Topic: Ur-Quan Masters HD Mod (Read 138607 times)
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306


I like the new background. I think the old background was a product of the technology at the time. So, like the Spathi background I decided to update it. But I realize I'm battling nostalgia and what people are used to so I also made the original background. At least right now, the new background is staying (I plan on having mods where people can download alternative artwork). Practicing clouds, and I thought it would make a good background to use with the mystical Arilou. The Arilou was a challenge too because the image was so small. People filled in the gaps with their imagination. I found it difficult to keep the Arilou friendly looking but when going to higher resolutions, he started to look evil.
I understand some people like the feeling of nostalgia. But there's already 3 version of the game if you want that (Star Control 2 for DOS, the 3DO version, and Ur-Quan Masters).
*Smell* controller
Posts: 260

To boldly go where no Spathi has dared go before
I like the new background! I have my own opinions about the value of nostalgia when remaking stuff, but those should be obvious to anyone who's heard my remixes (one of the best examples being, ironically, the Arilou).
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Well, I am on the 6014 crew too. And the guys who are working on 6014 also help me with my game when they get a chance. And by the sheer fact I've been unable to clone myself or build a time machine (I got the plutonium, just need the Delorean) the HD stuff is on hold. I still plan on releasing something, but I'm afraid things like animations will be missing (or very sparse) if I have any hope of making the release date. My goal though is you will still be able to play the game, from beginning to end. The biggest hurdle is really the animation. And I hate doing animation... But after the 6014 demo, I may have to take a break for a couple of weeks. So, anything that's missing we'll fix in an update 
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Did you consider asking for help on, say,
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

Cool! Thanks. I just created an account on there. I doubt that anybody can help us with Project 6014 in time, but that could really help me hit a January 1, 2012 release date for the HD stuff. As it stands right now, the game is playable from beginning to end. It's just some aliens are just the original graphics up-scaled, and a lot are missing animations.
My biggest problem has always been finding and keeping talented people. But that's sort of a problem with any project like this. We had an awesome 3D Modeler (Tyrian on the forums), that just sorta disappeared. No E-Mail replies or anything. Fortunately, there's resources I can turn to like Dragon's models, PoNaF's model repository, and I can just create my own.
Like I've told others, before announcing this project I was determined this would not be another mod that would be announced only to have it die off. I'll get it done or die trying. So anything is just minor delays for me.
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
OOOhhh. !! That solves some problems on the RPG I'm building! Awesome!
Death 999
Global Moderator
Posts: 3875
We did. You did. Yes we can. No.
Funny you should mention that… is that alive? I haven't heard of an update in a long time.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 335
Not to get us off-topic, I will only answer shortly this one time:
I haven't done anything in the past year, but yesterday I started working on it again. I don't know if I'll ever get to finish the next chapter. I'll report more when I have something to report.
*Smell* controller
Posts: 306

I thought you guys might be interested:
One of the bio-critter lifeforms you encounter in the lander missions:

The frame count is the same as the original game. Not to actual game scale, but I like showing the detail. And if we ever go beyond the resolution, well, we have the artwork already done.
Yes, on the HD project we are even doing the bio creatures. All 23 of them. To give you an idea... with an average of 4 frames each, that's 92 drawings. Making it in 2 resolutions, that's 184 drawings. That's hundreds of hours of work. 