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Author Topic: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition  (Read 15834 times)
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2003, 04:29:31 pm »

I guess that when they need to, they can really cramp together Smiley

Also, how do the Orz attack the Probe? It's completely automated. DO they just bash the insides to hell and back?

I think the Ur-Quan could be quite cool if rendered properly. also, it'd be able to launch wings of fighters, and we really don't know how they look yet do we?

And the Pkunk resurrection would have to be in the movie somewhere... Suddenly everyones radio channels get overloaded by a massive HALLELUJA!

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2003, 04:39:48 pm »

Where did I put Peter Jackson's phone number?! Tongue

[size=0](=LOTR director/producer/writer)[/size]

Some talented TimeWarp 3D artist has GOT to do this Pkunky thing! Just for kicks   Grin
« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 04:40:52 pm by Censored » Logged

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2003, 05:20:48 pm »

And Peter Jackson has other qualifications for this movie as well.

After all he did direct Braindead and Bad Taste, so I imagine violent combat scenes with Traddash and Ilwrath (and possibly lawnmowers) wouldn't be a problem. Firing at the poor Ortogs with Bazookas and so on, packing 500 Umgah into a few crates. He's got it all nailed.

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2003, 12:17:57 am »

I guess that when they need to, they can really cramp together Smiley

Shofixti are based off feudal Japan, not current Japan. Smiley
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2003, 02:12:14 am »

I could just envision the young, human captain on Vela growing up...  who would play him?  Mel Gibson?  Tom Cruise?  Hehe.

Star Control is like an epic movie or novel, and those pictures of the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrm talking about the different races being subjected to slavery by the Ur-Quan just brings cool pictures to my head.  The problem with making the movie would be having to omit or change some parts...  firstly, it would be important for the audience to understand the importance, or at least qualities of each race, something that would take a while, and probably couldn't be done rushed, or anything like that.  And then people would have to know which ship related to which race, too...  and some races might be omitted, perhaps the Utwig or Slylandro...  Then again, maybe not.  It would just be a matter of taking the "fly around the galaxy and ally with nice aliens to beat the bad ones" and make it more epic, adding plot twists to the already detailed storyline.  Anyways, it shows promise.  I just wonder how they Ur-Quan would look not sitting on their little stoops, hanging there from the coat hangers on their ship, or whatever they're holding onto up there...  hehe, how do they walk?  Anyways, I envision that wouldn't be a problem in the movie...  but some things it might have to focus on are: the enslaving of Earth (touches close to home), the life of the young captain (to some extent), and of course the space exploration/diplomacies of the game and the individual characteristics of each race coming through.  I like the prospect of seeing the meeting between Captain Rand and the VUX, hehe...

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2003, 02:40:26 am »

Of all the races, I think you can only safely ditch:
- Slylandro
- Thraddash (quite safe)
- Druuge ( pretend the Utwig made the bomb)
(These races give us the Rosy Sphere and the Aqua Helix - Perhaps we can have the Pkunk repair the Ultron on their own?)
- Supox (they add a little flavor and a ship, not too much else that can't come from somewhere else)
- Zoq Fot Pik (though might be nice for fight sequences, or at the end we get to watch someone commentating a frungy game, though we don't get to see the game itself...)
Though it would screw around with a lot more than what we've done so far, we could conceivably ditch:
- Orz (they provide a wicked ship and opportunity for onboard combat, but the androsynth aren't a necessary plot - perhaps instead of the Taalo shield you work out something with the telepathic Syreen crew members?)

If we leave out the entire Shofixti reborn plot then we can drop them, the Yehat, and the VUX.

Still, that leaves
Ilwrath, Spathi, Pkunk, Melnorme, Arilou, Syreen, Mycon, Umgah, Dynarri, Chmmr, Utwig, Kzer-Za, Kohr-Ah.
13 alien races at a minimum (I consider the two sides of the attack (bomb, dynnari) and Talana to be minimal).
That's a LOT of introductions...
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2003, 04:40:43 am »

As I said, if someone did a mini series, say a half dozen two hour episodes, there would be few plot points that need to changed/ommitted.  I think a mini series format would work the best!  Or a normal television series, with 1 season = 1 year, and game lasts from 2155 to 2159 so you would have 4 seasons (though I know must people here can beat it in less then that  Wink).


Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2003, 10:35:36 am »

I can think of one plot point that could most certaiinly be dropped:  the resource gathering.  Watching that onscreen would be like watching paint dry (but without the tension Smiley )  From the number of RU cheat requests on this forum, I'd gather alot of you wouldn't mind if that plot point were dropped from the game, as well.  Wink

But without that pragmatic, exploring-space-as-a-means-of-funding-your-insurrection aspect from the game, just why would the captain be tooling around hyperspace in his Precursor tug?  Similarly, watching the captain fly around trying to build alliances in order to get a quick cash infusion would be like watching a movie about a guy going to different banks so he can get a home equity loan -- hardly the stuff of high space drama, even if it does make for a fun and engaging video game.  Smiley

The more I think about it, the core plot of SC2 is fairly straightforward:  Humans discover a super-weapon that can destroy the Ur-Quan's super-weapon, rally the members of the old alliance into open rebellion, and finally win their freedom.  Everything else -- all the really interesting parts -- is effectively backstory.  I'd think if someone were to make a movie out of this fiction, they'd be best off making sure that the backstory is told properly.

But we all know that a Hollywood movie of Star Control would in all likelihood feature a plucky kid and a cute robot who inadvertantly save the day at the end of the third act.  Tongue
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2003, 01:48:50 pm »


Shofixti are based off feudal Japan, not current Japan. Smiley

Well, I was thinking of the Orz cramping together to get in Smiley

As long as the young captain isn't played by Leonardo DiCaprio, I'm happy.

Wouldn't it just the best movie though? the first five hours, you watch the young captain travel from star to star gathering resources. We could make it an all night movie! Go in at 8 in the evening, come out at 8 the next morning!.

Oh and I do SO want to see the mgah in the movie! Their my personal favorites

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2003, 03:31:49 pm »

I don't think there's any need to drop any race! you wouldn't believe how dense they can make a movie.

Besides, a trilogy would do it just fine. Not all races must be introduced in the first part. You could look at LOTR - they have a pretty lot of "introductions" there too, even though it's hard to distinguish them, they're all very well integrated into the plot.

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2003, 04:34:00 pm »

So tell me Censored. Do you like LOTR? I thnik it's mentioned in almost every post you've made in this topic  Grin

And I agree, all races should be kept. No Orz or Traddash. Oh how I'd weep!

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2003, 09:06:29 pm »

>>can think of one plot point that could most certaiinly be dropped:  the resource gathering.  Watching that onscreen would be like watching paint dry (but without the tension  )  From the number of RU cheat requests on this forum, I'd gather alot of you wouldn't mind if that plot point were dropped from the game, as well.<<
>>But without that pragmatic, exploring-space-as-a-means-of-funding-your-insurrection aspect from the game, just why would the captain be tooling around hyperspace in his Precursor tug?  Similarly, watching the captain fly around trying to build alliances in order to get a quick cash infusion would be like watching a movie about a guy going to different banks so he can get a home equity loan -- hardly the stuff of high space drama, even if it does make for a fun and engaging video game.<<  

Well, I could simply see it as part of the "backdrop".  Basically, while the crew and captain talk about gathering resources, the audience isn't forced to sit through it (except for obligatory "lander crashes and crew is trapped with only so many hours left" scene   Wink).  If you did a series though (either mini or full season) then, just like in the game, the resource gathering provides a perfect excuse for them to run into people (while the actual gathering mostly takes place between episodes).  And with adequate time to explore the diplomacy of the game, I could see some really awesome scenes with the captain and other alien races, allowing the race's outlook to be fully shown.  It would actually be more logical in that regard then Star Trek or most other Sci-Fi series.  The more I look at this, the more strongly I feel that a series format would work so much better then a movie (or even a trilogy).  

>>The more I think about it, the core plot of SC2 is fairly straightforward:  Humans discover a super-weapon that can destroy the Ur-Quan's super-weapon, rally the members of the old alliance into open rebellion, and finally win their freedom.  Everything else -- all the really interesting parts -- is effectively backstory.  I'd think if someone were to make a movie out of this fiction, they'd be best off making sure that the backstory is told properly.<<

Yea, without the backstory Star Control would be a Star Wars/Last Starfighter clone.  

>>But we all know that a Hollywood movie of Star Control would in all likelihood feature a plucky kid and a cute robot who inadvertantly save the day at the end of the third act.<<

hehehe  Cheesy.  That's why I would turn it over to network (I would say the Sci-Fi channel, but apparently they are moving away from the aliens and space-ships and are moving towards supernatural stuff), and create a series, less chance of "Hollywood people" shredding the story that way.  Hell, if you explain that the whole story is written, works, and has some proven appeal, it might not even be that hard of a sell.  Maybe if you go into detail about some of the race's biology and such, maybe Discovery would pick it up  Wink.  

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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2003, 10:21:20 pm »

gathering resources can be dropped out, people would "know" it happens (just like you don't see people eating three meals a day in movies, but you know it happens).

To strengthen the lander and exploration we have a few prefect missions for that - meeting Fwiffo on Pluto, facing the ULTIMATE EVIL on the Spath's homeworld, the Mycon eggs, and the VUX beast. Hey, come to think of it - gathering resources is quite necessary in a movie plot - "wow, we went to gather minerals and found ancient Precursor technology!  Shocked"



"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid?
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2003, 12:50:24 pm »

In defence of the XR project, it's not going to be just a bunch of ships flying around fighting. That's not a movie thats more like style stuff. It just happens that at this point Ive been rendering the ships cause they are quite a bit easier than organic beings and the like. Also keep in mind Im the only artist working on it right now so I can only do one thing at a time. Im a great lover of movies and personally I think longer movies tell a much better story. See Fellowship of the Ring Extended edition... booyah 2+ (don't recall if it's more than 3..) hours. Lastly, povray!!! you insult me! *JK*well still povray, I never liked it, actually im using 3d Studio Max and im looking into Maya (you know the stuff ILM uses, for the likes of oh let's see Starwars)
Anyway enough from me...
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Re: The "Make a Star Control Movie" petition
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2003, 07:23:58 pm »

See Fellowship of the Ring Extended edition...

AH-HA! You see Lukipela, LOTR rules Wink

And it's 208 minutes =)

"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid?
Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
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