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Topic: The Arilou sphere of Influence -Why? (Read 9791 times)
You guys, they aren't guarding themselves from anything. They're hunting Nngn for recreation. RECREATION! You don't need thousands of ships over a large area to play tag with some weird hyperspace animals. I'd repeat the quote, but it's already been stated in this topic. The Arilou are not war-minded at all, but they do have enough recon to know exactly when they need to worry about protecting themselves. 2155-2160 is perfectly safe for them. If the Kohr-Ah show up, they can withdraw. Does anyone know what they say at their homeworld when the Kohr-Ah start their rampage and knock out their fleet?
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Posts: 155
Falayalaralfali =)
The Spathi only know that there is a point of light out there that looks like a star and is only active for about three days. They may get the guts to go see what it is someday, but being Spathi I doubt they'll have the courage to enter the portal.
...last month on the 17th; we saw a new star appear between the Circini and Chandrasekhar star clusters. We watched it and watched it -- for three days, we just watched it Then it went away, vanished, just like that. I hope it comes back. As for the Melnorme, all they know is that the Arilou are rarely seen far from the Columbae constellation near where the portal appears. They've never entered it and they don't seem to have much of an interest in doing so.
The portal opens only a short time each month starting on the 17th. Since we have never entered the portal, we can give no more information on this subject. Besides, I'm sure the Arilou realize that they can't keep the existence of that portal a secret forever. Sooner or later some race or another will pick up on its existence.
I don't think mineral wealth completely explains the Arilou's presence. There is exactly ONE star system in their sphere of influence (Gamma Circini) and only one other just on the border (Delta Circini).
I think the Arilou are just sort of waiting there. They're keeping an eye on the events in this dimension or maybe even waiting for the Captain to find them. They make regular visits to Unzervalt and even the Earth Starbase, so it would seem likely that they know of the Captain and his quest.
Or perhaps the explanation is something we cannot comprehend. Their presence in this dimension could simply be due to their pursuit of *Nnngn*, as Shiver suggests. And that would be a good enough explanation for me.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2003, 06:36:25 am by Matticus »
philosophy is the talk on a cereal box religion is a smile on a dog
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Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
Eh, we seem to be forgetting that a 'sphere of influence' isn't neccessairly 'areas where we have millitary control'. Even in the zones of highly territorial creatures like the vux or ilwrath, you still find star systems where not so much as a single ship bothered to hang around. I figure the arilou sphere isn't an arilou controlled area, just the place where you're most likely to meet one. It's one of the 'easy places', so that's hardly suprising, they're trapping something that you can't comprehend (and honestly, before you go looking to hard, remember what happened to the androsynth who took an interest in IDF creatures). The arilou are there, and have a reason to be there, but comprehending their reasons would be difficult and possibly dangerous.
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Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
Meh, I still say they are there for mineral resources. But then, maybe that's because that's what they're doing in StarConRPG.
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Posts: 156

Spathi? What spathi? You're imagining, hunam.
Yes, but the thing is the two aren't equal. The arilou can just hang around in an area without having actual millitary control of it, while the thraddash and mycon have real trouble having millitary control of an area without actually being in it.
You'll also find that if the sphere of influence moves away, then you go to the area where it was, there's a big shortage of ships there. When the mycon go to the ambush, if you're in mycon space while they're at it, there is nary a mycon to be seen. They've upped and left.
They are somewhat connected, especially since most of the races in the game seem to have a heavy interest in staying at home and blowing up anybody who comes by. But, then you also have the arilou, who don't much seem to care about the systems, and the zoqfot have a supringly large sphere of influence, considering that that every colony they had save their homeworld is gone, and that any one of their ships that decides to go for a flight is pretty much target practice.
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Posts: 134

Robot in Disguise
I tend to accept Culture20 and Shiver's explanation- they just hung around to catch *Nnngn*. I might be giving the Arilou too much credit, but I believe they know what's going on better then the Melnorme, or anyone else. If someone would ever think of sending a fleet to attack the Arilou through the portal, they'll probably have some kind of nasty surprise. A giant fleet of Skiffs, or maybe they'll just disappear without a trace... I also like the idea (can't find who suggested it) that the Arilou keep some ships around to make sure the Umgah don't get it. The Arilou won't need much of a fleet for that, and keeping the Umgah away is certainly a good and healthy idea, especially if the Arilou can have heart attacks...
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