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Author Topic: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?  (Read 9786 times)
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The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« on: February 05, 2003, 12:12:58 am »

I've always been curious about the Arilou sphere of influence in the game, why do they need it? I mean, that's (as far as I know) the only place in the quadrant where you can run into Arilou ships, but to me, it doesn't quite make sense.

The Arilou mention to you that they have versions of their own portal spawners on their ships, so i'm assuming they can jump to Quasispace from anywhere in Hyperspace just like you. and they use the same portals to exit quasispace as you. So they don't really need to keep a military presence around the one naturally occuring portal, cuz it's not their only point of entry.

Also, if they are guarding the portal to make sure noone else finds their homeworld in quasispace, then they aren't doing a very good job are they? Even the spathi know where it is,, and mention watching it for a while. the melnorme mention it as well, and god knows how many races they've sold the information to. and i don't think a few battlegroups of Skiffs could stand against an amrada of Kzer-Za or Kohr-Ah bent on getting in...

So has anyone come up with another explanation to why they hang around by the portal?

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2003, 12:46:24 am »

What are you doing here, in this region of space? -Captain

We are many places, at many *times*. This place is an easy place... one of the ten easy places.
At different times, we explore different easy places. That is our way.
Oh! I can see from the look in your eyes that I have confused you.  I am silly.
Please disregard my words.

"What are you exploring for in these `easy places'?"-Captain

We seek to trap *Nnngn*, but they dart and leap.
YOU cannot trap *Nnngn*... do not even try.
I do not think you can even touch them; you are not quite solid enough.

"Okay, you trap these nungy things. Then what?"-Captain

Why we let them go, of course! *Nnngn* do not like to be confined!

Captain, these things we talk about... they are unimportant to you... they are as dreams.
Our words should address your universe... not ours.

I'm not sure what an easy place is, but it's not a naturally ocurring portal (there is only one naturally occurring Portal which will transport a ship from HyperSpace to QuasiSpace), and it's not one of the holes from quasi to hyper, because there are more than 10 of them.  Maybe it's just easy to catch *Nnngn* in that region.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2003, 12:58:35 am by Culture20 » Logged
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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2003, 12:50:37 am »

As far as guarding the portal:  It's a naturally occuring portal to their own realm and it draws attention to itself.  I think it's only natural that they would want to guard the space around the portal.
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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2003, 12:52:50 am »

In fact, your question is valid as we do know that the Arilou retreated entirely into Quasi-space when the Hierarchy had defeated the Alliance, retreating back to their homeworld.  What provoked many of their ships to return to Hyperspace, and to have a sphere of influence, is unknown...  perhaps they know that the Captain has found the Precursor vessel and they enter space to help him.  This or the fact that the Ur-Quan are now pre-occupied with their own Doctrinal War proves that the Arilou believe it is 'safe' to enter Hyperspace once more.

I think the sphere is mostly for the player, giving them a place to meet the Arilou, a fairly important discovery to make since doing so increases chances of winning the game highly.  Instead of simply putting a scout ship in a TrueSpace star system, as they did with the Zoq-Fot-Pik, an Arilou sphere of influence provides the player a chance to meet the enlightened beings.

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2003, 12:57:41 am »

As far as guarding the portal:  It's a naturally occuring portal to their own realm and it draws attention to itself.  I think it's only natural that they would want to guard the space around the portal.

Yes, I just think it's strange that they have so few guards around there, if it were me, I'd probably commit a larger part of my fleet to guarding such a potential troublespot... Or somehow try to defer just anyone from finding it, but apparently you can just waltz in, as could the Spathi, had they wnted to, or anyone else who knows about it. Of course, they might be guarding the nine other "easy places" as well, who knows what might get in through them.

My question still stands about why you don't see them anywhere else though. If they, as they state, are endlessly curious by nature, you'd expect them to turn up in more than one place on the starmap. The only other place they mention to you is when they find the talking pet at Alpha Pavonis..

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2003, 01:06:00 am »

heh, didn't see your post there Omni-Samna, so ill just add another one...

Yeah, but if they'd wanted to, they could just have done the same thing as with the ZFP, couldn't they? Let the starbase commander report that there's been some msg about "My dear child we desire a meeting" or whatnot being recieved by the starbase,. The first ZFP ship wasn't actually in the ZFP sphere either but rather closer to you...

Or the Umgah could tell you, same as the Traddash about "the cluster where you can meet the funny ppl"

But you are entirely correct, I'd actually forgotten that they mention retreating into QSpace completely, they must have some sort of defense on the other side of the portal that were not privy to....

and I suppose playability reasons are correct as well, I just wish there was a more.. well, exotic solution to it

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2003, 01:06:14 am »

It's possible that they only send single skiffs out to these other places, kind of like scouts. You may not see them anywhere else simply because those skiffs choose not to be seen. =)

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why? why is it
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2003, 01:24:02 am »

That totally kills the next question I was gonna make I suppose, but here goes anyway : )

If the Arilou live at their homeworld, and in fact use the same portals as we do in quasispace to get around (or at least the ones we see), then how come you never see any ships in Qspace? Curious as they are, shouldn't there be at least a few Arilou popping in and out of the portals? Or at the very least, the ones in their part of Hyperspace should appear and head to the planet for refueling and such every once in a while... Maybe we never notice them in Hyperspace, but a sighting or two should have been made in Qspace, unless they have some weird cloaking tech that works here, as opposed to the Ilwraths...

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2003, 02:34:39 am »

We're having an interesting discussion in the Arilou/Orz thread hypothesising that the Arilou are in fact multi-dimensional beings like Orz.

That would explain why you never see them in QS, since he/they is/are at Farilafilay.

You never see them elsewhere in the galaxy because they are reclusive by nature; at least when it concerns other beings.

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2003, 02:45:52 am »

But if you ask them wether or not they will join you in an alliance they answer "With ships and weapons... blood and bones... no.
Too many shipmates were forcibly... discorporated.. in the last conflict." Indicating that they were actually individuals who died, or at least lost their bodies. If they were Orz, they wouldn't care that much about their *fingers* being cut off, would they?

Also, commander Hayes states that your spawner is constructed from hybrid Arilou-Ur-Quan technology, and they themselves mention they have portal spawners on their ships. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but this is not the case of the Orz is it? It came in through a hole that the Arilou opened, yes, and because it is aware of us, or because that hole is still open it can push it's *fingers* through to here.

But if it were as simple for them to move around as it is for the Arilou, wouldn't they be glad to offer us the same oppportunity as the Arilou? The Orz wants us to come visit and come playing after all. But it never mentions (at least that we understand) anything about how it pokes hole's for it's *fingers*, just that it does. the point I'm trying to make (although murky) is that the Arilou rely on technology to move between these dimensions, technology that can be copied. The Orz just seem to come through, aided by the androsynth, and then remain here without needing anything other than that original opening (which you'd think we'd have found on the Synth homeworld if it was still there)

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2003, 03:00:52 am »

Perhaps once the Orz found the Androsynth it didn't need the opening anymore. Remember that guy on the planet lander got all cut up and everything even though there was no portal found.

Of course, he could have made a small portal when he was locked away in that room, but he himself said that just knowing was enough to alert "them" to your presence. So maybe the Orz only needed the portal at first.

As to why it (the Orz) doesn't just complete the transfer to this dimension... I have a theory on that but it's more suitable for another topic. =)

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2003, 03:05:08 am »

Yes but if the Orz don't need portals, and the Arilou do, that points to a big difference, anyway you're right, this is getting a bit off-topic. I suppose most theories to why the Arilou are trampsing around outside the portal have been mentioned? If anyone has another theory, feel free the floor is yours

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2003, 04:10:32 am »

They have a sphere of influence for the same reason all the other races do.

They still need resources. Earthlings, VUX, Spathi, Yehat, whoever, they spread from their homeworlds and colonized new worlds to provide themselves with more raw materials. It's the same with the Arilou, they probably spread out into TrueSpace because Falayalaralfali simply did not have enough natural resources left to continue to maintain their Skiff fleets, or it didn't have enough room to house the expanding Arilou population, or something else to that effect.
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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #13 on: February 05, 2003, 04:19:03 am »

Well, seeing as their homeworld is in a "truespace eddy", you'd think there'd be some minerals there, but maybe they've mined them already. On the other hand, If I had the ability to skip through the galaxy any way I wanted to, I'd scout for the most profitable and least hostile systems around, and set up mining operations there. A system here and a system there, nothing big enough to attract undue notice, seeing as it's always outside other races spheres of influence. When you have a full load of minerals to transport back to the homeworld, just send them into hyperspace, warp them into Qspace, and Bobs your uncle!

On the other hand, I just realized that the Skiffs couldn't carry that many minerals, and seeing as the Arilou apparently can't make you a portal spawner without some sort of extra powersource, they probably couldn't warp large barges full of minerals into Qspace either, which means they'd need their natural portal to bring stuff back home.

That'd also explain why they only have a few ships. all they need to do is keep Traddash raiders and umgah pranksters away from their cargo vessels.

Good thinking on that one, I'd never have thought of resource collecting myself : ) In my mind, it's soemthing only I do in the game...

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Re: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why?
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2003, 05:59:51 am »

I suppose playing in StarConRPG gave me that idea. Wink
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