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Topic: Off topic with apologies. (Read 4836 times)
Toys for Bob
Zebranky food
Posts: 22

Hello all,
I apologize for the misuse of this forum, but TFB is looking to hire another programmer and I thought I would give the members of this forum some advanced notice. Something much like the following information will appear on Gamasutra:
Requirements: C/C++ Console experience (PS2, GameCube, XBOX in order of importance) Self-motivated, flexible, self-managing, problem solver Willing to work with middleware as well as in-house tools to accelerate the development cycle Capable of and interested in working on a broad range of game systems (e.g. AI, collision, rendering, etc.). Ability to work closely with artists and designers as well as the programming staff Useful Experience: 3D programming Intrinsic Alchemy 3DSMax, Maya
Any inquiries should be sent to
Thanks, Fred
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 150

::grin:: Good place to look...but I don't know if anybody here has console experience.
*Many bubbles*
Posts: 179

does whatever a spider can
I could, um, pretend to know how to use those things!
Scott Irving
OMG I know photoshop and 3dsmax!! (and lots of other graphics programs, learning maya) LOL..
Well besides that im learning C and C++
Karel++? Corel? -(booyah for the Canadian company, to bad adobe's products are just better)
p.s. visit XR: the SC movie project at the pages of now and forever! (ok, yes it's blatent advertising)
Scott Irving
Ah ok thx.. Karel++ hehe anyway...
Nathan Coulson
well, that rules me out.
no console experience.
done some OpenGL from college, did some C/C++ [some in college, now trying to learn more on my own].
that, and I have no time with college and Arby's.
Zebranky food

Posts: 3

Bah, I remember Karel++. It's not such a bad teaching tool for the very basics, one just wishes it'd be a bit more extensive.
BTW for anyone who's wondering Karel's a little BS computer language and it has this editor thing where you make a world and there's a little robot that can move around, and pick up and put down these little things, and you "program" the little pretend robot to do things, like getting out of a maze by telling him to follow one wall until he's out, re-arranging the beeper things into varrying patterns, etc. It's a lot easier get a feel for how things are working. Seeing the robot zoom off in the wrong direction and fall off the edge of his little world makes it easier to understand what's wrong with your method instead of, "PARAMETER TYPE MISMATCH!" or the like.
Too bad I don't have nearly enough C++ experience, I haven't worked with it for years now.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2003, 05:21:21 am by Fencer_Naiad »
O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon Which monthly changes in her circled orb Lest thy love prove likewise variable
David R. Snider
By console experience, I believe we're all assuming you mean console development. If you just mean experience using said consoles, that's an entirely different matter for many of us.
I'm still working through a CS degree at present, but the opportunity is sorely tempting. I've gone through some rigorous C++ training so far, but I haven't played with any development platforms outside of UNIX.
I know I'm not nearly qualified enough, but I'm here. 
- Dave S.
Dan Kelly
I have experience with consoles, I only have experience with the PS2 though, if your interested email me,
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