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Topic: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition (Read 15854 times)
More forum fodder for y'all:
I heard a rumour long ago about a petition floating around to try and convince a movie studio to make a movie based on the Star Control universe. While that is likely never going to happen, it does get me thinking:
- If you had the opportunity to write the screenplay, what would the movie be about? Is there "too much story" to fit into one movie?
- More to the point, do you think there is any "must-see" plot point from the games that would have to be in the movie at all costs, or similarly any "must-not-see" plot point that should be excised from the hypothetical movie? Why?
- Would mainstream sci-fi audiences bred on transporters and death stars be able to "accept" a sci-fi story where humans are not only NOT in charge, but are penultimate in the pecking order, superior only to a bunch of suicidal raccoons?
- I would hold that the ships as presented in the game would have to go, in lieu of big, diverse fleets of alien ships. SC3's 3-D combat mode showed that the Dreadnought just isn't very intimidating-looking when you add volume, and it should be. Thoughts?
- CGI or animatronics for the aliens?
« Last Edit: February 05, 2003, 10:05:05 am by Nic. »
With all due respect to the XR project, absolutely not.
Unless you think the ideal "Star Control" film would be a bunch of POVRay movies of ships from the game fighting. While I like a good space-battle as much as the next guy, I think the quality of the fiction in the "Star Control Universe" is what could make a good movie, including the ships from the game outright would make it cheesy/campy/lame (exception: the Mycon Podship. A sky full of those would be about as cool as a forest full of Ents walking down and kicking ass)
Thanks to season #4 of "Babylon 5", when I imagine the concept of a "planetary siege unit" the image that comes to mind is anything but an Ur-Quan Dreadnought. But thanks to "Star Control", when I think of super-badass space villains, I always think of the Ur-Quan. I think there's something to that.
And besides, just because someone is supposedly making a "movie" doesn't mean we can't talk about making a movie. There's room for both.
Zebranky food

Posts: 28

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Actually, I think the ships from Star Control would look very cool in a movie, maybe with some modifications. What's wrong with the Ur-Quan dreadnaught?
I actually think rather than a big screen movie it would work better as a mini-series. A half dozen two hour episodes should give enough time to cover the salient points in the story.
Posts: 917

Thraddash Flower Child
The biggest problem with an SC movie would be copyright issues; not with accolade/infogames, they can be bought-off easily since they're just one company. All the makers of the movies and television shows that the SC ships are based off of will want their cuts, though, and some may just not want anyone to use their material.
I would love to see an SC movie though.
Start with a Chenjesu communicating with a Mmrnmhrm about the different Hierarchy races being subjugated (The Communications are all translated into text for our benefit, and to allow other sounds to pervade the scene): An image of Umgah drones getting blasted - through their cones - by fusion bolts, switch scenes to a picture of an ilwrath city getting destroyed.
*The Umgah and the Ilwrath have been subjugated* *We succeded in turning the Enemy aside from us, but even now, the Spathi are surrendering.* Here the Spathi Surrendering ceremony could be performed. 10001111000111 WHAT OF EARTH? 000111101 *Although the Ur-Quan seem to attack the weak first, we do not believe they would benefit from attacking Earth right now. We must first warn the Yehat and their Shofixti.* Fade out. Fade in to a little 5 minute history blurb about the Small War, the dismantling of the nukes, the creation and escape of the Androsynth and the creation of Star Control, then fastforward 30 years and Cue the Giant Chenjesu Broodhome:
People from Earth: We are the Chenjesu. We mean you no harm. We come in peace with an urgent message. Heed these words: there is a horde of conquering warriors advancing toward your solar system from deep space...
Then let the Stories of the Great Crucible of Sentience be told, complete with battle scenes and Captain Rand's insult.
The problem with telling the story of the original Alliance of Free Stars is that they get their asses kicked, and people in general do not like paying $9 USD to watch the "good guys" lose. 
Although watching huge starships annihilate ancient landmarks and turn the sky red would be quite cool.
Also, aliens storming the ship and engaging in hand-to-hand combat is a staple of most "mainstream" sci-fi. Would you be for or against such a scene in a Star Control movie? Why?
« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 04:04:15 am by Nic. »
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