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Topic: UQM ported to Android (Read 17716 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
Can you please give me ADB logcat output? Install aLogcat application from Market, crash UQM, launch aLogcat, press Menu->Send, you know my mail  Eh, found the bug, plz update.
The name of the .zip file doesn't matter, but the location does, though that can be set with a command line switch. The 'version' file is important though; it is used to detect the location of the content. Inside the content .zip/.uqm file, you should just put the zipped tree of the content, so the root of the .zip file is the dir with the content in it. You should tell your zip program to store .ogg files, as they compress terribly and it just takes time to decompress them again. For more details, see here. Hey, I've made it work (now it doesn't fill the phone's media gallery with Pkunk photos if installed on sdcard). However I still have a problem - the voice package on Downloads page and the voice package in SVN are different - the one from does not work with UQM from SVN. I've put all other packages on my Google Sites account, but I can't upload there 100 Mb file.
So could you please zip dir <SVN>/trunk/sc2/content/addons/3dovoice (maybe rename to .uqm) and put somewhere on downloads page?
Edit: ppl are asking for 3DO movies, does such thing exist as an UQM package?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 05:56:11 pm by pelya »
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
Yes, I think that file will be okay, will check in Monday (however it has content + 3DO music + voice, it would be better to have separate package).
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
I was thinking of making a newspost on this, but I'm confused. is this now a fully working Android port or one that is still being developed?
Well, dunno what to say it still has many bugs, but you can play through the whole game with it (savegames are reported to work, that's good news however you can't use the same savegame slot twice, I'll fix that). Also addons do not work, however if you've already downloaded an addon it won't be downloaded twice, and maybe it will work in the next update. If you just want to play Melee it works good enough. (the network games should work, however I've never tried them, and they are kinda non-confortable - you'll have to manually enter another player IP address, you can check it out from your Settings->Wireleless networks->Wifi settings->press Menu and select Advanced).
Zebranky food

Posts: 27
fyi, I did the artwork for the controls. If anyone wants to leave feedback on ways they think it could be better, or just want to leave positive feedback, feel free to leave a message.
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
I've added voice pack, but have problems with UQM music remix packs - they do not work they require .rmp files as I understand. Can someone please update them so they'll work with UQM compiled from SVN?
Zebranky food

Posts: 14
Just loaded the port up on my HTC Desire (
The game runs just like it was on a pc, I have to get my touchpad settings tweaked a bit to get the controls working properly but otherwise, graphics,videos,sound and music are spot on and I haven't noticed any lag. So all in all a great working port. running Android 2.1. I'm not using the remix packs fyi.
Thanks pelya!
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
Tested it with SDcard installation, voice works fine. Can you please try to delete folder app-data/com.sourceforge.sc2 on SDcard and try to re-download data again?
BTW never mind about UQM music remix pack - I've already done that -
Market rating of UQM raised to 4 start from 3.5 during weekends: It is essential for an app to have at least 4 stars to be successful (and 4.5 stars = grand success), I've published Alien Blaster game like 3 months ago and it have only 3400 downloads with 3.5 stars rating - UQM currently has 3700 downloads, and it was on market for just one month. Also when app goes above 10000 downloads it seems to get more advertisement from Market, because OpenTyrian jumped from 10000 to 14000 downloads in just 2 weeks. I'm not proposing to mark all 1-star comments on Market as spam, no just telling some statistics.
Zebranky food

Posts: 27
excellent job on getting remix's working  What are your future plans for Ur-Quan Masters? Think save games will work properly soon, as to be able to write over same saves?
Zebranky food

Posts: 40
Game reached 5000 downloads on Market.
Posts: 1938

Fot or not?
This was the first game I downloaded on my new HTC Desire. The trackball controls and on-screen joypad are both a bit awkward for actually piloting anything, but I suppose I could get used to them; a little practise probably wouldn't hurt.
I also managed to get a rather amusing message about power consumption exceeding the capacity of the charging configuration (apparently, the power from the USB port was not enough).
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