Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod (Read 138494 times)
Posts: 709

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You're either brave or crazy, taking up drawing so many images without even using 3D models. Anyway, it'll look 10x more awesome because of that.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

You're either brave or crazy, taking up drawing so many images without even using 3D models. Anyway, it'll look 10x more awesome because of that.  Probably more crazy than brave. We're also working on Project 6014 too.
There's 2 other artists working on this, so I think it's possible. Still, the game has about 15,000 .PNG images we have to reproduce. With the 2 resolutions, that number shoots up to 30,000. A lot of this can be automated, but there's no magical "make this better" button.
To put this in perspective, if you were to do just one thing a week. Reasonable, when you realize not many people have much free time.... 1 Bio Critter per week: 6 months of work. 1 Comm screen per week: 6 months of work 1 Comm animation per week: 6 months of work 1 Ship per week: 7 months of work.
That's over 2 years of work .... and you're not even talking about programming, bullets, explosions, UI, fonts, team communication, planning, etc. There's a reason there was a large crew of people who made the original. The original PC version had 10 artists working full time. Sorry to pat my own back, but when this gets finished, that will be a pretty impressive amount of work done in just our spare time I can fully understand why so many are skeptical.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

So, those that don't know, you can download and play some of the HD stuff RIGHT NOW in Project 6014. We have a few more aliens to draw and animate (I hate the animating part). We've got a lot to integrate from the 0.7.0 update and the 6014 stuff. So coding is probably our biggest issue from a release. I'd like to get some of the bugs sorted out from the 6014 release first.
Until then. Art-O-RAMA.
Some stuff by Kwayne: Melee Screens:

Some stuff by me: Chenjesu:
 The Shofixti (Yes. I'll be ruffing him up in the future):

Some stuff by Zenzmurfy:

Videos by Zenzmurfy:
Zenzmurfy and Kwayne have been sitting on some of this stuff for over a year, just waiting to show them off. So if you can thank them for their hard work, I'm sure it would mean a lot to them.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 189

The Mycon comm screen changed a bit:
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Hallelujah! ......And a Pkunk resurrects a dead thread.
I've spoken with my main programmer, and we agreed to release the HD game this year. Probably Dec. 31st! (Still technically this year!). Consider it an alpha since it might be buggy There's a lot of testing that needs to be done.
What won't be in it: 2x mode. 640x480 will have to wait until the next update. Sorry mobile users! Also, multiple languages won't be in it. With some help, we can put them in for the next version. If you can help me translate them, I can provide all the menu graphics for you. The dialog text for multiple languages already exists, just not the graphics.
What will be in it: Not just a demo... but the full complete game with completely new art. If I can get somebody to help me to implement it, Zenzmurfy is creating an alternate video intro and ending (like the 3do had). You can choose between this or the classic slides Ur-Quan Masters uses.
Posts: 709

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Cool! I'm looking forward to it!
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
Oh My FUCKING GOD onpon. WHAT THE FUCK?? I sent you a MULTIPLE PMs like more than two months ago you and STILL didn't respond despite you making this post and NO ONE got back to me and needing help with the game. What the fuck? How is this community even alive? Is anyone actually working on anything or is it all some scam?
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
It does not take years to type a few fucking sentences.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 04:21:44 am by FakeMccoy »
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 203
For some reason my outbox got deleted, I guess I haven't been on enough (ironically), but I was particularly eager to work on a project and I specifically remember contacting you and/or someone high up in the project hierarchy about sound and art, specifically planets, and I even posted on a topic or two a few times asking if anything needed to be done anyway. I had posted and PMed some people and I was waiting for days (or I guess checking every day or three) for any reply.
There's at least some evidence of what I'm saying here
In those topics it appears to be for sound, but someone could have at least said "no, we don't need sounds"
I guess I'm sorry for freaking out but this game is like one of my top 10 games of all time and it seemed like people ignored me.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2012, 05:36:01 am by FakeMccoy »
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Well, I'm not involved in P6014. I volunteered to help out once, but I turned out to be unable to.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Onpon just isn't cool enough to hang out with us. His knowledge of Star Trek and Star Wars trivia is clearly sub-par 
Oh look. It's a desperate attempt to keep us back on topic.

This is actually an older picture. Can anybody tell from memory what's missing here?