Topic: Project6014 demo release (Read 80353 times)
Valos Cor
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 154
Here's a thought: The Lurg ships are one of the first ships you fight against, and you have to defeat them. Why? By throwing the "toughest" (well, should be toughest) guys at the player right from the beginning, you create a backwards learning curve, where the game gets progressively easier as your ship gets upgraded, while enemy ships don't change at all. The only way you can counter this is to add even more Lurg ships, which tends to make gameplay more boring. It would be a much better idea to skip the fight entirely, or at least allow the player to escape. It would probably be best to, instead of having Lurg ships, have a probe (much like the Ur-Quan probe in SC2) circling around the planet which warns you to turn back. Yeah, so you could have different classes of ships. You know, the weakling scout/servant/ (you said it) probe that is a warning to turn back, perhaps all those ships (spoiler, but hey, if you' reading till page 7, you ought to know about the spoilers) are not scouts, but the next level up. It would make sense that they would have different types. I don't know if that's what you think its boring. If it is, I don't see why...uh, why?
I'm the kind of person that uses Linux and seems to be a very literate adult but has no idea how to do anything code-wise beyond basic stuff.(such as su -<password> yum install uqm) Except I didn't install UQM that way...I used Add/Remove Software...
Frungy champion
Posts: 77

An exotic playtest: Lurg vs. Lurg. The AI Lurg stands no chance against an aggressive player Lurg. Lurg vs. Mmrnmhrm. The Mmrnmhrm get all defensive and try to nuke the Lurg from distance. The stunner seems to be working on the missiles though. When the X-form does close in, it pounds the Prawn very heavily, but if one manages to get into a blind spot, the Lurg easily despatch the Mmrnmhrm. Lurg vs. Androsynth - another fight that ends in the Lurg's favour. The Androsyn bubbles are too slow, and the Blazer form can't even approach the Lurg because of their stun bubbles. So, overall, the Prawn in the hands of an average melee player like me is a mediocre ship, capable of defending itself from the weakest, holding its own against mediocres and suffering a heavy pounding from the strongest.
Posts: 701

I just want to apologise to anyone who had hoped to get a Linux executable for the mod. We’ve had a few issues creating one. If anyone out there is able to help with this please sing out
Valos Cor
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 154
How about REAL Metroid style (as in Metroid Zero Mission, (also known as a remake of the original) and Metroid Fusion) where you're the captain who walks around with a stunner gun, but he gets better weapon upgrades and he fights his way through different sectors of the base when (spoiler...) he is supposedly captured by the Lurg? So...Captain fights the 5 Lurg ships but he is surrounded and equipment starts to malfunction...Zelnick wakes up in the ship and all he has is his stunner. He has no idea why he is there on the station, and actually unguarded, or why he is the only one. Then, he has to stun some genetically modified soldiers as he works his way around the station, finds a genetically-whatever ship, and escapes! That would be way to hard to do. What if I put my insignificant programming "skills" to work?
I just want to apologise to anyone who had hoped to get a Linux executable for the mod. Weve had a few issues creating one. If anyone out there is able to help with this please sing out
Has anyone tried to Wine the Windows executable? I tried that with UQM extended, and it worked, even though it took a lot of processing (it was on a 1gig 1.86 or so gigahertz laptop though, Fedora 11,13) I think it would work fine with the game. Wine is awesome!
I'm the kind of person that uses Linux and seems to be a very literate adult but has no idea how to do anything code-wise beyond basic stuff.(such as su -<password> yum install uqm) Except I didn't install UQM that way...I used Add/Remove Software...
Posts: 709

Sharing is good.
Here's a thought: The Lurg ships are one of the first ships you fight against, and you have to defeat them. Why? By throwing the "toughest" (well, should be toughest) guys at the player right from the beginning, you create a backwards learning curve, where the game gets progressively easier as your ship gets upgraded, while enemy ships don't change at all. The only way you can counter this is to add even more Lurg ships, which tends to make gameplay more boring. It would be a much better idea to skip the fight entirely, or at least allow the player to escape. It would probably be best to, instead of having Lurg ships, have a probe (much like the Ur-Quan probe in SC2) circling around the planet which warns you to turn back. Yeah, so you could have different classes of ships. You know, the weakling scout/servant/ (you said it) probe that is a warning to turn back, perhaps all those ships (spoiler, but hey, if you' reading till page 7, you ought to know about the spoilers) are not scouts, but the next level up. It would make sense that they would have different types. I don't know if that's what you think its boring. If it is, I don't see why...uh, why?  Actually, I wasn't talking about classes, but a sort of security drone that you just converse with, like the Ur-Quan probe you meet at the beginning of SC2.
This way, you would land on the planet, against the probe's warning, and discover the ship below, only to be ambushed by a huge swarm of Lurg ships. Essentially, the idea is to keep it as it is now, but eliminate the fight with the Lurg The probe would also make it more obvious that it's the planet you're looking for.
Oh, and just a thought: I think the strange alien on the SC2 box art (which became the "Lurg") is either a Kohr-Ah or the original Ur-Quan.