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Topic: So what can we expect from a REAL sequel (Read 5690 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 32

Come little one, join us in the night.......
I've been thinking recently, what exactly can we expect from a real sequel to sc2? The gameplay of SC2, while excellent of course, was in many ways a product of the limitations of your average home computer at the time. The 486 DX was released the same year SC2 was released, and it was the first desktop CPU to have an integrated FPU, meaning everything before that needed a math coprocessor to handle 3D stuff. So that restricted what could be done with it to 2D, and basic representations of a planets surface.
So what about gameplay in a sequel? I really don't know, except that the mineral hunting aspect would probably not appear again. With Earth and the other alliance races freed, it wouldn't be needed. Fortunately, modern systems give a lot more flexibility for the imagination to be represented. Personally I would look forward to seeing beutifully rendered alien worlds. But I really dont know how gameplay (or combat) can be modernized. Any thoughts?
As for the story, I think most of the races will be around plus some new ones. The Ilwrath and Thraddash were pretty thorouly devestated by their war, whether or not they show up is questionable. The Kohr-Ah may show up from time to time, but they would likely be under the control of the Kzer-Za. I can also see the Kzer-Za being allied with the new alliance or whatever organization supercedes it. Their ships are powerful and they have highly advanced technology. In facing whatever new threat comes about this would be very useful. As for what's left of the old heirarchy, I do think the overtly hostile ones (VUX and Mycon) will have severly restricted fleet sizes and may be quartentined all together. The Spathi will probably be neutral. I'd love to see the plot delve more deeply into what exatly happened to the Androsynth, as well as Orz's story (what it is and what it wants). I also think we can expect the Taalo to show up. Orz said they were still alive, somewhere *below*. I would also expect some of the mystery of the Precursors, but perhaps not all of it to save some material for future use. Either way I'd still love to see plenty of new, unsolved mysteries to be introduced.
Sorry for the rant, just something I've been thinking about for a bit now.
Into the heart of darkness......
Posts: 568

Actually, I think mining will become a less integral part of the game but still be included in it. Just look at the console games out there, all kinds of useless stuff to do to gain trophies/achievements .
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

To me, there needs to be a reason to visit planets and mining fills that need well. I couldn't imagine SC or a sequel without it. I'd also think there should be more to do on a planet's surface. What exactly, I don't know.
A sequel will also need to appeal to a new generation of players if they expect to turn a profit. So I'd expect an immersive 3D enviornment on planets and during combat. A great story isn't optional if they expect the SC fans to buy the game so I'd expect an attempt to appeal to both the SC fans and the new generation alike.
Posts: 802

I would like to see some type of first-person-view of planetary exploration of ruins or other artifact sites. Same goes to lander - could go 3D "sim". Though animatronics got significantly better over the years, I still think full CGI for aliens is in order. But first and most important it should have at least descent story. It was the best part of SC2 and should be present throughout the sequels.
Posts: 802

Never played Mass effect... Should I give it a go? How similar the gameplay (and, more importantly, the story) is to SC2?
Posts: 802

Browsed Youtube for a while. Too much FPS, don't like it. Not what I would like the SC sequel to be.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 291
I'd actually prefer to see animatronic aliens, just done well rather than whatever the hell SC3 thought it was doing. It was a good feel even if the execution sucked horribly. Except, maybe the Syreen and Earthlings would have real actors? Not sure if that would clash particularly. Animatronic done badly still looks like there's something solid sitting on your screen, CGI done badly looks like there's a computerized piece of plastic sitting on your screen. I'm just sick of CGI, yaknow?
Posts: 1044

I'd actually prefer to see animatronic aliens, just done well rather than whatever the hell SC3 thought it was doing. It was a good feel even if the execution sucked horribly. Except, maybe the Syreen and Earthlings would have real actors? Not sure if that would clash particularly. Animatronic done badly still looks like there's something solid sitting on your screen, CGI done badly looks like there's a computerized piece of plastic sitting on your screen. I'm just sick of CGI, yaknow? The main problem with this, of course, is that animatronics are significantly more expensive. Maybe that wasn't so back in 1996 when CGI was still relatively new, but nowadays it's very cheap to produce CGI, so much so that traditional animation seems to be falling by the wayside more and more. Even if a sequel is greenlit, I don't think it will have anywhere near the budget necessary to get animatronics or any other fanciness like that. Which really is no great loss, since CG rendering has come a long way, and if TFB is in charge they're not likely to cheap out and go for bad effects.
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