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Author Topic: Star Control series (I, II, III)  (Read 10654 times)
Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #30 on: November 06, 2010, 02:06:49 am »


Is there a more humane way to obtain the rosy sphere than trading 100 crew into virtual slavery?
Do I have time to visit every alien race so I have lots of friends to fight the Kohr-Ah?

I tried to go to the rainbow world on Epsilon Lipi.  I had so many Ur-Quan attack me, I died.  Is there a way to get there without their presencee?

I have the taalo crystal and it seems to help with the talking pet.  Then the pet tells the umgahs to gang up on me and I'm toast.  What should I do or say to obtain the talking pet without being fried to a crisp?
talking pet

When the pkunk are "absorbed" by the Yehat, are they joined in harmonious bliss, or do the Yehat just destroy them?  Will the Yehat ever help the Alliance?  Also, the Pkunk gave me four ships and I thought one time I played, I returned and they gave me even more ships.  Did this happen?  Is there a way to get this additional help?

What's the best thing to do with the Spathi?  Do the thing at Spathiwa and try to build some eluders before the Spathi encase themselves into a red shield?

Are the Syreen, Zoq Pik Fot, Chenjesu and Mycon necessary to win the game?


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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2010, 02:29:14 am »

Is there a more humane way to obtain the rosy sphere than trading 100 crew into virtual slavery?
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Do I have time to visit every alien race so I have lots of friends to fight the Kohr-Ah?
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I tried to go to the rainbow world on Epsilon Lipi.  I had so many Ur-Quan attack me, I died.  Is there a way to get there without their presencee?
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I have the taalo crystal and it seems to help with the talking pet.  Then the pet tells the umgahs to gang up on me and I'm toast.  What should I do or say to obtain the talking pet without being fried to a crisp?
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When the pkunk are "absorbed" by the Yehat, are they joined in harmonious bliss, or do the Yehat just destroy them?  Will the Yehat ever help the Alliance?  Also, the Pkunk gave me four ships and I thought one time I played, I returned and they gave me even more ships.  Did this happen?  Is there a way to get this additional help?
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What's the best thing to do with the Spathi?  Do the thing at Spathiwa and try to build some eluders before the Spathi encase themselves into a red shield?
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Are the Syreen, Zoq Pik Fot, Chenjesu and Mycon necessary to win the game?
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« Last Edit: November 06, 2010, 02:30:54 am by Alvarin » Logged
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2010, 09:47:16 am »

The Z-F-P are useful though.

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #33 on: November 16, 2010, 12:00:41 am »


I'm almost to the end.  I go to Delta Crateris and defeat 3 Kzer-Za and 3 Kohr-Ah with about 6 or 7 Chmmrs.
Then I get some Pkunk and Yehat ships for unifying the bird race.  However, I have precious little luck destroying
the targets around the Sa-Matra.  The Pkunk are most ineffectual, the Chmmrs are easily destroyed by those
fire balls or whatever you call them, and the Yehats, though the most effective, need practice at best.

So, keeping all this in mind, I think I will stock 6 Chmmrs from the star base and fill the other 6 positions with a
race more suitable to fighting the Sa-Matra.  Unfortunately, the Spathi race is not available, since the cowards
have locked themselves up in a slave shield.

What species should I employ for this final battle against the Sa-Matra?
Hmm.  I'm thinking Earthlink, Orz or Utwig.  What do you think?  Thanks!

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #34 on: November 16, 2010, 12:19:28 am »

Generally, the Pkunk is used as the best weapon against the Sa-Matra.
Basically, you choose Pkunk, then outrun the fireballs and green balls it shoots at you (the pkunk is the only one that can do this).
Then use your attack along each red point.
This video shows what you can do (ignore the Chmmr at the beginning. It's for really advanced players):

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #35 on: November 16, 2010, 12:45:51 am »

Indeed, the Pkunk is your best bet. However, if you have enough Chmmr ships, you can simply brute force the platform; you should be able to take down 1-2 targets per Chmmr before the ship is destroyed.
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #36 on: November 16, 2010, 02:45:17 am »


Thanks for answering.  The problem I have with the Pkunks is that I cannot build either Pkunk or Yehat from the Starbase Command center around Earth.

Is there a way to build Pkunks before I go to Delta Crateris?

If there is an odd number of vacancies after defeating the "Sa-Matra guards", Yehats take more (3 Yehats and 2 Pkunk, for example, instead of 2 Yehat and 3 Pkunk).  I watched the YouTube video (there were some other interesting things on there, but my computer gets screwy sometimes) and it seems awkward and takes a while.  I wouldn't care, but, unlike the video, I can't go that long without being blown sky-high.

I conquered this game many years ago and don't remember having such a hard time with the last few fights.  Is there anything else I can do or is it a matter of getting better and running and shooting?  Unlike the rest of the game, I cannot practice in Super Melee.

Someone mentioned using Chmmrs as "brute force".  Could you elaborate?

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2010, 12:22:00 pm »

If there is an odd number of vacancies after defeating the "Sa-Matra guards", Yehats take more (3 Yehats and 2 Pkunk, for example, instead of 2 Yehat and 3 Pkunk).  I watched the YouTube video (there were some other interesting things on there, but my computer gets screwy sometimes) and it seems awkward and takes a while.  I wouldn't care, but, unlike the video, I can't go that long without being blown sky-high.

What do you mean? The Pkunk is faster than Sa-Matra bullets; all you have to do is fly around the Sa-Matra in a circle and shoot the generators. You'll never get hit.

Zebranky food
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #38 on: November 16, 2010, 01:54:40 pm »


I guess I'll just have to practice running around and around with my limited Pkunks.

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #39 on: November 16, 2010, 04:00:47 pm »

Someone mentioned using Chmmrs as "brute force".  Could you elaborate?

It's pretty much just what it sounds like. You charge in as fast as possible, avoiding the green projectiles that bounce you back as best as you can, and tear up the generators with your laser. Each Chmmr can generally take down 1 - 2 generators before it's destroyed. It may cost you your whole fleet and / or take a few tries, but it should work; this was how I finished the game the first time before I realized how effective Pkunk were.
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2010, 02:26:38 am »

If you just can't get the knack of using the Fury (I highly recommend you try), there are a few other vessels that can work:

The Utwig Jugger's shields are very a effective countermeasure against the comets and repulsors, but you will need to be very good with it to get any shots in.

The Arilou Skiff can avoid the comets quite nicely with its teleporter, but you can usually only get in a few zaps per run, so it takes forever. There is also an increased chance of teleporting inside a solid object (because the Sa-Matra's way bigger than a planet), which is instantly fatal.

The Thraddash Torch can destroy the comets with its nifty afterburner, and avoid the repulsors the same way, but you will need to use that stupid plinker gun on the generators, so it takes forever. I personally like to use it to clean up before sending in the Vindicator.

Some have reported sporadic success with the Umgah Drone, but I cannot confirm this. I would be suprised if you got more than one or two generators down with it.

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #41 on: November 17, 2010, 02:45:13 am »


I am not friends with the Umgahs or the Thraddash.  The Utwig and the Arilou have the pluses and minuses you mentioned.
So I guess since I can't add more Pkunks, I will try the "brute force" with the remaining positions after doing away with the six
Ur-Quan "guards".

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #42 on: November 17, 2010, 04:09:12 am »

you can get more phunk.
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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #43 on: November 17, 2010, 09:13:57 am »

He got them, he needs to know how to get them earlier.
Before the Pkunk all die, you need to visit their homeworld and talk until they give you four ships (you can do this once a year)

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Re: Star Control series (I, II, III)
« Reply #44 on: November 17, 2010, 07:19:39 pm »


Yes I was aware that the Yehat talk to me after defeating the 6 Ur-Quan guards.  When I said more Pkunk, I meant more than the ships provided at that point.

I went to the Yehat space trying to get some ships, but I always run into the Royalist Yehat.  I will see if I have time to visit the Pkunk home world and get the four ships you mentioned.  That should help a lot.

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