*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
I know, I know, as a community we're spoiled for games. Well, I'm currently in the process of gathering players for one of my own on the SCDB. Entitled "The Flower in the Night" for reasons which should eventually become obvious, it's a bit like a blend of MSPaint Adventures and an ARG, and here's the fun part - it crosses over with another, as-yet unnamed forum. Nothing is pre-written and there are no dice to roll, except where it is or there are.
If you want to play along here, I have prepared a link for such a purpose with the full details and scant rules. Just be warned now, if you ask a question about it I am likely to be extremely unhelpful... or am I actually giving information away freely? http://www.star-control.com/community/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=170