I was amazed at the Lurg having such good dialogue and a good ship!
Also, as other people mentioned, you can buy the same bit of information from the Melnorme over and over again.
I originally though this was a bug, but I guess the Melnorme saying "I suggest to contribute to the game..." (as in actually selling some bio-info, but I think that is encouraging players to contribute to the mod-game, right?
The magnificent artwork.
The Discoverer and the Lurg ships are great.
The fact that the ships are moving around is really nice, and I think there are actually some ships not obsessed with seeing you.
Seeing the Slylandro was wonderful.
The...uh... portly Syreen commander gave me a laugh...hehehe...
I was like : "Where's the pretty Syreen?" Oh, right, homeworld
Wow, I love all the animations and I had to go there three times!
The plot there so far is great!
The music (especially the hyperspace one)
The zooming in on the ships or the Orz portal is really nice.
The starmap is great.
The Lurg actually having a voice! A very good voice at that.
When you talk to the Syreen, one time when I asked the question about refueling, I got a small graphics glitch where it flipped around patchy looking but its gone now (sorry I can't be specific)
"Not when we have got a taste of freedom in so many a Drahn..." (Slylandro) They never tasted this freedom, so maybe:
"Not when we have got a wonderful new taste of freedom never before seen in all the Drahn we have existed!" (or something)
Maybe I'm missing something, perhaps the Precursors had helped them? Well, if so, maybe you could mention that?
Wait, isn't Zex dead? I think the dialogue kind of almost suggests he's alive.
Also, by deviant, do you mean defiant or actually deviant as in perverted one?
Zeep-Neep, not Zeep-Reep. (When you first meet a Yehat has that error)
Eh... suggestions in case you don't have a plot past the ending:
Wouldn't it be fun to have a part where you're imprisoned on a Lurg ship and need to escape with your crew? Like walking around Metroid-Fusion style :p maybe not...
Perhaps when the Slylandro say goodbye, they could say "Goodbye Human fluid sacks!" once in a while like they did in SC2? Just a suggestion.
Would it not be nice if you could refuel etcetera at a Vux station too since that's what the Hierarchy did with the Alliance members?
These you've probably heard but I don't suppose it'll hurt to say them:
The Melnorme don't have a space before the credits #.
Yeah, the Yehat appear suddenly. (after conversing with the Syreen)
Also, maybe the Yehat should have a base, too.
A thought: Are you making the Chmmr act weird? I think I read a discussion about it somewhere...
I feel like I'm intruding with all these suggestions, sorry