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Author Topic: my sc3 (what if)  starting story  (Read 7572 times)
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my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« on: February 06, 2003, 09:29:50 pm »

if i was in charge of the story, and im sure some of u thank god im not, this would be how id go about makeing my version of it...

ok first off let me say that the story so far up untill now has delt with our induction into space  the other races in our part of the galaxy and strait into a war that we lost.

next we free ourselves by twist of luck and bring down two races bent on either our destruction or our enslavement. along the way we learn some interesting stuff that explain much of why the war started and how it was drawn out and meet some new races and loose one. so my next (guess) that the next story should deal with who what how and why of the precursors and tiying up loose ends in sc2

1: the mk 2 mentioned at the end of sc2 should be the focal point for at least the first half of the story. its location i dont think was ever mentioned so i thought to have it be located on earth.(earth u say? but how?) remember what the ur quan did before they raised the shield over earth. first they blew up every man made structure 500 yrs or older, then they started shooting at places that didnt have any real importance. i *suggest* that the mk2 was buried in the antartic and the ur quan never went deep enough with there shot but thought they did. after all they were in a hurry to getr back to there little war, things could be over looked. plus while your off saving this side of the galaxy i gotta give something to for the earthlings stuck on earth. so now they do some researth and yes we get to see for the first time what a precursor looks like( and please no more cows) and id also include new star charts plus a added bonus a nofuntioning portal spawner that not only does true space, hyper space and quasi space but all 9? easy places.
this all would tie in later but for now u gotta get that damn thing working so time to set out and reviset old friends and see just if all dust has setteled or not.(more to come)...

Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2003, 03:24:23 am »

I don't know, NEMT, I'm pretty sure that a game like that would suck.  Tongue
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2003, 03:43:03 am »

How about this;
The Captain has had enough of space exploration and goes to be a marine, where he experiments on dimensional transporters!
He has to rage through 32 single player levels and 6 deathmatch levels of sheer terror and fully immersive sound and lighting. Arm himself against the cannibalistic Ogre, fiendish Vore and indestructible Schambler using letal nails, fierce Thunderbolts and abominable Rocket and Grenade Launchers.

You could call it.. Star Quaker 3
« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 03:43:41 am by Censored » Logged

"You boldly enter our space! Approach this Dreadnought as though it were a recreation base and then play the dumb hominid?
Who do you take us for, Captain... Spathi!?"
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2003, 02:19:12 pm »

I'd go something like:

After the war is over, erevything has finally settled down into it's normal pace. Now, YOU, the Captain get to design your own life instead of worrying your head with interstellar affairs!

Design your own house! Send your Simulated Captain off to work during the days, and then have parties with your alien friends during evenings! Be sure to get enough sleep, food and social interaction or your captain will not be a happe captain!

By amazing new addons for your house, such as the Vortex Spawner (for inviting those little Arilou buddies over for Chess), the Spawning pit (breed your own Ilwrath and sel lthem for a profit!) and the Wrestling ring (When you really wanna RRUMMBLEE with your Traddash mates!).

And the best part is... The game never ends! Your Captain never ages! everything is happy, as long as you bring in the money!

Alternatively, play as Fwiffo and hide behind the Sofa...

and the name? Simcontrol 3!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2003, 02:19:46 pm by Lukipela » Logged

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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2003, 09:41:14 pm »

You are a maverick starship Captain, looking to make your way in the universe...take command of your mighty Precursor vessel and make a name for yourself in this highly anticipated sequel!

Perform jobs for the Melnorme and Druuge as you earn credits hand over fist and rise through the ranks!

Ensure the safety of the Spathi in this harsh, cruel reality in exchange for a nominal "protection" fee!

Recover your health by participating in dalliances with the beautiful Syreen!

"Borrow" any of the myriad of alien vessels in the game, and use them on your missions!  Utilize advanced alien technology to rampage across hundreds of civilized planets!

Fry aliens at will!  Dismember the Vux!  Behold the carnage!

Steal precious minerals from the weak Slylandro and ZoqFotPik, or move on to more dangerous foes such as the Yehat!  Hold the last member of the Shofixti race hostage to subjugate the Yehat to your will!

Evade capture by the Ur-Quan masters!  Beware retribution by the Chmmr, or make them an offer they can't refuse!

Obscond with Spathi vessels by holding cucumbers to their heads!

Grand Theft Starship:  Sin Galaxy!  Coming Chrismas '03.
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2003, 09:55:44 pm »

While mediating an argument between the Arilou and orz, the captain is trapped in a bizarre dimension with no apparent living inhabitants, but which the Androsynth passed through. In order to escape, he must decode the strange puzzles they left, and restore various devices to working order. At the end, meet the ORZ entity in its home space and realize the futility of its self-absorbed existence and eternal struggle with the Arilou.

Myst Control 3? bad name...

This contains a subgame, brought from the Zoq-Fot-Pik homeworld:
The Kohr-Ah are bombarding your planet! Deflect the blades into neat piles so they don't destroy your cities

Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2003, 10:13:17 pm »

The proverbial horse might be dead, but here goes Smiley :

The Crimson Corporation has taken control of Alliance matters.  In a world run by ruthless meat barons, your entire race is about to become pie filling ... Unless you can escape Rupture Farms and make it through the most inexplicably challenging gameplay in the known universe. Communicate with real characters. Possess and blow away your enemies. Solve wicked situations.

Call it, Odd Control: Captain's Oddysee.
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #7 on: February 08, 2003, 12:04:59 am »

I believe this thread was really intended to be serious, so here's one thing I'd do:

Early into the game the Captain runs into a Tumbling Red Probe:
We Come In Peace
Most people who have played SC2 will blow this thing apart without blinking.
If they do, they'll have a fleet of vengeful probes after them (see below).

If the Captain talks to it, he'll find out that the probe _is_ functioning, but that it is being used for transportation by a new race who bought the probe from the Melnorme.  They realized that they could fit inside the probes and use them for Hyperspace travel.
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #8 on: February 08, 2003, 04:23:33 am »

Star Control 3: Super Arilou Brothers
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #9 on: February 08, 2003, 10:36:20 am »

Star Control: The Gathering

Oh God, please don't let me die today!  Tomorrow would be SO much better!
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2003, 01:17:51 pm »

Watch the son of Zelnick take over, along with his faithful sidekick,s, the fwiffo triplets.

Star Control : The Next Generation

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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2003, 04:47:49 am »

Bit corny but what the hell

Star Con IV A New Human
Star Con V  The Hierachy Strikes Back
Star Con VI Return of the Precursors
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2003, 02:53:28 pm »

Then I suppsoe we're quite aptly at Starcontrol 2 : Attack of the fans right now. And We've successfully meade it past Starcontrol 1 : The Accolade Menace

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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #13 on: February 10, 2003, 06:04:07 pm »

lol funny, very funny all you little comedians out there. every thought of stand up instead of video games? not really what i intended for this post to generate but funny none the less. points to lukipela for making me laugh the hardest with simcontrol3. fwiffo hides behind the sofa =laughs again=

i was going to post some more on this idea but it seems you guys are not interested. instead i have a better idea. take my first post here and really build on it. what i means is: someone  posts an idea to expanded the story i wrote based on someones last post. example: i left off say the captain is going out with the mk2 in our part of space, you pick up from there and write what u like and then some writes from your last post and picks up from there and so on. it might be fun. if not im done with this topic, thanks for all the funny comments. good sence of humor out there. =]
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Re: my sc3 (what if)  starting story
« Reply #14 on: February 10, 2003, 09:55:57 pm »

Sounds good to me, but I might be prejudiced seeing as I've got all those lovely points Smiley

Ok, so we've found the Mark II, we know what precursors look like, we've got a Starmap that's a whole lot bigger than before, and more Quasispace portals. The problem would be to tie all of this into the story, exploring is fun, but there generally has to be some sort of purpose to it...

Perhaps at the beginning, you're nothing more than a bit of a diplomat? You'r sent out to bring word of the Alliance to other races, unknown to you before? The Yehat, Pkunk, Arilou, Utwig and Supox might all know of races outside your reach that might be cruel and barbaric, and needs to see the light of the Alliance. Or maybe they mention they' lost contact with some neighbours bout when the war started. So for a while at least you cruise around breaking slaveshields, and recording the histories of exterminated species. You might find a battle Thrall or two who is trying to muscle in now that the Quans are gone. However, after a a bit of this, you find something different. A Slave Shield that is heavily guarded by rogue Kzwer-Za. they refuse to permity you to pass, and you fight your way through. Only when you open the slaveshield do you realize thefolly of your actions, for you have unleashed.... Well ,that's for someone else to think of.

What's up doc?
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