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Topic: UQM Beginner's Playthrough Simulation (Read 7399 times)
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
Oh in that case, I probably accidentally attacked while trying to threaten them into agreement.
Posts: 709

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Episode 5 is up:
I skipped a mining expedition, because it was rather uneventful. The episode starts off with Captain Zelnick returning to the starbase.
The next episode will have the Captain going to the ZFP homeworld to form an alliance.
At this point, here is what Zelnick knows: - The Ilwrath have mentioned a race called the "Pkunk", who they have hinted can be found in the Giclas constellation. - Commander Hayes has mentioned some kind of super-weapon supposedly owned by the Ur-Quan. - Fwiffo has informed Zelnick of the Shofixti's final fate (the Blaze of Glory). - Fwiffo has said that the Syreen are in the "bug-squirt" star system. - Fwiffo has said that the Yehat are now combat thralls - Fwiffo has told Zelnick of the coordinates of Spathiwa. He has written these coordinates down and has found that this is where Epsilon Gruis is located. - Fwiffo has told Zelnick the Spathi Cypher (Huffi-Miffi-Guffi) - The ZFP have hinted that the Ur-Quan are in the middle of a war with aliens piloting mysterious black ships.
I will list what has been learned in each episode from now on, just so it's easier to follow along.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 03:06:22 am by onpon4 »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 491

One thing I like about your UQM videos compared to some of the others on youtube is that you don't narrate while you are playing. In fact you don't say a single word and that is a good thing. Also the text message reports from the surface are clearly visible and easy to read.
btw I always wondered why the UQM team didn't use the 3DO opening with speech or add speech to the planet reports.
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
The outcome of this video series is looking pretty grim. I was kind of doing a similar thing (just without the video), and I ended like this: - I never noticed any mention of the Utwig or the Supox. I still don't "know" about them, even after buying all Melnorme information on alien life forms. - I know about the Syreen and about the sun device, but I still don't know about any other Shattered Worlds. I also don't even know that these shattered worlds exist. - I don't know about the value of the Rosy Sphere or the clear spindle.
I stopped going through the game without recording it. Only time will tell if the same fate awaits Zelnick in this series...
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
You need to buy current events to hear about the Utwig. Current event #1 mentions them, and current events 7 and 8 give their location.
By the way, are you using the savescummng trick of buying all the information at one go, then reloading? If it's a 'playthrough' then that'd be legit (we did it our first time through), but if it's a 'what Zelnick would do', then obviously it's not. Also note that one of the developers kind of suggested using this trick...
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Episode 6 is up.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I used Hypercam 2 instead of CamStudio this time.
Here is what Zelnick has learned: - He has met a probe for the first time. They profess to be on a peaceful mission, and then attack suddenly.
Technically, Zelnick also spoke with some Spathi in deep space, and learned of the variable star, but I decided to cut that out because it didn't fit very well chronologically.
Zebranky food

Posts: 6

I think you shouldn't cut the "Variable Star" out. That piece of information is relatively hard to be acquired - especially compared to the importancy of it. Without the Portal Spawner the player spends insane amount of time on travelling. (At least, that's happened to me when I played SC2 on my first time and I had to restart the game. But, others told me the same, like "who the @&#% thinks that watching the stars rubbish is that important?!" )
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 101
Episode 6 is up. Part 1: 2: used Hypercam 2 instead of CamStudio this time. Here is what Zelnick has learned: - He has met a probe for the first time. They profess to be on a peaceful mission, and then attack suddenly. Technically, Zelnick also spoke with some Spathi in deep space, and learned of the variable star, but I decided to cut that out because it didn't fit very well chronologically. Technically, Zelnick already knows about the probes at the start of the game because he got attacked by one on the way to Sol.
Posts: 1044

That's questionable, since there is some debate on whether the pre-game probe and the Slylandro probes are the same based on their behavior.
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