played as the originals or the remixes; you can use either the original voices or the new ones. I know, I sound like a broken record player, but I just wanted to make sure that everyone knew so, as obviously some people don't seem to see that.

ADDITION: I am recording my second run-through of the VUX script, and I have realized that as much as I'd like to, I can't really separate the homeworld VUX from the VUX in space, as you can ask some of the same questions at the homeworld that you can in space, so the game would load samples that were intended for the Vux in space. So now I am faced with a dilemma: Do I stay with the voice that sounds somewhat like Ben Stein or the one that's based off of the SC3 VUX voice-over? Input is encouraged.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 09:57:21 pm by Davey Yungblud » Logged

"The Kohr-Ah are welcome in my galaxy any day --  it's those damned creepy Arilou that I worry about...opening portals to God-knows where and gaining perverse pleasure from manipulating the affairs of non-IDF smegheads they are." -Emperor Volusianus of the Empire of Volusianus.
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #97 on: September 29, 2007, 01:12:27 pm »

A few things to say here:

1) Davey, I'm so sorry I never got back to you with the auditions.  I just cannot get the hang of talking to a machine, and I never realized that my aversion to such a thing was so strong (even though I even have trouble with answering machines...)  But I'll still try.  I have a friend who likes to voice- chat, so that helps.

2) My friend (to do the fem Kohr-Ah) never even got back to me about it.

3) I'm pretty sure I lost the audition lines.  The Myc ones were "look...Think...Act...etc", "A single spore lands...etc" and... "Pulsing hot liquid...", right?  Wait... one of those was "Planetary transformer biot...", wasn't it?  At least I have the quotes all so I can hear them, and write them down if needed.

Quote from: Valaggar
I tend to swallow some worlds at times.
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #98 on: October 14, 2007, 11:51:48 pm »

I'm sorry to resurrect this topic, but I thought I should bring to Davey's attention that I have not only e-mailed him my audition three times, I PMed the .wav files to him as well, but I've yet to get any word back about it. Did you get them?

Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #99 on: May 09, 2010, 06:56:07 am »

Hey guys, sorry, it's been a while. This is Davey on a new account - I forgot my password and go by a different persona anyways. I'm still willing to work on this project. But as I've posted before, I'm also working on some animation projects, most of which involve UQM, so new voice overs are necessary for those, regardless of if they're used in the game or not. Most of the dialogue will be identical to UQM anyways. Garret, if you're still around, I never got your files. I have a new e-mail for you to send them to, if anyone else is still interested: Thanks, guys ^.^
Valos Cor
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Re: The Taalo Project
« Reply #100 on: June 19, 2010, 07:34:41 am »

When I first stumbled on this topics about 20 minutes ago I was thinking "What in the galaxy is this!?!"...Then I was thinking "Do they really think that they can replace the talent (I don't really know if thats the correct term) of Fred Ford and Paul Reiche III?"...Then I was thinking..."Cool!  I might want to download this and try it myself! That is if I can get it working!"  So... Davey... If the project can regain momentum and start up again, I hope it is successful! 
P.S. Why is it called the Taalo project anyway? Am I missing a different thread or website forum?

I'm the kind of person that uses Linux and seems to be a very literate adult but has no idea how to do anything code-wise beyond basic stuff.(such as su -<password> yum install uqm) Except I didn't install UQM that way...I used Add/Remove Software...
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