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Topic: My Ur-Quan Kohr-Ah Artwork (Read 8567 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Greetings Hunams!
I'm one of the artists on Project 6014 and have been working really hard for you guys. Been a fan of Star Control II and UQM since they came out. One of the things I've always wanted is a High Definition, modern looking version of the game I love so much. But, nobody has ever done it! Well, now that I've gotten a chance to look at the code, I have to say, I'm amazed at how much art there is. I've started a side project not related to project 6014, where I'm creating an HD version of the game. But, it's a lot of work so I could always use help. Somebody asked for non-spoiler pics for a countdown clock, so I put Project 6014's name on it.

For anybody wanting to see more artwork from me, My Deviant art page: My Facebook gallery:
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Thanks! Just got the okay from Cedric. Assuming you're the same Lukipela as, some actual artwork of mine from project 6014, should be heading your way. Love that site btw!
*Smell* controller
Posts: 337
Minor Nitpick: The bone pit seems to be filled with (mostly) bones from just one race. Wouldn't it be more realistic to have a huge variety in there?
Excellent piece though, would really work well in some high-res mod or something.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

No. There's not just human bones there! There's Syreen bones, Arilou bones, and Androysynth bones there too!
The 'Elephant' skull is actually modeled after a Pachycephalosaurus after looking for a Pteranodon to use as reference since the Yehat look to be modeled after a Pteranodon. Interesting side note, Elephant skulls were often mistaken for a giant human skull with a single eye. This is more than likely the origin of the Cyclops. Ancient people came across an Elephant skull, mistook the nasal cavity for an eye socket, and believed that giant 1-eyed monsters roamed the area.
Most of those bones are from old anatomy paintings I did. So they are human bones. I just wanted to get something out to you guys while tidying up some of the mod's artwork. I'll add some more alien bones. The windows are also woefully uneven. You want just random alien looking bones, or would you rather have something like Vux, Pkunk, etc. in there? If you look at the original's bone pile, there's a lot (if not all) humanoid bones in there. The original's resolution is just so low it's a little hard to make out. My painting was to show how much more detail you can fit in, and the fact people are analyzing the bones just drives the point home for me.
Posts: 802

The bones are supposed to be from species personally exterminated by current Kohr-Ah, so none of the listed qualify.
Posts: 1044

Seeing as how none of those 4 species were wiped out (except maybe the Androsynth, but that wasn't by Kohr-Ah), we don't need to know that particular Kohr-Ah. However, given that dczanik rattled off 4 similarly structured humanoid races (and even forgot the Utwig and Druuge to boot), I think it's fair to say that having bunches of humanoid bones in there isn't too much of a stretch.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Okay. Random alien looking species it is! Damn, I got 'schooled'. I didn't even remember him talking about the type of species in the bone pit. <<loads up the game again>> Generally when I play, I tend to stay away from the Ur-Quan whenever I can. I really hate losing crew (Am I the only one?) so despite my love for Melee, I generally avoid any challenging fights.
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