Sorry to just ask this and not try to find out for myself by reading the forums but I really don't have any spare time other than waht it took to register here and post this. I just downloaded UQM and had a few questions.
I never played SC or SC 2, but did play 3 and was really surprised when I saw an open source version being developed for modern machines. Thank you. But is the mouse supposed to work in UQM or is the original that old? That it didn't have support for mice.
What is TimeWarp? Is there some chat room for people to organize SuperMelee matches?
I really think you guys taking the time to bring this game to a point where we can still play it is pretty darn cool of you.
Yeah, definitely no mouse support in the original SC2.
I remember one of the most amazing things about the game to me, back in the day, was the amazing music they managed to eke out of my machine in an era when sound cards of any kind were by no means standard equipment on computers. somehow they made such lovely tunes with just my little PC squeaker. Awesome.
Of course UQM offers us more modern music, which blows my mind a second time, to hear all those fanatic old tunes in a more complex (and stereophonic!) arrangement.
I personally HATE it if I find this nice game but everything is controlled with the mouse. The Ur-Quan Masters is so cool that you "get" to use you're keyboard for everything and you don't have to point the mouse in a certain direction and click like mad to fire a weapon.
I'm the kind of person that uses Linux and seems to be a very literate adult but has no idea how to do anything code-wise beyond basic stuff.(such as su -<password> yum install uqm) Except I didn't install UQM that way...I used Add/Remove Software...