Ok so about 4 of years ago a friend of mine introduced me to those joke magic cards from the unhinged set. At the time i was heavy into Freelancer and made a card game out of the images in that game. As my own joke, I made some joke cards i gave to players with the digital set and this was one of them.
never let a nerd get too bored
Of course there are fates worse then death......after all.....you could always make me angry
Freelancer...I just looked that up and it seems like a great game! Thanks for the (inadvertent) referral!
Its pretty neat (the card) - whatever spreads the word of the Ur-Quan!!!
P.S. I meant it to sound like a cult or a religion
I'm the kind of person that uses Linux and seems to be a very literate adult but has no idea how to do anything code-wise beyond basic stuff.(such as su -<password> yum install uqm) Except I didn't install UQM that way...I used Add/Remove Software...