Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod (Read 138462 times)
Zebranky food

Posts: 26
Oh yeah another thing, when you go to pick up the planetary objects, like the moon base or the sun device, the blue text cuts off from the right side, at least for me. Im playing in fullscreen.
Tanakas ship is not slow, and has no limpets on it. Its just a normal shofixti ship.
The scene where Zex dies is not blacked out, I imagine its similar with the spathi council intro and the intimate scene with Talana.
Was surprised to hear the utwig given another voice, who and when?
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
So, is there any chance of this becoming integrated with the main UQM release at some point in the future? It really sounds like this will be the ideal way to play the game once the bugs are gone, so combining it with our remixes and making it "official" would be a great way to breathe new life into the whole project.
Posts: 817
@ TiLT
Exactly what I was thinking too.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 12:20:54 am by Defender »
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
I would love nothing more than to see this become part of the official release as an add-on. I will provide the UQM team anything they need in order to provide for that. That is, if they are interested.
So.... Are you guys interested?
I'm not on the core team, but I've had code reviewed and accepted by them, so I can perhaps make a few suggestions:
- Browsing your archive, it looks like checkins r745, r746, and r747 (and probably others) change the original behavior of the game in ways unrelated to the HD graphics. Remember that the primary mission of the core project is to maintain a faithful reproduction of the original game, so they can't take any changes that would modify the original behavior. This means that the more non-essential changes there are outside of the content directory, the harder the job will be, because they'll probably have to rip those out.
- Make sure you've read the instructions in the file 'Contributing', and that any changes you do make to the source code adhere to the guidelines there.
- The easiest way I can think of to do this would be to make a separate "MERGE_TO_CORE" branch of UQM-HD that only has the source changes absolutely necessary to make the HD content work, and then to bring that branch up-to-date with the changes from the core SVN since 0.7.0. That will produce what is hopefully a not-overwhelmingly-large diff set that could be reviewed, cleaned up to meet the contribution specs, and eventually merged and checked in to core.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 431
Personally, I think it would be best for the HD graphics to be merged as an option which can be activated by using an "HD" add-on. Then UQM stays faithful to the original entirely (even including the collision detection, which I'm sure makes a small difference) and yet people can still play it in HD if they want. The problem is that some of these changes have nothing to do with playing in HD. For example, UQM-HD r746 adds extra ZFP colony worlds. That might be a nice flavor addition to the game, but it's a change from the original, and it's unrelated to the HD graphics. IMHO, changes like that belong in their own mods, like the UQM-Extended Edition, and not in the core code.
But my opinion doesn't matter. From the rules for submitting changes (
Don't bother on adding "great ideas" you have for the game; Our current goal is a straight port. The code is GPL, so feel free to start your own modified version, but don't bother sending them in for the official version. I think that's pretty clear.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

I'm not on the core team, but I've had code reviewed and accepted by them, so I can perhaps make a few suggestions: - Browsing your archive, it looks like checkins r745, r746, and r747 (and probably others) change the original behavior of the game in ways unrelated to the HD graphics. Remember that the primary mission of the core project is to maintain a faithful reproduction of the original game, so they can't take any changes that would modify the original behavior. This means that the more non-essential changes there are outside of the content directory, the harder the job will be, because they'll probably have to rip those out.
And this is the main issue. As a contributor to just the UQM codebase, we are severely limiting ourselves to what we can do. I agree with UQM's mission. The UQM team can take our code and pick what they want. They can take the art, and use what they want. I just don't know if there's even a desire for a high resolution version of the game. Despite some of our best efforts, it's always going to look different. But the offer is there if they're interested.
And there's about 7 minor changes, (like exploding lunar rovers) just thrown in a week. Easy to take out.
But my opinion doesn't matter. From the rules for submitting changes ( Don't bother on adding "great ideas" you have for the game; Our current goal is a straight port. The code is GPL, so feel free to start your own modified version, but don't bother sending them in for the official version. I think that's pretty clear. And we've done that. It's there though if they want it.
I suppose he/she already knows this, but I just want to throw this out there: it's not enough to just make rotation smooth. With angle limitations, vanilla UQM sort of makes slower-turning ships feel tub-like in that after turning one notch, you have to wait a bit before you can turn it back. If rotation is smooth, this won't exist any more, resulting in a disproportionate benefit to slower-turning ships, so another change is needed to return this tublike feel to slow-turning ships (probably a small amount acceleration in rotation speed).
Yes. We've discussed this, and quite a few other technical details. It's why our lead programmer didn't even want to touch it. It's a giant can of worms. Nothing is even set in stone at this point.
Zebranky food

Posts: 2
I still haven't had a chance to try the mod yet, but I just wanted to weigh in on the issue of including the HD Mod as an official "Ad-on" pack of Ur-Quan Masters.
I think it would be nice to have it as an ad-on pack, but I don't think the team making the HD Mod should be responsible for making it suitable for that purpose. Let the core team take their source and "cleanse" it so that it meets their criteria, and then put it as an optional download on the installer.
That way the HD Mod team can keep working on whatever adjustments and fun extra stuff they want, and there won't be any arguments over what is or isn't necessary to include in the "official HD Mod" and no one will get their feelings hurt.
Plus, it's a little brazen for anyone to be saying, "Hey you guys should take out all this stuff you did so it can become an official download option."
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

I've talked to the lead programmer, and right now he's just not interested in doing all the porting work. We'd need another programmer.
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